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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. One of my high school coaches was affectionately called Jesus Jack. ahahaa This is an example of how we focus on the wrong things. Instead of focusing on the education, we instead make a big deal over a coach praying. Instead of being worried about our kids falling behind scholastically, we concentrate on pronouns. Bill Maher did a show on how China is passing us by as world leader because of our silly sense of wokeness. This nonsense with the coach is a prime example of losing focus on what's important.
  2. So when sale was made your daughters name was put on deed. I'm assuming the mother also signed as guardian. I just want to make sure land will stay 100% daughter's property and no loans can be made and land can't be sold, Until she reaches legal age and she can do as she pleases.
  3. Thanks for your input. Just seems highly complicated from my view.
  4. So, who signed the papers? I can't read Thai or understand enough to be clear on what goes on during sale. Did his mother not also have to sign papers as guardian?
  5. Not sure, cost like 300 thb for one pill by weight of dog, we cut in half cause our dog is like 2.5 K and give once a month.
  6. We give our small dog a monthly pill (chewable) from the vet. No ticks.
  7. Our EP school still requires masks. I'm sure the Minister of Education sets the rules for all schools.
  8. Before Covid there was no mask wearing in my area on Mb's, now there is even with the new rules.
  9. Yep, I saw it on TV this morning. Gang beatings is ingrained in their DNA.
  10. My daughter showed me how to do this off her phone with AIS. Powered my laptop and the TV during a day when our wifi didn't work.
  11. I'm wanting to buy 2 rai of bare land for our daughter 10 yrs old. I'm wanting to make sure the daughter controls the title, so if the mother has to sign also I'm concerned the mother will control the title and not the daughter. Any advice.......
  12. Pence is nobody just like AOC is nobody. I have all the confidence sound minds will prevail.
  13. There's a few nuts in both baskets. This all just scare mongering.
  14. Funny, I'm always proud to be an American and I wasn't born there. You have to decide who you are when the line gets drawn.
  15. I've seen threads on this in the past, can't locate them. So, I want to buy some land and put in minor daughter's name only. Anybody have experience on paper signing. Can a minor be only name or is a parent signature required?
  16. If anyone thinks these dog whistle scare tactics is going to sway voters away from caring about their pocketbook come mid terms will work? I can only laugh.
  17. Seems to me if you don't like the laws of one state you are free to move. Much like folks are fleeing Ca due to high taxes.
  18. Will the lard assed foreigners who take up real estate on the walkway with chairs and ice chest also be evicted? You know who you are at Soi 7.
  19. Terrible comparison, an innocent life and a convicted murderer not the same in my sane world.
  20. Please post evidence where the pill is going to be banned. I'm curious
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