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Posts posted by EVENKEEL

  1. 2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    That's a positive recent trend no doubt but have a look at the bigger picture. Still DREADFUL! Americans should be ashamed of that and also the fact that our health system has the highest costs in the world, without nearly the best outcomes, with a significant percentage still with either no or very poor access. 

    There is no excuse for this situation. Americans mostly think the country is so exceptional. Why are Americans then so totally inept at solving those two vital problems? No excuse is adequate for that. 



    I get it.....ypu're ashamed of the USA, you're ashamed of the POTUS  bla, bla,bla

    • Confused 3
  2. 10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    Sorry but that is 100 percent wrong. 

    This has nothing to do with the supreme court.

    It's evidence of crimes by a sitting president. 

    Based on justice department policies, no sitting president can be indicted.

    So he won't be.

    The only recourse to seek justice against a sitting president is impeachment by congress. 

    Opening an impeachment investigation is just that. It's just the beginning of a process. 

    So if it's such a slam dunk, impeach him. Get it over with, impeach him so we can get Pence behind the desk. I only care about what he stands for, Pence will do good. Oh yeah.....not so easy is it? 

    • Sad 1
  3. 4 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    I see, you want to opt out of the government programs you don't want to use.  I want to opt out of agricultural subsidies, I have friends who want to opt out of defense spending. I'm sure the vast majority of Americans want to opt out of paying for Trump's Mar-a-Lago trips.


    Do you think government will work if everyone only pays for the parts they think they'll use?

    And how many posters on here do you think make enough money to where it will be a burden to help pay for all this. That's right, it's not going to make a difference to the retiree living off his SS. Or the 19 yr old college student. It's the guy struggling to make a better life for his family. Sorry sir, but you have to wait in the same waiting room as all the rest. Are we going to build special hospitals for all this? Oh and you tell the doctors they will now be on salary set by the government.


    Sounds so nice to chant free health care for all, now implementing it is another story.

    • Confused 2
  4. 21 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    So you think the free market will provide roads, courts, education, defense, etc?


    Other governments do provide better healthcare at far less money than the screwy system we have in the US.  Do some research, you'd be amazed what the conservative talking heads (fake news) aren't telling you.

    You want gov run health care...fine, but don't force it on me saying it's for your own good. Don't come looking for me to fund it either. 

    • Sad 1
  5. How many generations must one live in the US before they are simply referred to as Americans. I've yet to hear anyone say "I'm Swiss American" or I'm "Finnish American" Why is that? I'm feeling left out here. I was born in Denmark but have resided in the USA since childhood. I've yet to see box to check giving me option of being "Danish American". When asked where I'm from it's always the USA. After we know each other I can be asked where I was born because my name sort of gives it away.


    Are whites from Africa allowed to call themselves "African American" or do you need a special skin tone for that one?


    A black man who is a Danish resident, is he "African Danish"?


    If we truly want to stamp out racism we will stop identifying people based on their origin. No more quotas for anything. You get what you get based on merit not nation of origin or skin color.

  6. 7 hours ago, heybruce said:

    Also worth noting is that these country's provide quality healthcare to 100% of their citizens for significantly less money.  If the US could get its healthcare costs down to what other rich countries pay it would save our economy hundreds of billions a year. 


    I'm a numbers person, that's why I favor universal healthcare.


    Public education, the FAA, courts and prisons, waste collection in most cities and counties, etc.


    There are many essential functions in a modern economy that are performed best by the government.  Other functions should be left to the free market (with intelligent regulation).  Recognizing this fact does not make a person a socialist.

    It does make you naïve if you believe the gov is a good solution over a free market. 

    • Sad 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Nigel Garvie said:

    Can you win this battle, there are so many pathetically undereducated  Americans who have no idea what Socialism (Let alone Communism) really means. Needless to say the US health system is one of the worlds biggest jokes. Over twice as expensive as any other OECD country, and an average life expectancy the same as Cuba. Maybe some of the countries that these ladies came from could send their specialists to help the US claw it's way into the 21st century, no need to send them back.

    Yes, please let's have Somalia's finest come to the USA and show us the way.

  8. 4 minutes ago, emptypockets said:

    Raw beef...must be a different Thailand to what I'm used to.  I can't think of anyone I know who eats beef at all.... Much less raw. 


    I know some Thais do eat beef, I buy it at the wet market but I have to admit I've never seen any Thai eat beef. 

    The gf expressed her desire to eat steak.  Took her to a nice restaurant and told her the steak was grain fed beef from Australia.  Shock and horror.... She had the salmon. She didn't know steak was beef. 

    Raw beef is popular among the Thai men up north, when beef is eaten.

  9. 2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    The stock market was booming long before Trump came along, and if he's helped it at all, it's only been by tax cuts that are exploding the federal deficit that ordinary Americans are going to end up being hurt by in future years. There will be a price to pay for Trump and the Republican's raping of the tax system.


    Why is that anything good occurring in the states is because of obama but if Trump supporters bring up Obama, it's but..but..Obama ahahaaa. Unemployment at all time low, stock market going up to new heights.


    I wonder how folks feel about the Dems telling them that they can't make it on their own,  that they need gov help in order to survive.

    • Sad 2
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  10. 6 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


    Here’s the right way to read that chart. I will refer to the US, to remain at least somewhat on topic.


    20% of Americans think negatively of immigrant. Almost double that think positively of immigrants.


    Inter-country comparison in this regard are not very meaningful as each country’s situation is different. For example, most foreigners in Vietnam have little hope (or desire?) of becoming citizens. They are expats, and perceptions of expats is different from perceptions of immigrants. Also, their numbers are relatively small. In a country of 1.2 billion like India, the immigrant dilution is such that the question is mostly meaningless.


    Bottom line: most Americans who even bother to consider this matter, have a positive view of immigrants. The xenophobes are in the minority. This is why Trump lost the popular cote by a large margin, and why he has failed—despite his self-touted successes and a happily booming economy—to lift his poll numbers. It is unprecedented for a president presiding over such economic numbers to have poll numbers this low.

    So, I take it the graph includes Illegals who are not immigrants...they're simply illegals.  Not to be confused with legal immigrants.

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