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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So you agree with my Iranian Collusion take on matters.
  2. Yeah, very good reasons to pass on THC vape in Thailand. Probably the same crap they were selling in the US before legalizing weed.
  3. Now we have Iranian Collusion helping the Harris campaign. Now, why would the Iranians rather have Harris than Trump?
  4. I want to hear Harris tell us it was wrong for Biden to reverse Trump's border policies. During his first day in office, Biden unveiled the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 and reversed many of Trump's policies on immigration, such as halting the construction of the Mexican border wall, travel ban, and signed an executive order to reaffirm protections for DACA recipients.[1][2][3] The Biden administration and Department of Homeland Security, under leadership of Alejandro Mayorkas, reined in deportation practices of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), prioritizing national security and violent crime concerns over petty and nonviolent offenses.[4]
  5. Stay in your own lane.
  6. The vape pens are just easier than smoking a smelly joint. But, as stated earlier they may contain some nasty ingredients.
  7. In Calif I've seen a new class of homeless with decent cars parked next to their tents. With rent being so high, homelessness is just one paycheck away.
  8. Add THC, works well with most beers.
  9. Last time I strolled around London, thought I was back in a middle eastern country. That's a good thing right.
  10. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/08/09/remain-in-mexico-migrant-protection-protocols-judge-injunction/ Stop blaming Trump, you forget it was all Biden's fault. Under President Donald Trump, his administration used MPP much more aggressively, sending nearly 70,000 people back to Mexico after negotiating the program with Mexican authorities and implementing it in late 2018. Trump officials said the returns were necessary to prevent migrants from using the U.S. asylum system to avoid detention and deportation. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled June 30 that the Biden administration had the authority to terminate the program, opening a path for DHS to finally bring a close to one of the Trump administration’s most contentious border measures.
  11. When you leave your safe east of 805 neighborhood, you have a different perspective. My small farming community has changed with gang shootings a common occurrence. What a mess.
  12. https://apnews.com/article/san-diego-border-asylum-biden-mexico-da1e7b7c81e4e58912deff6d36dbdb9e JACUMBA HOT SPRINGS, Calif. (AP) — On many nights, hundreds of migrants squeeze through poles in a border wall or climb over on metal ladders. They gather in a buffer zone between two walls with views of the night lights of Tijuana, Mexico, waiting hours for Border Patrol agents while volunteers deliver hot coffee, instant ramen and bandages for busted knees and swollen ankles. about 230,000 people crossed illegally into the United States near San Diego and surrendered to officers to claim asylum. In the first seven months of the current fiscal year, agents have already encountered more than 220,000 people. San Diego is on pace this year to surpass any annual total since the late 1990s.
  13. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/04/us/san-diego-migrants-california.html After you read, put your head back in the sand.
  14. A couple hits between beers. Bliss.
  15. I was told by my neighborhood weed lady that vape pens were available in Pattaya. Where? Thanks
  16. Talk radio in Calif is mainly conservative. But as far as TV the only station that gives a conservative view point is FOX. The others are very one sided.
  17. I keep mine inside but keep it turned off when not used. If outside it would be kept on.
  18. Maybe read the topic Social Media provided. I'm sitting pretty in Thailand with my US rentals set at a below average rental rate. If I charged the going rate I'd have to evict them all because they couldn't afford the rent.
  19. So, you're avoiding answering an honest question. How very political of you. Sounds like when Harris is asked point blank about how she plans to bring down costs. She talks about lawns. Stock holdings is something the majority of Americans can't afford. They're being priced out of rentals to make room for migrants.
  20. As was stated before by our leftie brethren, our president doesn't control the stock market. So, which is?
  21. Funny how when stock market was down it wasn't Biden's fault but when it's going OK you give Biden credit. The minute Biden took office he rescinded most of Trump's border initiatives, stopped building the border barrier, sold off the barrier supplies for pennies on the dollar. "Stand with Labor" is a laugh since the Teamsters won't stand with her. The US can't handle the amount of migrants biden has allowed in. If harris wins it'll just be more of the same. All words and no action.
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