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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Alina Habba is lucky she is not in jail after lying to Kaplan about where she was. A conflict of interest when the two worked together over 30 years ago? So what? The jury decided the damages bill, not the judge or plaintiff's counsel. The New York Post is owned by News Corporation. Their brand of "investigative journalism " is lies, gossip and innuendo. Fox is owned by News Corporation too, and that media outlet settled with Dominion for $760 odd million, rather than face court.
  2. I've heard of people getting off charges when there are one or two. Statistically, the bigger the number, the lower the probability of acquittal. Trump has 91 indictments to answer for. That puts him in the top 0.0001 % of people charged with felonies. It's fairly inconceivable he can be acquitted on all 91 charges. He'd have a better shot at winning a lottery. Given the fatuous responses you have posted, I doubt you have the intelligence to comprehend basic probability and statistics. Trump is toast, unless mass insanity prevails, so he can pardon himself.
  3. Give the police 20,000 baht to duff him up somewhat.
  4. Assuming the verdict is disgorgement at the low end - $250 million - where do you think Trump will find that amount to post bond? Who do you think will be stupid enough to lend him the money? This isn't Trump selling BS trading cards, or grifting his rubes for a few million. This is serious money.
  5. She quoted me 1800 baht for 30 tablets when I enquired on LINE.
  6. Agreed, but Trump probably thinks it does.
  7. IMO it is doubtful Trump could raise the money to appeal the second case. The bond would be $83 million. He can't get it from the family, there's a special master in the NY fraud case specifically to prevent Trump transferring funds. Permit me to doubt he would get anyone stupid enough outside the family to stand for him. The appeal of the first case could be quite entertaining. I am betting Trump will throw his attorneys of that case under the bus, saying he had inadequate representation. That creates two problems. Who is going to replace Alina Habba? After the drubbing she got from Judge Kaplan, and also lying to him, she has zero credibility. What sane lawyer wants to put their reputation on the line by representing Trump? The second problem for Trump is Joe Tacopina. If he throws him under the bus, it's a safe bet Joe will come back swinging. He is noted as a bare-knuckle brawler in a court room.
  8. My dislike of Trump is based on a comparatively trivial facet of his character, or rather the lack of it. Trump cheats at golf. He is well known in golfing circles for it. Any experienced golfer looking at his round-arm golf swing over a protruding belly knows his claims to be a champion golfer are complete BS. His wins only come on golf courses he owns. In my country, golf cheats get short shrift. They are ostracised, and once the word gets around, are rejected at every golf club they try to join. Trump defiles the game of golf, like he defiles everything else.
  9. Water has dissolved oxygen, IIRC about 8 mg/L in healthy water. That's not the same as the nascent oxygen generated by HOCl. The first is O2, the second is O. Excessive aeration of a water reservoir will tend to drive off chlorine. It is a gas, after all. Not knowing what your system looks like, I can't say what is happening with it.
  10. The mean words caused Trump's deranged supporters to threaten the plaintiff in various ways. How would you like to be receiving death threats, in a land where the Second Amendment is sacred? She got $5 million for said mean words. Trump then doubled down with more of them. The bulk of the second judgment, awarded by a jury of Trump's peers, was $65 million in PUNITIVE damages. That is, damages designed to make Trump think about doing it again. So far, it seems to have worked. What part of that legal process don't you understand?
  11. I don't think you can. It depends on what organics are in the water supply which the free chlorine reacts with first to create Total Chlorine. Free Chlorine only comes into existence once the chlorine demand of the organics is satisfied. I've seen Total Chlorine of 10 ppm, and 300 ppm. It all depends on the purity of the input water. Chlorine effectiveness decreases quite rapidly above pH 8. It's the nascent oxygen of HOCl which oxidizes bacteria.
  12. Salt and pepper is not commonly used by Thais, they prefer chili and sugar. They would probably complain about the lack of chili in a Western country restaurant. I do hope the OP recovers from two sprained wrists soon.
  13. Your hero has 91 indictments underway. Two lost cases where he has been found guilty, financial penalty of $83 million in one, probably hundreds of millions for the other. The Georgia case of election interference, and his cavalier attitude to national secrets. That's a lot of kangaroos. I'm sure you can match them with the number of excuses.
  14. My hypothesis: The people donating to him have fewer brain cells than an amoeba.
  15. I am aware there is a process of lawyers getting court orders to seize assets, but if it makes you happy to indulge yourself in semantics, be my guest.
  16. Sleep deprivation was one of the tortures Cardinal Mindszenty was subjected to by the communist regime in Hungary. To me, sheets are not as important as getting the right amount of blankets covering my svelte form. Like Goldilocks, I like to be not too cold, not too hot in bed. I am very lucky, I have GG's threads to read as a sleep aid.
  17. Once the pH gets above 9, there won't be any free chlorine around. To be effective, a pH of 7.5 is required. Total chlorine is a measure of the chlorine which has reacted with organics in the water, such as amines, to form chloramines. Total chlorine is far less effective than free chlorine as a bactericide. The ideal free chlorine level is 0.1 - 0.5 ppm. ( mg/L ) More is not better, as it may cause eye and skin irritation.
  18. Trump is reduced to employing neophytes because competent lawyers are avoiding him like leprosy. Why would anyone want to work for someone who doesn't pay up, won't listen to legal advice, always thinks he is the smartest person in the room, and wants people to fawn on him? Apparently Joe Tacopina was his last effective lawyer. He is quite reticent as to why he left Trump, but he has quit on two of Trump's cases. Lawyers don't like losing, it affects their future prospects. My guess is Tacopina saw the writing on the wall.
  19. Hint: Where there is smoke, there is fire. Her lawyers will start seizing assets if he does not pay up. Can a bankrupt run for President?
  20. 19 women have come forward to say they were sexually assaulted by Trump in various ways. It's a pattern. Perhaps you think all 19 women are like her, demonstrating your own ... . Two interesting things about the award. First is, Trump hasn't said a word about E Jean Carroll, only attacking the judge and courts. If he were to defame her again, she could sue for even more. Second is if/when Trump appeals the verdict, he has to post a bond equivalent to the damages award. IMO he's going to have trouble finding an asset of that value which is unencumbered.
  21. Next, I suppose you'll be saying all 19 women were registered Democrats. Your defence of a sexual predator tells me all I need to know about your own moral compass. Goodbye.
  22. I believe I know Chiang Rai province quite well, but there is always something new.
  23. The problem with pigs is they like eating truffles too, whereas hounds do not. As the OP, shouldn't you be staying on topic? Just saying......
  24. I am not in any competition to establish my complexity vis-a-vis yours. If anything, I am finding simplicity more fulfilling as I age.
  25. You can't have it both ways, either Trump is lying or he is not. "They let you do it" does not imply consensual. E Jean Carroll has already got her verdict. If you think she and Stormy Daniels are isolated instances, and not the tip of a sexual predator iceberg, I have a bridge in Sydney Harbor I'd like to sell you.

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