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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. It's a distinct possibility the OP has a nice amount of money and can have a better quality of life in the USA.
  2. In the early 90"s I had one of those, battery pack required a large bag.
  3. I recently returned from a trip to Ca. I keep a car in storage there, a V-8 hemi and 65-70USD everytime I gassed up. Hotel in a small farming town was $100/nt at a Motel 6. Closer to $200/nt for nicer place. In a tourist city it would be closer to $300/nt for nice room. Homelessness was rampant. Have to pick certain Walmarts that had middleclass customers. While I look forward to future trips to USA to do some cross country driving and exploring, I miss the upperscale gym in Ca. that doesn't cost too much. I'm fortunate as I was able to keep my International BC/BS health ins from old job. But living in Thailand certainly has it's charm.
  4. Attached to a 100kg block of cement of course.
  5. But when you drink, how much do you drink? I don't like restricting myself to days per week, I'd rather enjoy a few, not more than 4 small beers everyday. I don't live in Patts but like to ride into town sometimes and have some beers here and there in the daytime. I can see how easy it would be to perhaps start drinking too much with all the beer bars you have.
  6. I don't like drinking before bedtime as it gives me a headache, I don't have a schedule like many here have posted. Don't drink hard liquor, just beer and wine. I'd drink more wine than beer if it was cheaper. Just got a bottle of Cab Sav from Tesco fresh for 399thb. When you retire here I think drinking can very sneakily become a daily habit. I've kind of limited myself to 4 small beers a day as a rule....usually.
  7. You could limit the drinks and enjoy everyday.
  8. Me, I use a spray bottle with some kind of cleaner that will give a bubble as you spray over fittings. Always after hooking same bottle back up.
  9. Mine wants to gamble and get p#$ed.
  10. Very adult like, it's good to have limitations.
  11. Nothing like cannabis dreams, or so my friend tells me. What's benzos?
  12. Mine cleans the floors and does laundry, it'd be cheaper to hire a maid and hit the soapy now and again. I forked up.
  13. A bit of cannabis works well, or so I've been told by a friend.
  14. Are you a proper gentleman who doesn't imbibe alcoholic beverages till sundown or one who likes a morning beer, only occasionally of course. I have fond memories of having bailey's and brandy in my coffee over a fire in the morning while camping, good times. It's 1150 here in between rain and sunshine in beautiful Thailand and I'm on my second beer, bout right.
  15. You sure the 40K isn't just a down payment, ahahhaaa
  16. If you're paying for a full respray and replace some moldings, I don't think there's much meat left on the bone. I think you're off the mark thinking the whole job only cost 25,000thb.
  17. I take it you've never tried just going to immigration to ask questions. ????
  18. Man if I owned the Honda CRV which is in the 1.6M thb range and a tenant through his carelessness caused my car too look like the pics, I'd want a first class paint job with all the molding replaced. I just had a truck's rear quarter panel body work, paint done and replace tail light, cost 14,000thb. The 50,000thb probably isn't too far off the mark.
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