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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. The AR-15 .223 bullet is common size among hunting rifles. State laws regulate the magazine capacity for guns. Modified, custom high capacity magazines are available. Handguns use smaller bullet but is the weapon of choice used in a majority of mass shootings. So where do you start? And where does it end? Folks know if any one harsh gun law passes it's just the beginning. Again, there's 400 million guns out there.
  2. People throw the term "gun legislation" around, but what would that entail ? Are we going to ban AR-15s? And if so, why? Well maybe because they're scary looking, or because they carry the name assault weapon or maybe because they're semi-automatic. And what about the millions already in the public hands? Now let's say we are able to ban AR15's what's next? Well regular hunting rifles uses the same ammo and come in semi-auto models and are just as deadly. Handguns are the weapon of choice for most mass shooters. What about them? 400 million guns already in use in the USA. That's a staggering amount, what kind of gun legislation would make them go away. A term our VP likes to use is "root cause". What is the root cause of school shootings?
  3. But I thought Australis had strict gun laws, surely this can't be happening.
  4. I stated a fact not a solution. No normal, sane person would ever do a mass shooting. I don't believe any gun laws will have any effect on stopping this kind of evil.
  5. 393 million registered guns in the USA. Only an idiot thinks a few gun laws will help these school shootings.
  6. When did the rules changes, my SS benefits have been direct deposited into Bangkok Bank for a year now and I have an ATM for the account. I guess I asked too soon.
  7. With 401K plans you have choices to a degree but mainly I'm all in or I'm out. Too late now to pull out, riding the storm is only option for me.
  8. That's all you have. You beat the same drum to death, while not addressing the topic. Morons who raise kids so screwed up they demand to be addressed by specific pronouns are the problem.
  9. Referring to someone as "he or she" is now offensive to the alphabet society. I find it hard to believe folks who believe in this can ever be a productive member of mainstream society.
  10. When I fly I always wear compression socks. I bought mine in a hospital supply store usd $70.00 for 1 pair. No more swollen ankles on a long flight. Not easy to put on but well worth it.
  11. What's troubling is 3 kids in trouble for using proper English. That's it, they refused to use improper pronouns. Stop the insanity.
  12. Thank you for sharing, now what's your view on sexual harassment charges filed against grade schoolers for using the wrong pronoun? I bet you've never come against anything so crazy during your kids school years. I raised one kid in the US and used private schools then.......... for a better education. Now, it would be to avoid the craziness of public education.
  13. How is my question troll baiting, either you agree with made up mandatory pronouns or you don't. Very simple.
  14. While the Thai joints on the bypass are open.
  15. Now that covid restrictions are dwindling applying for SS in the states and setting up your online account is a real good idea.
  16. You can't just sweep these stories under a rug and pretend they aren't happening.
  17. So now the trans community gets to change the English language. And you think it's just the far right who objects to this? Any clear thinking adult will object to this regardless of political affiliation. The schools are afraid of being called all the "ist" names so they go along with this farce.
  18. You didn't address the article, at least do that. Do you agree or disagree with the article. Should people be forced to use certain pronouns?
  19. So, do you agree or disagree with the kids getting in trouble for not using correct pronoun or, or are you saying it's all a lie. And, never happened?
  20. Three students at a Wisconsin middle school are facing allegations of sexual harassment under Title IX after they repeatedly refused to use "they/them" pronouns when addressing a fellow student. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/wisconsin-middle-schoolers-accused-of-sexual-harassment-for-using-wrong-pronouns/ar-AAXf87p I have a kid in Thailand and I'd rather educate her here in Thailand then subject her to the loonie tunes in USA. Better education my as*.
  21. It could be the OP's sensitive nature. People have to move about, get over it. if you're noise sensitive you shouldn't live in a condo/
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