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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Sri Lanka kicked the Ruskies out for their "Whites only Policy"
  2. Funny how this topic is lacking the proponents of wokism. Not even the liberals condone this. This is something else entirely.....wokism. The fringe left who are determined to destroy America.
  3. I used to buy a whiskey set for the girls sometimes. Instead of drinks
  4. Either it's 120, 150 or 250 baht. Does it really matter. C'mon ffs. If you're out for a good time, spend the money. I no longer do it. But I used to.
  5. President Biden’s remarks may have been a slip of the tongue; however, my country does not deserve to be labeled as such,” Mr. Marape said in a statement provided to news organizations including The Associated Press and Reuters. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/22/us/politics/biden-cannibals-papua-new-guinea.html
  6. You know, I didn't feel the need to explain my daughter with her Euro DNA was bequeathed with hairy legs at a young age. Shaving just enhances the hair growth. At the laser treatment they first shave then do a laser treatment. She's probably had maybe 6 sessions so far and the hair growth has really slowed down. Definitely pricey but good for her confidence.
  7. Don't be a miser. Splash the cash. Don't forget to ring the bell.
  8. I would never consider one of these electric trikes, ever.... I'm sorry for guy getting hurt, but c'mon riding that contraption in heavy traffic is nuts.
  9. A number of Thais riding these contraptions in Rayong. God I hate them. Its bad enough having MB's with sidecars idling down the road. Now we have to contend with these silent things.
  10. The laser treatments will run you about 6k baht for legs each monthly session and will take many sessions for legs as example. Those clinics are all over the place.
  11. You've lived there before? Some of these parks have old trailers permanently parked for sale for as little as 10k use. If someone is forced to repatriate due to health or other concerns then this is a viable alternative to living in a car. Homeless people are everywhere. I'd classifify many expats as drifters.
  12. Try smoking it in a Crack pipe. Works better.
  13. From what I've seen online I believe it's doable. Closer to beach areas rent goes up.
  14. Personally I'd rather buy an old trailer in an RV park in Florida with monthly rent of approximately $500./mo.
  15. It's astounding the posters who can defend the notion of men competing in women's sports. Quite entertaining.
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