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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. So, you're saying it's not true. Why would "Murdoc publication" have anything to do with it? What biden has done to this country is obscene.
  2. Sounds good to me. Soon to pass the lips of Harris.
  3. I was recently in the US and kind of wanted to take a THC vape pen back with me in checked luggage and rightly decided against it. What was this guy thinking.
  4. I caught a few minutes of Trump on the Gutfeld show. Trump was speaking well.
  5. Back in the day the dems were voicing their own theory of Bush's sudden embellished speaking ability. Now, the same concerning Harris who is widely known for her word salads. Opinion Wireless technology might explain why US President George W. Bush performed better than usual in the last two presidential debates with his opponent, Senator John Kerry. https://www.theregister.com/2004/10/12/bush_wireless_coaching/ It's just good fun. Take it easy ole man.
  6. I'm not saying I believe in it, just that it's an interesting story. So feel free to untwist panties.
  7. Most people I know won't answer a call if not on their list of contacts. So who are these people who are polled. Are they done in person, like a table outside of Walmart with a questionnaire? Just curious.
  8. Of course you meant to say "in your world"
  9. https://www.essentiallysports.com/ufc-mma-news-joe-rogan-calls-for-an-investigation-on-kamala-harris-earrings-controversy-at-donald-trump-debate/ https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nova-audioearrings/audio-earrings-earphones-made-earrings The earpiece in question is the NOVA H1 Audio Earrings, a device that was being sold on a Kickstarter page last year. According to Rogan, the earrings Harris wore looked exactly like the product. As a result, the JRE host has asked the Democrat to allow an investigation to prove that she did not wear the gadget. The naysayers can make fun if you want but it's pretty interesting in my book.
  10. You're sort of correct. The brand is Bertolli 1 L bottle that cost 750. I did state it was at Makro Sattahip which has a very limited selection. I was at a mall that has Tops yesterday and strolled through the oil section. Sooo many choices, so many brands and sizes of bottle. I may have to include stores like Tops in my shopping as I usually buy everything at Makro and the small vendors around me for veggies and meats.
  11. So, in your world a student getting a degree in science should have free uni fees. Paid for in great part by the majority with no degree.
  12. Who in their right mind would back a student tuition forgiveness program. That's stupid. And a slap in the face of the hard working folks who managed without a degree.
  13. I had a phone call from US today asking questions I'm assuming is for a poll. Now the caller had a tagalog accent so I asked where she was calling from and she hung up. So, my question is, who actually takes the time to answer questions? I believe the average person never would have answered the call in the first place but I answer all US calls because I have business dealings going on all the time. For me that means these polls we hear about can't be very accurate.
  14. I had a taxi do this after exiting BKK, danged scary.
  15. Awesome imagination.
  16. “Here’s the sad truth,” the author correctly states in the piece. “The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely. They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic. They peddle giveaways to the college-educated like student loan forgiveness plans that disproportionately help their base, snubbing the majority of the country without a four-year degree, and then offer no tangible plans for true reform.” https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4891015-the-scared-majority-could-deliver-a-landslide-victory-for-trump/
  17. You really think folks really care about the national debt. They care about their kids getting a proper education, crazy high rents, crime, home prices, interest rates. All politicians pander. But, the core of the conservative beliefs is what is best for America.
  18. The average poster here probably isn't American but because they perhaps visited once years ago they think "they know" Then you have the Americans who left the US years ago to retire in Thailand and never go back to visit. But, post here based on what the left news media feeds them.
  19. Harris is a hypocrite. She'll say anything for a vote. Unchecked illegal crossings and so called asylum seekers entering the US is causing havoc. Rents are skyrocketing, schools are filled with non English speaking students so American kids are deprived of a proper education. She was recently asked specifics about her economic policy and she answered with the same tired story of being raised middleclass. She had nothing. Was watching a utube video from Australia and they are also suffering from high home prices and rent caused in part by increased immigration.
  20. Makro Sattahip has the big jars of green olives with pomento.
  21. Cold pressed is the best or so I've been told.
  22. I don't shop around much. We hit Makro every now and again for main staples and don't really compare prices but that one item was noticeable.
  23. I bought a small plastic bottle for dressing and that was like 468 baht. When did this happen?
  24. You're right the race is Trump's to win or lose. I agree he should stay on point with certain talking points. Do you honestly believe people vote for Trump because they like him? But, the alternative is so much, much worse.
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