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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I take it you've never worked nights, not saying this guy did but I can tell you from years of working nights the drive home in the morning was a killer. I had to pull over alot of times to take a nap.
  2. Couldn't they at least pick up all the MT bottles and keep their drinking den clean.
  3. As a single guy, no car just a MB living in Patts area on 30 K thb/mo I'b be just fine. Nice condo with pool/gym close to beach, a trip to a soapy now and again, what's so bad? Cook at home mostly, a few beers around town, yeah life would be good.
  4. That's a no brainer, of course the low income folks should look elsewhere besides the US. Even if you have a house to return to you've got Insurance, taxes, upkeep, crazy utility prices. The only reason I could see for returning is medical care.
  5. This is a University professor mind you, blame everything on White supremacy. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/may/21/white-supremacy-causes-black-citizens-to-commit-an/
  6. Bought my first house at age 23, was paying somewhere in the 15% interest rate. Makes no difference whether you're a returning expat or never left. I've got family who though making decent money remained renters forever and never saved. Now, retired all they have is SS.
  7. There's zero attempt to be personal, it's a generalization. How do I know anything about your situation? You're the one who started this topic. I agree rents have increased to an absurd amount in some areas like Bay Area for one. More absurd than before but have always been high. Which has had a serious effect on prices in the Central Valley. Your topic is about expats going back home to stay is it not? If you can't afford to buy or rent a place, then maybe a person will have to rent a room in a house which is popular. Buy a cheap RV and stay in an RV park which can be done for $300-400/mo. Stay with family or friends, get a part time job, all kinds of things a person can do to return.
  8. Folks have had 50 yrs of working to have some sort of plan, something. When are the retirees going to take a little responsibility for the choices they made throughout their lives. But, it's easier to blame others for our mistakes. Yes, rent is high. A returning expat may need to choose a location that they perhaps don't like, too bad. You know all those new cars you bought, buy lunches every day at work, spend spend spend. i didn't. If you've worked your whole life as a US citizen and at the end of your days all you have is SS, you were spending too much without a thought for tomorrow.
  9. It's the same every year this time, same. I can't or won't even take my dog for a walk on the beach it's so nasty now. It's the Thai mentality not to care about the trash, you'll have food carts with tables along the beach and they won't so much as ever clean up the beach to make it more enjoyable for customers. As long as a selfie can be taken showing the water and not the trash. How about some clean up before the islands of trash hit the shores as it does every year this time.
  10. Who would want to buy an 18 yr old Jazz unless it was reallll cheap. If it was me I'd take it to a dealer and take whatever.
  11. You'd have to pay alot to live in one of those boxes.
  12. Forget the name of bar attached to the Delmon Hotel, they had a good live filipino band. The Thai hookers were chased off by the Chinese girls. So many hookers you had to chase them off the bar seats. So many old, ugly chinese mercenary hookers.
  13. Krystal Guerra's Miami apartment has a tiny kitchen, cracked tiles, warped cabinets, no dishwasher and hardly any storage space. That describes where I live, oh the horror, no dishwasher. All joking aside, while I'll agree rent is crazy high some locations, the mindset of people is to live in a large place. https://www.outsidethebeltway.com/size_of_average_american_house_doubled_since_1950s/#:~:text=Despite having ever-smaller families%2C the size of the,1950s%3B it now stands at 2%2C349 square feet. When we moved location in Thailand we rented an "Apartment" which is basically a hotel room for 4,000 thb/mo There are 3 of us. The manager lived nextdoor in a room the same size with 4 people. I know most people in the US would think the world was so unfair if a family of 3-4 had to live in one small room.
  14. https://rod.kaidee.com/product-364868341 https://img.kaidee.com/prd/20220218/364868341/m/f6525a7b-a7c5-437f-9317-6915d980828a.jpg 229K
  15. They don't drink any alcohol or dip into brass. I've worked in Bahrain and the Saudis would come into Bahrain on the weekends for drinking and the abundance of ladies Wink, wink. These guys would maintain apartments in Bahrain so when Ramadan came around they would go to their well stocked villas for fun.
  16. So now you're comparing Nicaragua with the USA. As stated before don't make this political,
  17. If you didn't want to hear the music you wouldn't get a room then would you?
  18. The common dominator is money. Money, money, money.
  19. Foamy ear plugs would be helpful as stated before by others.
  20. You forgot out of control illegal crossings, but you knew that. Not going to respond to your baiting post any further. papa is watching
  21. It's usually the folks with low funds who name call the USA because they are unable financially to relocate back to their home country, which by the way is still awesome (the USA I mean)
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