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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. No one is being attacked. You just need a doctor's note that you're bat sh#t crazy.
  2. Every vote counts, this is America. Sorry your folks were too lazy to relocate.
  3. SS was never meant to be a senior's sole source of retirement funds.
  4. Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself.
  5. Be sure to invite me to your BDay party. I'll be expecting an open bar. Don't be a CC.
  6. I've got the inside scoop on upcoming Bday parties on Soi Buakhao, that's another good one.
  7. That's what pals are for Georgie. Don't let the sad old galoots on here get you down.
  8. Amazing, thank you so much.....
  9. You're talking joy riding in a private one. I can see that being fun.
  10. Are you guys roomies down under?
  11. It's the newbies whom are public transport fans. I remember the good ole days when I thought it was cool to ride buses and songtowhs. There are private car transport services which are better than taxis. I agree with George on this one. Not to say I haven't taken the BKK to Pattaya bus a few times. But then I found a dedicated driver service and buses are a thing of the past. Now taking a bus never crosses my mind.
  12. Voting for Trump has nothing to do with "liking" him. This the mistake the liberals make. It's not the man but the basics of his beliefs. Trump winning in 2016 should have been a wake up call for the democrats but they hit the snooze button.
  13. These are the a$$holes who give drinking and driving a bad rap.
  14. Your claims are disingenuous. Hard to believe some still believe the liberal talking points.
  15. I helped George drop it off for repairs yesterday. I don't think he really needs it though.
  16. You are so disingenuous, or perhaps worse and you actually believe your drivel.
  17. This news is troubling. What will all the foreigner tax experts do now?
  18. When in the mall with the ole lady, there'll be an old foreigner ahead of us holding hands with a lady and mine gently nudges my fingers and giggles.
  19. Coastal cities is generally where ship's crew goes ashore. What you're saying the USA is better than Australia? I think we're pretty awesome as well.
  20. My My, Again with Trump. Desperation is in the air.
  21. She never answered direct questions. If she had of simply answered questions then no interruption would have been needed.
  22. Wow, you read a graph somewhere showing how ideal the US is. How many millions of migrants were released into Australia in the past 3.5 yrs?? I don't comment on Australia even though I've been to Darwin several times, Gladstone, Perth, Brisbane. Doesn't mean I know about Australia.
  23. Wait for the next liberal talking heads to give you more info.
  24. Legal Immigration, much like what my family did in 1950 when they fled socialism.
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