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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. Outstanding contributions.
  2. Having a thread dedicated to upcoming events in Pattaya isn't too much to ask. Music, car shows, fireworks etc etc etc. I understand if you live there you see the banners and are aware but those of us who live nearby wouldn't mind a heads up on upcoming events.
  3. It is a butter blend. Never buy the blend
  4. Never gets old. Funny is funny
  5. Now they have Obama trying to shame black men into voting for Harris. Guess Black men shouldn't vote for a white president.
  6. So you're not willing to really make any concessions to save out planet. Yet, you blame Trump. Ban plastic bags and straws should do the trick right??
  7. It's cringeworthy listening to Harris.
  8. My accident happened at a 7-11, like MB dominoes, super embarrassing.
  9. Are you willing to give up air travel for passage on a sailing ship.
  10. Bar girl monkeys.
  11. Someone else who has no answers.
  12. When you stop the motorbike do you use the kickstand to shut down engine then turn key off? I had an incident years ago where I didn't properly put kickstand down and the MB fell over damaging other nearby bikes. So, for years now I put kickstand down first to shutdown motor, problem with that method is I have a few times forgot to turn off key and battery is drained.
  13. I'm truly curious how far climate change folks are willing to go. Stop all nonessential air travel, ban all combustible engines. How far are you willing to take this? Understand these bans need to be worldwide, no more ships transporting goods around the world.
  14. Tell Bob, he can come home. We miss him.
  15. I don't recall ever posting my comment on Brexit debate. If I had I'd simply be going by what I've read or heard on the news. No real life experience. The same goes for non US citizens posting about things like illegal aliens and life in general in the USA. They post graphs and links to the liberal news sources which downplays the problem. Now, if I was to post real life experiences related to some of these topics, well that's trolling and conspiracy. Now you also have the professionals who IMO don't really believe their stance but they pick the liberal one because there is way more liberal news than conservative ones.
  16. Bet a majority of posters on American politics are not US citizens. Odd init.
  17. That's America right there.
  18. No they can't possibly check all items so quickly. I leave with 2 carts, they take my bill, give it a thoughtful glance and tag it. What you described probably does go on.
  19. I'm sure others beat me to this but self check out is done at TOPS.
  20. Right on Trump. You don't have to like the boss to see he's doing good things.
  21. Thanks for that. Very telling no dems and or liberals are responding to this. She and the democrats are the greatest threat to our democracy.
  22. Be nice if she would actually answer questions.
  23. You blamed Trump for the hurricanes presently hitting the USA. Please show proof that this is directly Trump's fault. One man caused havoc. Right? Guess countries like China have zero emissions. What about India? Only pickled brains thinks Trump caused the hurricanes.
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