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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. - Old lady and young daughter are here.

    - Have a house very close to a beach, couldn't have that stateside.

    - Haven't really paid day to day bills stateside in 15 yrs but I'm assuming it's cheaper here for most items.

    - I know in Ca the bill for water, garbage and sewer is $150. mo here it's like $50. a mo.

    - I could be happy stateside if need be, have a house and car there ready to go.

    - Kind of different being here, a little more relaxed. Sort of neat, an adventure every time you drive somewhere.

    - The downside here are all the new regulations they're trying to implement. Maybe when drinking is no longer allowed on the beach I'll pack it up.



    • Like 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, BestB said:

    It makes no difference who the clients are , what makes the difference is how much chilli they put. 1 or 5 chillies. 


    Best you save the rants for someone who has never been outside US and will buy any bs you feed them . 


    As for your nonsense there is not a thai restaurant within 50 miles you would eat at, I am willing to bet you have not eaten in any of them????

    I'm much the same as I don't frequent Thai restaurants stateside. For one they're usually expensive for what you get and secondly they usually rely on chili powder for spice instead of chilis. Stateside I'll stick with Vietnamese restaurants....better.  

    • Like 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    You're right about that. But what is funny is how Republicans opposed the Fed taking any measures to stimulate the economy when unemployment was at 9.1%,

     G.O.P. Urges No Further Fed Stimulus


    One of Trump's current nominees for a post at the Fed typifies this. She was bitterly opposed to rate cuts in the wake of the great recession but now enthusiastically supports them.

    Much like the Dems will try to derail our economy leading up to elections.

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  4. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    It could be possible to start the process for California from here or apply for the FBI check.

    See manual fingerprinting card here: https://oag.ca.gov/fingerprints/visaimmigration

    The US embassy has the FBI fingerprint cards or you can download them. Then you go to the special branch police clearance office for the fingerprinting. See: https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/local-resources-of-u-s-citizens/fingerprint-cards/




    All the respect to you because I know you're a wealth of knowledge but all that sounds like way too much running around. I found the same website and stopped when they talked about fingerprints, and being a Nev resident adds another layer to the whole thing since different forms are required. But thanks again.


    20 minutes ago, KCM said:

    When I got my visa from the L.A. consulate, I used a background check that I got from a sheriff's office in another state. I think it cost $5-$10 and only took about five minutes. I would suggest calling the sheriff's office ahead of time that you will near to see if they provide the same service. There was no finger printing or anything else involved.

    How long ago was this??

  5. 3 minutes ago, Martyp said:

    I first Googled criminal background checks. You should do that. I went to a UPS office. They take your finger prints and submit them to a service that I think is called Livescan. I received a criminal background check report about a week later. It is a State of CA Department of Justice report. The LA Consulate accepted this report.

    Did all that, but your true and proven method sounds outstanding.

  6. 1 hour ago, ubonjoe said:

    It needs to be criminal record check issued by your home state or the FBI.

    "7. Letter of verification stating that the applicant has no criminal record (verification have to valid for not more than three months and must be issued from a state or Federal Bureau of Investigation only). Online criminal record without authorizer’s signature is unacceptable"

    Source: https://thaiconsulatela.org/en/visa/visa-type/non-immigration-category-o-a/

    Most states have a online application process for checks done by them.

    Thanks, but aside from going online, having finger prints done, mailing forms into the state of ca...…..Is their no way to walk into a CHP office and request a background check.


    I'm in Thailand now and was hoping for a quick retirement visa in LA. I got no problem sending over the 800,000 but it wouldn't be seasoned. Going to an agent here is looking like a decent deal. Figure in  the med cert, the visa fee and now the background check, A room for overnight in Hollywood. Damn it.

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