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Everything posted by EVENKEEL

  1. I thought that is what makes Pattaya so charming and original.
  2. At least they stopped penalizing people without Insurance. You will do as you're told, because I (we the government) knows what's best for you. If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. Ole obama basically said I lied because I know better than you, what's best for you.
  3. That's a very narrow minded view of the GOP. But, in the end what's important is that numpty joe and cackling kamala are gone.
  4. Within hours of President Trump's decision to restrict travel from China on Jan. 31, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic -- and they are now beating a hasty retreat from that position as the coronavirus continues to ravage the economy and cause scores of deaths. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/dems-media-change-tune-trump-attacks-coronavirus-china-travel-ban Trump made the right call and how did the media treat him?
  5. I wouldn't expect foreigners to remember names. It would be nice to have Haley vs numpty joe.
  6. Unemployment is not the topic of discussion. Yes, life was better under Trump. You don't have to like him but life was better.
  7. Negotiation, really? New York and Chicago don't want them.....period. The US can't sustain the numbers being released, it's a no Brainer. Which is why Biden will lose
  8. I'll take either one, I prefer Halley. Anyone except nuptie joe.
  9. Now I know you're a troll, mouthing absolute trash. I see you avoided my easy question earlier. Makes me wonder if you're paid for these ridiculous claims.
  10. So, if these folks had been taking Vitamin C, would this also be a cause of death.
  11. If what you say is true then why are cities like New York and Chicago crying uncle over the buses with migrants? They should be so happy to have folks to fill all the important job vacancies.
  12. The drug was given out to the crew, daily dosage for a month to combat Malaria. We had to sign a disclosure stating we were given the drug, whether you took it was up to you. You feel lucky, well do you?
  13. I started out in Sakon, 14 yrs ago while I was still working overseas. Packed up the pickup, moved far away some years ago. I don't miss it one bit.
  14. Kisses back at you, the hysterics is insane on here. You guys are already lining up at an imaginary que to pay an imaginary tax. The last official word was nothing is really finalized.
  15. This a forum of mostly older people and from what little I read you seem to be instigating fear in many for something that probably won't effect anyone. Are you bound by some contract to keep posting, i think not. So please stop playing the savior of mankind.
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