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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I went to Terminal 21 in Pattaya yesterday for the first time. Not knowing Pattaya real well I wished all maps used the same names for streets. South Pattaya Rd = Pattaya tai, Central Pattaya Rd = Pattaya Klang and North Pattaya Rd = Pattaya Nua…. WHY?? Ate at the Shabu place, walked around, it's neat there for the restaurants. Walked thru the food court.....Amazing....


    Today we're going to the waterslide in Pattaya...the old one cause it's pretty neat and it's cheap. The other waterslides run 800bht each, extra for chairs in shade, can't bring outside food and drinks in.....Yikes. I can afford it but it's hard to justify spending that kind of money.


    Let's see....Well hope it doesn't rain and traffic is light driving to waterslides....see you guys

  2. Look up Ban Chang Taxi, as an example BKK to Ban Chang is 1450 bht and that includes toll, nice cars.

    Contact Info

    City: BanChang
    Email: [email protected]
    Tel: +66 (0)88 521 0610 / 089 406 1251
    Fax: +66 (0)38 030863
    Address: Eastern Star
    M.3 Road
    T.Pla A.Banchang
    Rayong 21130 Thailand
    Taxi Banchang Rayong

    • Suvarnabhumi Airport to Banchang / Banchang to Suvarnabhumi Airport ; 1450t thb
    • Banchang to Pattaya at 700 thb
    • Rayong city area to Suvarnabhimi airport at 1650 thb
    • BanPhe, Rayong to Bkk International airport at 1900 thb
    • Don Muang Airport to Rayong city / Rayong city to Don Muang Airport at 1800 thb
    • Don Muang Airport to Banchang / Banchang to Don Muang Airport; 1800thb
    • U tapao airport to Banchang / Banchang to U tapao airport at 400-500 thb
    • Pattaya to Suvarnabumi airport at 1000thb, (all incl)
    • Bangkok City to Banchang / Banchang to Bangkok City; 1800thb,
  3. 11 minutes ago, alien365 said:

    Nah, I was joking about the missus, but I guess there is some truth to it as I don't think any women like to see their partners eyes wonder. Regarding appearance though, when I'm not busy I like to let my stubble grow a bit. Being clean shaven all the time makes me look a bit too soft so I like to harden up a bit. That way I'm not seen as such a poster boy all the time and the locals ease up around me.


    • Haha 1
  4. 1 hour ago, amykat said:

    You guys are forgetting to note that the serving SIZEs were going down over the years to keep the price the same, or keep price increase lower.  Trick you ...oh now you need three noodle soup.  


    How much is mango and and sticky rice to go?  Used to be 35 baht.  Now I see people trying to sell just bags of sticky rice for that much or more, can’t even get one mango for that price, etc.  Fruit is outrageous ...I can’t figure out what happened.

    Man I love that, 50 bht here.

  5. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    All the Thai restaurants around me have been selling food at much the same price for the last 10 years.

    If they put the prices up, the Thai wouldn't be able to afford to eat in them.

    Do you mean foreign owned restaurants, or restaurants catering to foreigners by any chance?

    Alcohol and tobacco have on up due to tax rises, I don't think that counts as inflation.

    Imported items should have gone down in price, by 30%.

    Just because prices stay the same in restaurants or food stands doesn't mean the ingredients don't go up. Me personally I don't remember what prices were 5-10 yrs ago on misc items. We buy what we want and need. 



    • Thanks 1
  6. Won't tightening up the gun laws perhaps even increase these shootings? Look at me, you stupid people, make all the laws you want....I'm still a crazy MF'er and I will get the job done. When I grew up in the 70's I had a 22 semi-auto rifle at age 12 and a 22 revolver at age 16. This is Callie I'm talking not W. Virginia. Never once did I have any thought of harming anyone except for ground squirrels and frogs. I could take my rifle on my Honda 90 scrambler drive down the road to a friends house without anyone batting an eye.

    What happened???? I haven't owned a gun in years, I'm mainly overseas. 


    As stated earlier, there's something far more sinister going on than being able to buy guns. What ever the solution is, I deep in my heart don't feel radical gun laws will change a thing.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Aforek said:

    In France, where this word comes from , it's a normal and polite word ( same as "mrs " ); maybe connected to sex in Pattaya, but I suppose that in immigration office it has a polite meaning , we can feel it as showing respect to a lady 

    I like to call the ladies who dress over the top as "super Madam" or super ouu la la. My lady has been called the same but only by her close friends as a joke.

    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    My wife is not high-so, but if we are going to local market or nearby Tesco or reg mall then I can get away with shorts and T-shrit . If we are going to hi-so mall or Gov Office (immigration/land office) where they call her "Madame" I need  Polo Shirt, Giordano ect and probably slacks/jeans NO flip flops or sandels or she will say your not going with me. I shower twice a day ,more if nescessary. Always shave in morning (except when I had a trim beard and mustach) Always wear deoderant/anti-perspirant and after shave (cologne if going out on evening date. Never had a pedicure in US but so cheap and easy here I have it done along with nose/ear hair.

    I never felt comfortable going out in public looking scruffy, dirty, smelly looking like a homless person/bum who does. I was never obese but got fat which almost killed me (heart attck) so workout eat better now.

    And, you think it's a compliment to have folks calling wife "Madame".????

  9. 31 minutes ago, seancbk said:


    I'm 51.  6'1"  69 kgs (I was 82 kgs but switched to Intermittent fasting to lose weight).  Being slim and not having a fat gut is extremely important to me.  I would be too ashamed to go out if I looked like a fat slob. 

    I check my nose hairs, eyebrows and ear hair every day. I don't shave every day but I never go more than a couple of days as I don't like to look scruffy.  I keep my hair cut very short although to be fair I've not got a full head of hair anymore either.  

    I always try to dress smart and that means always wearing nice shoes like these that I bought recently and are the type of thing I wear on a daily basis. 





    If you go to the trouble of decent shoes, how about some decent slacks.????

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