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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So, in your world you would voluntarily enter the taxation system in Thailand to retrieve portion of 1920 baht????? You must be having a laff.
  2. Really is a non story for us Americans. But, I realize foreigners are so bedazzled with our politics. Arnie didn't say anything so controversial. When you're a part of the Richie Rich you can have opinions like good ole Arnie. Trump voters are voting against extreme wokism and illegals who learned the word asylum. It would be nice to have another leader of the GOP, much the same as I'm sure the dems would rather not have Kamala. But, here we are.
  3. What does Cadbury mean in slang? (Aus.) a drinker who cannot hold their liquor, a 'lightweight' Yes I am. 4 smalls daily is my limit. I'm able to drink more, but 4 has been my limit for years now.
  4. Tell your tax boys to stuff it.
  5. I'm a recent, within the past few years, viewer and fan of JRE. He has loads of interesting individuals. He doesn't interview, he talks about subjects with his guests who usually do have specific ideals. In his last comedy special he addresses the crap he talked about covid vaxx and then got covid. Praying he wouldn't die because he talked so much s*&t. He goes on to say any moron who takes medical advice from a podcast host is a moron.
  6. I see you're still a bit miffed about being given the boot some years back. Get over it.
  7. I'm glad that was documented. Is that voter fraud? A lil bit.
  8. If you get behind the wheel after 12 beers, you're an ass.
  9. Then you must be a real <deleted>+y driver whilst sober.
  10. Joe just makes me laugh, saying crazy sh+t. My worry is.....Who's running the country now?
  11. He said it. The democrats have taken several of Trump's remarks over the years and grossly distorted what was said. Good ole Joe said those words.
  12. Ole Tucker gave a good speech.
  13. I rest my case your Honor. Now, calm down.
  14. I'm guessing the ballot boxes were burnt by those pesky, no good democrats. This is fun.
  15. Now you're the clairvoyant one, well done.
  16. I only hope when Trump wins their won't be any violence. Those lefties are very violent.
  17. You advocate lying and strong arm tactics to obtain a TIN. Just because you decided to file tax returns on miniscule interest, that's on you.
  18. A week before the election and the main platform for the democrats is Trump is a Nazi. That's it. Nothing else. Trump is a bad man. I can understand the Euro crowd not wanting Trump because he'll make them pay their fair share of the bill.
  19. Nazi, Nazi, Nazi save me from the Nazis.
  20. Just how desperate must a person be to lie in order to get a TIN. I was recently opening a second Bangkok Bank account, they brought out paperwork for TIN. It was mandatory to open account. Guess I'll make do with one account.
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