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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. He added that the government is working to address the impact of climate change by reducing emissions in the transportation, farming and industrial sectors. However, he emphasized that these actions will not succeed without international support. International support is code for "we want other's to pay for it"
  2. Steam room and sauna is mandatory.
  3. Trump is what keeps the media working. Without Trump heading the news people might actually take note on the important issues. And that would be just boring. face it Trump sells.
  4. Good luck with that, I pay more just for an oil change at BQuick
  5. So what part about it being better for a kid to be raised by a father and mother is wrong?
  6. I'll let dealership do their thing till warranty ends. 30K km is when mine is scheduled for trans and diff oil change.
  7. 2022 Isuzu MUX 3.0L oil change is first 10K km.
  8. For animals it's pretty forking simple. Humans just got to complicate things.
  9. I use teflon tape on the flex hose. For some places it's such a pain in the a## to get to that I don't want to take a chance on having to redo the job.
  10. Thanks, I wasn't really sure if it's cool to show both passports. I can't take anything for granted anymore.
  11. Was wondering - When I take my kid to USA for visit and we depart US for return to Thailand. Usually without a visa an onward ticket is needed at the check in. I have a visa but what about my kid. Upon leaving US my kid uses her US passport. If they ask for her onward ticket? Do we show her Thai passport as well?
  12. I just figured the beach side had the big side walk for walking.
  13. That's me to a tee.
  14. Personally I don't think it's a big deal about the parking. Walk the beach side and problem solved. But, I also understand we all have some pet peeves about how things operate here in Thailand. I know I dislike some petty things as well.
  15. Pattaya is just a reference point of the area. I agree there are better nearby areas.
  16. Well if Rolling Stones says so it must be true. ????
  17. It was the ipad not being allowed to be stored in front office that got me. Anyway, just a head's up for anyone else that has anything besides a cel phone on hand.
  18. I took my kid and her mother to get the kid her US passport renewed, I know cels get kept at the desk but never thought about the kid having an Ipad. It's appointment time and we're told the ipad cannot enter the building. There's a place nearby that will store bags we were told. 25 minutes later we're able to enter. My gripe is the fact that the ipad in a small bag couldn't be kept there the same as cel phones. Man I really dislike that forking place. Wanding my little kid like a terrorist really got me.
  19. 83 billion spent on training which started way before Trump.
  20. When a single guy retires on a regular type supply of funds, some of the things you might look for are affordable rent, abundance of food choices, activities, decent public transportation. Pattaya tics all the boxes. You don't have to frequent WS, soi 6. Lots of other type places to enjoy a drink and meet up with friends.
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