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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I asked a simple yes or no question, go troll elsewhere. Your infatuation with me is charming.
  2. I worked with Blacks constantly for years, we didn't use the term African American, we said the black guy, the white guy, the Filipino. But in the woke community it's African American
  3. You posted zero evidence, So, your claim is a white person can not be African American? Is that your stance? It's a simple yes or no question.
  4. My co-worker did as I stated at the hospital at time of birth about 13 yrs ago. Are you saying his child was not listed as African American? Are you saying Elon Musk isn't African American?
  5. In the US blacks like the term African American, I've never heard the term African Canadian. huh, never thought of it.
  6. Myself I don't know much about him except he's rich, apparently he's not only the richest man in the world, but born in South Africa and a US Citizen he's African American. Many will disagree on that. A white co-worker of mine had his child's birth certificate show baby is African American because the white mother was born in Africa. He told the story of the resistance of personnel to do so. He did it so when baby applied for college someday she could get the preference for being African American.
  7. I don't need a 7 seater either, only 3 of us normally. If you can park a small car you can park a larger one. I like the sound of a diesel, and I figure the engine has a longer life. Although the Civic RS is what I really like. The E scooter thing makes me wonder......Why?
  8. I don't believe longer warranties always guarantees quality. My thought is it's a sales tactic to build business, repairing under warranty is cost of doing business to increase sales. Just my thought, personally I'd not buy an MG. We're probably mostly retired here, some buy MG because they say they can't justify spending more. My thought is if you can comfortably afford a better name brand auto, get it. I'm looking at the Isuzu MUX for 1.5M 2x4 3.0 diesel. Why? Do I need it? No, but going to buy it anyway because I can.
  9. Please show me the Republican leaders (anti vax agenda) advising folks not to get vaccinated. Bet you can't. They may not be in favor of forced vaccinations. You're just sounding off, hoping the uneducated libs will hear the dog whistle.
  10. I'm a cash man, I love money, I'm not afraid to carry it. You say paying with QR code is easier, just wondering how you figure paying with cash is harder or less convenient. Having a pocket full of cash makes me feel good. Go to ATM pull out 20K, spend, repeat. Easy peasy
  11. There are products to halt the growth of algae. If you do coat the pond flush the water many times or fish could die due to toxic water.
  12. I was a big Breaking Bad fan, I'd say BCS is as good if not better.
  13. It's no different in the US. Asian community thrives whereas the black community only cries racism.
  14. Those of us who actually live in Thailand don't need evidence to know this is true.
  15. Did it cross your mind that your mannerism was dickish, but you automatically pick the race card.
  16. I'm intrigued, what is that? Yes I can read, but what kind of meat is that?
  17. I was a part timer same as you for a good 11 yrs, retired just before covid. Anyway just spent 2 yrs solid here in Thailand. As you I was getting restless, recently left Thailand for a month. Couldn't wait to return to Thailand. In the US things just seemed different, tent cities everywhere, traffic was worse and seemed to move much faster, price of gas was horrendous, crappy motels were $100. minimum with weekend rates $150. was normal for a lower end room, fast food joints couldn't have seated dining because they couldn't find workers. As I returned to my somewhat boring (simple) life in Thailand I give thanks.
  18. Sounds like control freaks to me, hard to believe they've mutated from Vikings to namby pambies.
  19. I had a one day overstay, just pay the 500 baht fine at airport and be on your way. No big deal.
  20. Been driving for 2 yrs with the hot patch, due to age it's time for some new ones and some new rims to spruce up the old girl.
  21. I'm running with one plugged and one had a screw through sidewall area and needed a hot patch. Bout 4 yrs old and I'll replace all 4 when I do anything.
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