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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. On 8/13/2019 at 6:24 PM, quandow said:

    Do you really think wealthy people are going to pick fruit?

    Automation..... I picked apples in upstate New York 1975, no Mexicans there, they relied on Jamaicans and black Americans, only white kid there at age 17.


    Used to be the Mexicans followed the crops and returned to Mexico. Not anymore, the illegals are into all kinds of decent paying jobs now....construction, warehouse work, factories. It's possible Americans have become so spoiled and lazy they don't want these manual jobs anymore. If so we need a work visa system where the family stays put and only the worker comes to the US.

  2. 9 hours ago, Los Luver said:

    I was googling today about Honda rebel 500. I found a web site that says that it costs 220K. Is that right ? I'm interessted in buying one. I actually love Suzuki boulevard c50, but it costs 399K. Hope someone has the right info

    Sounds about right, I was looking at them last week. The 300 is in the 150-160 range, 220'sK is a good ball park figure. if you like retro the RE Interceptor 650 is 213,000bht.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

    The Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation, Inc.

    You might want to research their treatment at Ellis Is. a bit. Not a bed of roses by any stretch..... 

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  4. 1 hour ago, MarleyMarl said:

    Yea, I can't feel sorry for people like this, especially when they're in their 40s, 50s, 60s etc. What did you do for your whole life? You never saved anything? Never made a smart investment?

    For some it was life, lots of good people who didn't plan properly. But, in the case of the OP, he's just yanking your chain ahahhaa

  5. 16 hours ago, mommysboy said:

    Yes. I figured about 10k assuming we go the Thai way.


    Me too, I wait until the tooth finally breaks, provided I'm not in pain.

    It will be a sad day if I ever have to budget only 10,000 bht/mo for food. A little stop at the 7-11 or such can equal that in a month. I know it can be done but dang it, wouldn't be fun.

    • Sad 1
  6. 8 hours ago, emptypockets said:

    I slogged through 4 hard years of an apprenticeship, worked at some crappy jobs in crappy places (think remote mining towns in the back of beyond in Australia), took on further education to improve my lot in life. Definitely no shiny arse jobs in my CV.

    I'm not going to apologise for that. My parents were typical working class people but they taught me the value of a good education and hard work.

    There is no such thing as less fortunate. Anyone could do what I have done, I'm nothing special. Divorced twice (once at 44, and again at 54) so lost a lot of cash and assets. Picked myself up, brushed myself down as the song goes. I found, over the years, that the harder I worked the luckier I got.

    I guess the difference maybe is that I didn't have delusions that I could retire in a foreign country at 50 years old with very little to back me up.

    Still working in a well paid job at 63 years old and loving it. I can retire at anytime I choose but my preference at the moment is to keep working. My work/leave cycle gives me the best of both worlds I think. I get to spend two weeks in Thailand after three weeks at work.

    No lording over it from me - just stating the facts.


    I do feel for the older members 70,75 plus who are doing it hard due to the exchange rate, but guys my age...sorry no sympathy. Even less for the retirees who sire children when they should have had a vasectomy before coming to Thailand. They made their bed - now lie in it.

    61 here and make decent dough as well, long hrs but I've had it being away from home and my daughter. Retiring end of year, keeping my papers up to date just in case but I'm figuring I should be alright.

    • Like 2
  7. 4 hours ago, kickstart said:

    Good advert for Cargill ,except they do not make cattle fed here in Thailand .

    If you have been here in Thailand a while you may know of Sunvally , the big broiler  company I think   they where a British company, Cargill took them over and have a lot of farm in Thailand ,they have about 3 million birds in my area alone.and manufacture feed for there own farms 

    Not certain if they are in to pigs in Thailand,but not cattle. 

    I worked for Cargill late 90's in Calif and know they've got their hands everywhere.

  8. 1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

    Ain't got a choice now, I am not leaving my wife, her family and property. I will just do what I have done all my life, and try and work my way round anyones rules that I do not agree with, it has not done me any harm in my life so far.

    So, another words you got no place else to go. Nothing wrong with that, unwise to put all your eggs in one basket..

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