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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I pride myself in making the slow posters feel better about themselves.
  2. Seems he's still living in your limited amount of grey matter.
  3. You must be the pasty white skinny .#unt I saw scurrying about
  4. She did that all my herself.
  5. It's the liberal to blame for Harris losing. If from the beginning Biden didn't run for 2nd term and a real democratic election had taken place where the smart candidate would have said enough is enough with the present liberal agenda of all the "woke" policies like tampons in boys restrooms, DEI hiring, drag queen story hour for kids. A candidate who was against Biden reversing Trump's border policies. Instead of a candidate who stated she wouldn't change any of Biden's policies. "Nothing comes to mind" Do you honestly believe Trump won because they like him? After all he's been through for 8 yrs with the frivolous lawsuits thrown at him hoping they could wear him out and he still ran a strong campaign. You have to respect that in a leader.
  6. First I want to congratulate you on your keen ability to detect sarcastic. The man whom you seek is a ginormous blow hard. I do find humor in his words though.
  7. You could try wearing a mask full time outdoors and in public places. That's kind of a no brainer.
  8. Gamma Globulin comes to mind. Eerily similar.
  9. Please tell that to the millions of illegals swarming across the border.
  10. You gave us Crocodile Dundee and Fosters......congrats
  11. Please stop. Trump is just getting their attention. It's time for the southern countries to help stop the flow of illegals.
  12. Pretty funny how when you are new to all this online garbage you start to take things seriously. I, myself have stormed out a few times only to return a new man, if you get the drift. If you do return a new man, I'd suggest using a different device when setting up your new account.
  13. There are so many variables to this that it's incomprehensible as to how it would work. In 15 yrs of making Thailand my main place with 5 yrs here full time I've never met one foreigner who filed taxes. The subject has never come up. Why is that? I've been chastised and ridiculed for stating it's a ploy to drum up business for so called Tax experts. Besides our US 1040 form the folks here will need to deal with dozens of other countries and their tax forms. Now, I can understand tax refugees, foreigners with huge amounts of money invested in Thailand, Thais who work overseas. These people should be the first to be scrutinized. But, to suggest the run of the mill retiree here is going to be hauled in for not paying tax is absurdly ludicrous.
  14. Growing up in Calif back in the day the pickers traveled with the crops. Their families stayed in Mexico. The pickers could make double min wage if they were fast. There was no Mexican Stores. When crops were over they returned to their families.
  15. https://nypost.com/2024/11/06/us-news/fuming-joe-scarborough-blames-racism-misogyny-among-black-and-hispanic-voters-for-harris-loss/ What is great is that Trump won votes from across the range of race, age and sex.
  16. Please walk me through this. When I renew my extension at Immigration they will have access to my taxes from my home country automatically? And, they will then detain me till I pay? I'm speechless.
  17. https://www.jbsa.mil/News/News/Article/2047127/with-the-stroke-of-a-pen-us-space-force-becomes-a-reality/ JOINT BASE ANDREWS, Maryland – President Donald J. Trump signed into law Dec. 20 the sprawling, $738 billion defense bill, making history by creating the Space Force as a stand-alone, sixth branch of the U.S. military and guaranteeing for the first time 12 weeks of paid parental leave for federal workers.
  18. That right there is city miles, yikes.
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