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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I'm sure these guys will get alot of anger management by fellow cops while in custody.
  2. In the evenings I catch up on Gutfeld, Maher, Joe Rogan and Jon Stewart with utube.
  3. You'd have a different view point if it was your tax dollars funding the illegals. Now, what's your edumacated view of using 88 for a forum name.
  4. I made my mistake while working overseas and making good money. House was paid for with 5 months of me working. But, while in Isaan one day at a local bar I sat with one very sad looking foreigner who was stuck because he used his savings and was all in and he regretted it.
  5. You talk down to non college educated folks wanting a free ride. Pease explain how the millions of uneducated illegals pouring in is a good thing. Also I was wondering about 88, As the Times article explained, the number 88 represents the phrase “Heil Hitler,” Very tricky.
  6. Has anyone here tried this kratom water? Is it like an oxy pill?
  7. I only have one close friend, more like a brother, back home. And his circle of friends became mine as well. Here in Thailand language is a primary barrier for lack of male friends. I am quite content not having real friends in Thailand, I have my dog, my big bike, weed and beer and a nearby beach. Life is good.
  8. Ah jees, you can have Biden for free. Justin is a nitwit
  9. "Mother" is not the correct term any longer, it's gestational parent or birthing parent.
  10. Get back to me in 10-15-20 yrs. Then your opinion may have a bit of meaning.
  11. Just saw him on TV, he's looking good. He lost the neck brace and mask, yeah he's looking good and happy.
  12. I've had poster wish upon death for me as well. Truly a low, low person would do that to anyone.
  13. And, that's what a gun is for.....protection. Kill a few of these low lifes and it will stop. Bow down to the criminals and you have mayhem.
  14. Sounds reasonable??? really??? Why not just leave windows down with keys in car? What's next, the thieves will require a home cooked meal or they kill you? It's insanity.
  15. It's amazing the lengths us foreigners will go to have some dirt in our name. They're coming for us (foreigners) the white devils. Just keep your head down, only speak when spoken to. Sort of like prison rules.
  16. Canada's solution to stop home invasions is to tell residents to leave car keys at the front door. Good job Canada, what a bunch a pussies. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13203185/Toronto-police-outrage-thievesJustin-Trudeaus-woke-bail.html
  17. To be more Thai you have to learn to drink your whiskey or whatever with soda. Or, or just straight water mixer. Stop with the coke.
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