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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So how old is to old 50,54,60,65.....what's the magic number. A guy in his late 60's having a kid, wow...well it would surely give him a reason to remain young at heart. Having enough money for a good life is one of the daunting task's for the old guy with a young kid.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, sanemax said:

    It just seems such a coincidence that a UK registered oil tanker  , with "LONDON" written on the back of it , (not the usual Panama registered tanker) , sails in the gulf of Iran and takes action (switching off its tracker, not responding to Iranian radio contact and sails erratically ) that will cause Iran to take responsive measures .

      You could believe that the Uk deliberately wanted Iran to seize the tanker 

    I'm sure all the above happened after it was seized.

    • Like 2
  3. I too did the Isaan dance. Bought land built a house, had a daughter. Wonderful place for a kid to grow up. She grew up hard playing with the boys. It was a novelty at first. But, but as time wore on I realized I couldn't live there after retiring....no way. My theory was you know....I worked hard all my life and this is it. Couldn't do it. I have a 20 acre place back in the states if I want solitude. Long story short moved south for better school for young'un and more to do for old dad. Live in a small fishing village a 1 min motorbike ride from the beach, maybe 1/2 min. Can walk to restaurants and farang bar, the beach. The school is 5 min away. 


    I've not once regretted the move.

    • Like 1
  4. 57 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    What are you making your case with?

    I stay in Thailand, hence Thai Visa Forum. As you know here Thais can go to a Gov Hospital for mostly free. Yet you would be hard pressed to find evidence of longer life span here vs. USA. Why? Because Gov health care isn't as good as uptown hospital care. Here if an old person has cancer they're sent home to die. In the US if a person with no Insurance is diagnosed with cancer are they turned away? So, you say well Thailand isn't a FWC.....right. 


    But my belief is if health care is to be free for all and we are all forced into it with poor folks getting it for free and workers like me and maybe you will be forced to pay for everyone else.


    Do what you want for the disenfranchised folks but don't force me into the same crappy healthcare as the person who gets it for free.


    Diet has to do with life span as much as health care.

  5. 7 hours ago, nickstav said:

    When I was back home and heading out on a long drive, say six hours or more, I would smoke a joint before heading out. Put on some good music and I really got into the driving. I didn't suffer any road rage, and didn't get pissed-off if stuck in traffic, drove safely. It actually made the time seem to go by quicker, and voila I was at my destination.

    In callie before pot was made legal, med or recreational it was safe to do as you stated. Now, cops aren't only looking for alcohol but also the least sign of pot. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    Another "I don't like Trump but..." One day I'm going to run across one of those I believe.


    Politically Trump needs them. Right now the US only has the assistance of the UK. And that ain't much. The US navy really doesn't have the right kind of naval craft  there to do the job right. And the more help he gets the more legitimate his effort looks. Can't imagine most are going to cooperate. Not going to bail trump out of the mess he created. 

    What type of Ships do we need that we don't have?

    • Confused 1
  7. 1 minute ago, heybruce said:

    Not an opinion, the US has lower than average life expectancy among the OECD countries.   https://data.oecd.org/healthstat/life-expectancy-at-birth.htm


    Why do you think that the US is incapable of implementing universal healthcare as efficiently as other countries?  Shouldn't the possibility of saving over $4000 a year per person be investigated?


    Have you actually looked at overall healthcare costs and results and compared these things with other countries?  Or do you just assume that the mess we are currently in is the best that can be done?

    Factor in the millions of illegals who will probably get it for free, then talk numbers.

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 2
  8. 2 hours ago, Nigel Garvie said:

     Trump's attempts to deny responsibility for the chant, would be laughable for a child, for an adult they are really worrying. Listening to him talk is creepy, it is not just that he is an unspeakably vile human being, but his sanity is also in serious doubt.


    It is hard not to suspect that he now actually believes his own 10,000s of lies. Briefly he may be aware that he is making stuff up, but pretty soon it appears that he thinks what he has said was true. This is a serious mental disorder, which is very sad for him, but potentially devastating for the rest of the world. I think Impeachment is irrelevant, for the safety of the world he needs to be Sectioned.*

    *British word usage....." Having been committed compulsorily to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with a section of a mental health act: a sectioned patient has to gain permission before leaving."


    Captain "Grab them by the fanny" Bonespurs, America's most famous sex creep and coward, is almost certainly certifiably insane. It is grim to even think about what this says about his supporters.

    Wow, you're going to need massive amounts of therapy when Trump wins 2020.

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