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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. You missed the part of Biden reversing the bad orange man's border policies when he took office.
  2. Witnessing racial tension and saying the country is racist is different. Sort of like me having been to Perth, Darwin, Gladstone and Brisbane that I really know a thing about Australia.
  3. A bit expensive, I have a credit union which charges a few dollars per withdrawal in LOS. I hardly ever use it here, but when you need the money you do what you have to do. Maybe change banks next time home.
  4. If you're determined to leave, make sure we are able to read the headlines on Aseannow, "Bob Quits Thailand" R, EK
  5. Nothing like a trip to the home country for a few months to change your way of thinking. Let's see if you can have 1/2 dozen beers and climb aboard your MB without the coppers bothering you, reasonable cost of living, bla bla bla but mostly the drinking and driving part.
  6. I've had to cancel credit cards for same reason, one just recently. No idea who or how, charges made in a different country. But, if you already paid the $100. deposit and you've canceled the debit card I don't see the problem. I would recommend using a credit card for online transactions, least that's my rule. I only use foreign debit for ATM cash.
  7. Happens every year about this time, a few months back it was was nice here. Here being further north but in Rayong province. The tides change and bring in old trash. Some people walk the beach collecting plastic, some trash goes back out with tide. I've seen small fridges, helmets ...wash ashore. It's not pretty, it gets so bad I won't even take dog for a walk on the beach. I won't be going for a swim till the water clears.
  8. I want to buy for my kid visiting USA with me. Not sure which is best. Anybody actually have to use this type insurance.
  9. I told my kid she's learning to drive our manual truck first. It's a good skill to have. For boys it's a must and for girls it can't hurt. I bet there's a lot of sissy men who never learned the manual transmission.
  10. What's your point? You pretty much described every foreigner in Thailand, almost, pretty much. You forgot the ones who sold everything in home country and moved to LOS and now are unable to afford moving back home. So, they're stuck.
  11. It's healthy to leave Thailand every year for a month or more just to regain your perspectives on life. It feels good to leave Thailand and usually feels real, real good to return.
  12. That Swiss biker killed by hit and run in Sattahip is not news any longer. Have your "go bag" on the ready.
  13. Yes, Davis is a dick. But, for all of you who consider Thailand to be your home, you'd best mind your p's & q's. This whole situation has been blown way out of proportion. On the one hand I like how they have the ability to kick a foreigner out at will. I for one wish my home country had the balls to do the same to foreigners. One set of rules for citizens and another level of rules for visitors. The other hand says as I've always felt that Thailand is not my home, just a place I happen to spend my time. I'm lucky to have kept my house in my home country and not to reliant on the Thai gov.
  14. Really, we have to kiss their asses so we don't get run over?
  15. Thank you for proving my point. Always a pleasure.
  16. How about I have enough grey matter to write a short, concise sentence to convey my thoughts vs. the guy who thinks his long rambling page of thoughts is of importance. You're not alone here thinking like that. You'll fit right in.
  17. I guess my meaning was more inline with Thais trying to make some cash off foreigners who find themselves in uncomfortable situations. I can see instances where the Thais may even try to instigate an event in hopes of a payday.
  18. Mr. Yellowtail did an outstanding job addressing your concern.
  19. Maybe some good will come out of the Swiss guys stupidity. The Russians will now be in the spotlight more.
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