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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. A trailer doesn't just come off the 5th wheel by itself unless it was never properly seated but then how did the trailer stay attached? hmmm
  2. As stated before get a fan and stop making a big deal of it. TIT baby.
  3. If the foreigner has caused the accident it would have been stated. Just from the photo you can make a calculated guess.
  4. I just did mine in Chonburi, they want a printed copy of that Training Certificate. When you go there (outside desk) to make appointment they will give you a list of what's needed. Had my appointment for 0900. Gave all paperwork to the outside desk, they gave me a number for 0930 (upstairs) do the color test, stick test, when you pay they give you a number, go outside take pic, get license while waiting outside. Whole process was like 90 min.
  5. I've bought a Stanley pressure washer, ratchet and socket set. What's the saw for steel or wood?
  6. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/New York minute ahahaaaaa
  7. Chill, have a beer, Archa right? I don't know enough about the different brand names to have an informative opinion, I'm buying middle of the road prices and hope for the best. Buying my own tools to do my own work doesn't ooze mega bucks now does it?
  8. Life's too short to try so hard to get thee absolute cheapest tool that will get the job done. If 3,000 tbh will make or break you for the month then go for the cheapest. For me 3,000tbh doesn't mean much if I feel better about not buying the cheapest. I bought a 1800 tbh weed whacker, if and when I buy another it will be a 4 stroke Honda at about 8,000tbh, Why?? because I can.
  9. Don't you get tired of buying cheap, I do. Kind of a self respect thing.
  10. Note to self - Take a last pee before I leave the bar. 88 yo and still out and about. OG will have a story to tell.
  11. I'm sure you'll get some of the guys out partying. Plus their should be a few civilian support ships with money to blow.
  12. "I have a dream" Where cannibus and beer or wine could live together harmoniously. Used in moderate combination it's delightful. I remember in high school I never saw pot never, now there were these 2 guys who sat behind me in Algebra class who everyday when they walked in they brought this rank and sour smelling odor with them. I simply thought it was bad hygiene, ahahaaa. Whoops, wrong thread????
  13. Thank you for translating American terms. Projects basically means the ghetto, slums, drug infested apartments. A term fondly talked about by "rap artists) Projects = "the hood" aka "hood rat"
  14. A notary can be obtained at your Embassy. I recently sold some land in the USA and went to Embassy to have papers (my signature) notarized.
  15. You get screwed over by enough people and THIS starts to be a good idea. This guy snapped because he'd had enough, I've been there, well not "There" obviously because I've never killed anyone. Has anyone here not wanted to do serious bodily harm to someone????
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