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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I feel sorry for your upbringing if that is truly your opinion.
  2. I'd wager if the Supreme Courts seats leaned to the left our liberal minded posters here would think the decisions were 100% just.
  3. Immigration will be a big issue come election time and biden has failed miserably. He can't lie his way out of this one. This is where we are because of biden's inept border policies. Shame on you biden for not doing your job. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/arizona-bill-shoot-kill-migrants-property-trespass-border-rcna141147 Under a bill advancing in the Arizona Legislature, a property owner would be able to kill or threaten to kill people who cross their property to illegally enter the U.S.
  4. US President's son, Hunter Biden has finally acknowledged that his father, Joe Biden was being referred to as the ‘big guy’ in an email exchange with Chinese firm for a $5 million deal. https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/hunter-confirms-dad-joe-biden-was-indeed-the-big-guy-being-referred-to-in-the-5m-china-deal/ar-BB1j9dok Oh dear......
  5. What ever country that's promoting all this divisiveness within the US must be laughing their asses off. Not a shot fired, just let them destroy themselves over this stupid "woke" narrative.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/border-patrol-union-chief-explodes-biden-fiery-press-conference-agents-policies "Sir, I want you to know your agents, my agents, they're mad as hell — absolutely mad that President Biden went to Brownsville, Texas, rather than going to Arizona, rather than going to San Diego, California, rather than coming to Eagle Pass, Texas, which has been the epicenter," Judd said after Trump invited him to the microphone to speak. Shame on you biden for letting the American citizens down.
  7. The authorities conducted an immediate investigation, which included sending Pinij for an alcohol test at Bangpakok 3 Hospital. The results are expected within 15 days. If found guilty, Pinij faces both legal and disciplinary actions. 15 days?????
  8. Very few Mexicans coming over. Please keep up.
  9. I couldn't imagine living too far from the ocean. I'm a minute on MB away from a beach here.
  10. Riding my 1200cc MC I check mirrors constantly, every 15 sec? probably more often. Driving my cars I'm always checking the mirrors as well. I don't like having the fast moving cars surprise me. If you're driving without constantly checking mirrors, you're probably dawdling along in the slow lane only, probably on cruise control, whistling away.
  11. If possible, I know I'd travel to my home country for treatment.
  12. 66 yrs old, going to the states this month. The last thing on my mind. Actually not even on my mind.
  13. Were you guys coddled as toddlers? I'm having a hard time understanding all these theatrics over a few posts.
  14. You got me mixed up with someone else. Old age does that I'm afraid.
  15. At least your posts are getting shorter. Jesus they were long winded. Seems to me your job is all you are, all you were. Without the job you're nothing but a boring old man.
  16. I expect better comebacks from you........I guess age does diminish the gray matter as well.
  17. Absolutely nobody here really knows anybody else's career experience. Which is why it's sometimes best not to disclose too much. You responded by telling me to go die. Not very humorous, which by the way is what all this here on asean is. Now, laugh a little. I can see that your old career defined you, was your life and now you have a hard time letting go. I've posted in the past about my experience working for DOD, and in hindsight that was stupid. I was just a single digit GS lackey. In the end........nobody cares.
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