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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Me, and what I see from the polls 1/2 the voters in the USA sees Biden and his progressive thinking to be a greater danger. We find biden's stance on immigration to be a greater threat than Trump's locker room talk. Blind to what Trump is? Not blind, I don't like him as a person, never watched his horrendous show, figured anyone who went to his college deserved what they got. Biden embraced wokism (not to be confused with liberalism) which is a greater danger than Trump's bad tweets or hair style.
  2. This what? A photo ID required to vote. You care enough about voting, get one.
  3. Please give me a short list of countries where I can go visit and participate in their national elections. I'll wait.....
  4. If you can't figure how to have money, what are your chances of surviving in PI?
  5. Rachael Maddow? Yikes. Her wife must be proud of her.
  6. Are you saying one groups of individuals aren't smart enough to obtain an appropriate ID to vote?
  7. 100% in agreement with your summarization. I'm in the ignore line as are most I'd imagine. I have to give credit to our local expert here who pounds out full page responses daily. Not because I read any of it.
  8. Oh, C'mon. Between the Ruskies and the cops, think I'll stay away from Phuket.
  9. It's usually called passing out. Been there, done that and survived.
  10. You want to vote, bring your photo ID. Not so hard. Seems like common sense to me.
  11. Having every part of your life scrutinized is part of being a high profile politician. Much like Trump has endured for years.
  12. I got there about 1000 thinking I was early. Parking was already getting full to the point where you had to get creative. So, so many folks there. Leaving was another adventure as only small openings left for cars to navigate out.
  13. I worked in a citrus packing house in Ft. Pierce 1975-1976 and there were zero illegals working there. Poor whites and blacks were the sole employees. Now?? I'd imagine speaking spanish is a requirement for employment.
  14. Joe will take whatever stance will get him the most votes. It's politics. I should say Joe's handlers will tell joe which way the wind is blowing and what to read.
  15. Your understanding of the collateral damage done letting in 7 to 8 million illegals into the USA is staggering. Health care , education. housing for these illegals is tearing the US apart. And that is why the dems must be evicted from the WH. Go Trump.
  16. Nothing changes the fact that Joe failed as a parent and his son is dumb as snot.
  17. I've left Thailand several times in the past few years. I never considered going to Immigration. My TM30 is stapled in my passport. Now a little off topic rant............This tm30 causes so much confusion because of different interpretations, just imagine what will happen if they try taxing foreigners.
  18. Save the theatrics, hunter is simply a nit wit who left a laptop laden with incriminating photos, texts and phone recording at a repair shop where hunter (the smartest man joe knows) forgot about it.
  19. Simmer down Hoss, my comment was about raising a son like Hunter who simply has zero sense. What an imbecile. Now, put together another one page deflection. I'm always ready for a laugh.
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