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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 3 minutes ago, bristolboy said:

    No. So far no one has leaked information from the report. At least, none has been published. They're just disagreeing with how Barr has characterized the information in the report and what info he has chosen to release.

    You mean it's their opinion perhaps. And is this part of their job to give personal opinions. And is this not the same as leaking information. Any discussion about classified information is I'm sure unlawful.

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  2. 18 hours ago, huangnon said:

    There are a few, matey. At the top of the bar "Strip" , past the bars around 200m North on the right. New shop there just appeared recently.

    Also, if you're coming into BC on the Sukumvit from Rayong, at the 1st main lights junction, immediately after the lights on your left hand side, set back from the road a bit.. I forget the name but they do fresh flowers, arrangements, etc. It's my 'go-to' place for Brownie points.


    You lead a blessed life if flowers gets you any points.

  3. 1 hour ago, mikebike said:

    Curious again.


    How many people in the USA do you believe make an active decision not to work?


    Also, what is the correlation between someone choosing not to work and someone else loosing their say in their own healthcare? I’m not seeing it. Are the “slouches” really that powerful that they affect your ability to make your way in life? 

    I asked once before and I ask again. Have you lived, worked, paid taxes or do you sit behind a keyboard as a citizen of a different country.


    And, yes folks do make decisions not to work when the benefits of not working outweigh the benefits of an honest living. Free medical for all will surely increase this number.

  4. 3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Actually, when Medicare was proposed, it was denounced as something that Karl Marx would have approved of by none other than Ronald Reagan. And he was right. Medicare is a Socialstic program. ANd the same goes for Social Security where the benefits of the poorer recipients are subsidized by the wealthier ones.

    Do you or have you paid into social security and medicare for the US? Because so many on this forum are from various European countries and have no idea of our deductions each month to pay for these programs.


    Be careful with wanting social medicine, true social medicine where the government tells you what medical care you are to receive. If we were to have a gov. medical system for ALL, one where a hard working man gets the same care as a slouch who chooses not to work. You will loose all say in your care. 



  5. 6 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    So you're planning to forfeit your Social Security and Medicare benefits when you get to the eligible age, right?  Because we don't believe in Socialism, period....


    And the government provided safety net of Social Security and Medicare that has helped keep generations of Americans out of poverty in their senior years hasn't played any role in making us the great nation we are... period...




    None of that was free, I paid my dues. I'm still paying my dues. 

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  6. 9 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Remember not so long ago how McDonald's was advising its full time employees how to get food stamps? The minimum wage being so low that even full time workers qualified.


    9 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Employment figures mask the fact that tens of millions of working families live below the poverty line.


    Are you as miserly with your own family?


    If we are exchanging subjective stories, I retired 14 yrs ago, in my 40s, happily payed taxes, enjoyed socialized medicine and what my taxes helped accomplish for everyone else...

    In the USA we don't believe in Socialism period. That's what's made us the great nation we are. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 13 hours ago, bristolboy said:

    Because the working class has so much income to spare?

    Define "working Class" Is that a minimum wage earner or a truck driver making 70K/yr. I know it fits the libs agenda to neatly categorize everyone. You're either a millionaire or you're a poor slob. I got news for you, there's a lot of room in between. Problem is today folks want instant gratification, they want new cars, stop off at Starbucks every morning, eating out and on and on. Sure, there's poor people who work hard but that's not Trump's fault. 


    Don't even get me started on the weak work ethics of today's young people.





  8. 1 hour ago, mikebike said:

    Not everyone has access to investments. Especially difficult for those with poverty-line income. Y'know, those people MOST in need of help.

    Very low unemployment rates at present. I don't want to be penalized for working hard and having a decent life. I retire soon with my blue cross blue shield in tact. You all do what you want, but leave what I have alone.

  9. 19 minutes ago, mikebike said:

    Much of the working class don't have access to 401K.


    35 percent of private sector workers over the age of 22 don’t work for a company that offers a plan. And the numbers were more stark for younger people. Pew found that 41 percent of millennials didn’t have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan while only 35 percent of Gen-X and 30 percent of boomers had to do without."


    And they'll be voting for any Dem hoping for some freebees. Everyone has access to investments, not everyone is willing to sacrifice for their future.

  10. 4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


    Compared to recent history, there is no "immediate crisis" at the southern border.  There has been a surge of asylum claims and families crossing the southern border this past year, but it is no worse than other increases in recent years, according to data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.




    A wall would not end immigrant's rights to claim asylum.  

    And finally we have a president willing to tackle this problem. Hate Trump all you want, the problem is real.

    The barrier is another issue.

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