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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Finally the American people have had enough of this cra*. good for them, better late than never.
  2. Oh gosh yes, biden is sharp as a tack he is. He's focused and on top of things.
  3. You're creepy on a whole different level. Yes, you've out done yourself.
  4. It's unbelievable how stupid and out of touch democrats are. You could have had the trust of the American people quite easily. Started with the bungled Afghanistan withdrawl, the border policies that biden rescinded, the far left progressive policies like student loan forgiveness. Biden was supposed to bring this country together but has gone out of his way to do the opposite. The chances of either old man making it as POTUS for 4 more years are slim. So, the VP this time around means more than ever. bien's VP doesn't exactly instill confidence, now does she? Actually both parties are idiots for keeping these two old codgers around. This time around the people will vote against and not for. Go TRUMP.
  5. Cmon, in all fairness, lits a pretty horse. What happens in LOS stays in LOS
  6. I agree 100%. Life is too short.
  7. Yep, in Dubai the Astoria Hotel was a fun place to drink, sort of the lower end. The York hotel had the Africans, that was scary. In Bahrain the Chinese ladies were taking over the bars. Tabasco Charlie's used to be filled with Thais.
  8. Wow, combing hair forward to cover bald head really works.
  9. I see you're unable to stick to the topic. Typical biden administration apologist deflection reply.
  10. Perhaps the biden could apologize to the American people for his part in increasing the border crossings. The dems have to acknowledge their mistakes before they can count on the GOP to bail them out. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/01/politics/immigration-remain-in-mexico/index.html The Biden administration formally ended the Trump-era policy of returning asylum seekers to Mexico until their court dates in the United States, according to a memo issued by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Take note it's CNN
  11. For the average Joe in the US, whether joe or Mr Trump become POTUS their lives won't change. Not really, but for those of us in a strange land for our own reasons, well its a topic of discussion.
  12. If you would leave your white privledged neighborhood, you might see the real world. The small farming town I'm from is turning into a little ghetto with gang activity.
  13. In Callie you also have the insanity of newsom's fast food wage increase. I'll be visiting Calif soon, an ice chest with cold cuts, salads and cheeses, and such is our daily source of meals, together with a nice sit down restaurant for dinner. Besides the health factor, prices for burgers and such is crazy high. I would rather have a proper meal for same money.
  14. Anyone who has listened to biden's bumbling his way through speeches should feel certain joe was juiced up before the big day. Quote removed by moderation
  15. In the middle of the night you have a few sailors on the bridge, the rest are below decks. The bridge is the Pilothouse, where the thingy you steer with is.
  16. Crime is so bad NYC is sending National Guard to the subway to battle crime
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