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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Today's liberal isn't the same animal as we knew in the past. They have become the fun police. Demand made up pronouns be used, boys can use the girls bathrooms, drag queen story hour.
  2. Ole Joe did a good performance as a statue for 30 sec. You decide. Maybe he's practicing to be a street performer, cover himself in silver paint. https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-freeze-video-juneteenth-event-white-house-questions-republicans-rnc-1911050
  3. I don't really care about the actors personal beliefs but DeNiro is pushing it. Some say Ton Cruise is an idiot, I don't care, I like his movies.
  4. Man, bunches of guys here trying to convince themselves that ladyboys are women and a little bit of dick now and again isn't gay. Who'd a thought. Whatever floats your boat, but you have to be honest with yourselves.
  5. How about you just say what you mean. My take from your words is that you're OK with the surge of Islamist violence against westerners, because there's other folks killing so it's all good.
  6. Great point Nature or Nurture. Hunter grew up in a 10,000sf Mansion and had the best schooling. Not exactly the background for a crack addict. There must have been signs of drug use along the way. He got kicked out of the Navy for drug use.
  7. You mean like the docs ole joe had next to his Corvette. This is exactly why Trump is doing so well in the polls. I'd bet few people actually like Mr Trump, but they'll vote for him. As far as his sinking boat routine, that's what Trump does. get used to it. Biden can't pull off the stunts that Trump does, he's not capable.
  8. One company I worked for, a guy came to work with a Teamsters sticker on his lunchbox, immediately fired. Of course he kept his job eventually.
  9. Since you can't get Trump off your mind, I think Trump chose the sinking boat over the sharks. When hunter does his prison time will he have an onsite security detail with him? Maybe you can send him cookies in prison as a way of support.
  10. My Co. Commander at Navy Boot Camp comes to mind as he was talking to an extremely dim witted guy. "Is someone paying you to fork with me?"
  11. Where's the OP, GG. I think it's only fitting he retells his gay experience he posted on here some time ago. It was so graphic the mods deleted it instantly. Come on GG, tell it again.
  12. You're the one who implied the number of murder victims due Islamist violence wasn't worrisome when compared to the large population. What is the magic number of murders before you believe it to be worrisome? Instead of addressing your comment you deflect.
  13. How did the mighty UK morph into this? Russia and China are laughing it up, I'm sure.
  14. Where were the police while all this is happening.
  15. No, a very good question. You said the number of homicides were minimal in so many words. Then certainly there's a maximum number of homicides in your way of thinking.
  16. No, he said connect the dots. That's what conspiracy nuts do.
  17. Trump had his minions stop the Wall Project as a political move to screw Biden You said Trump stopped the wall project which is incorrect. You didn't say it, it was the other numpty.
  18. That bold statement deserves a link. At least you admit a border wall is needed.
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