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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. AFAIK you can't do anything at the DLT without the log book.
  2. When you use the expression " I don't remembering " it contradicts your post about real English speakers.
  3. I don't know, ask at the DLT office.
  4. It's a bit strange all the real English speakers have about 30 different accents, ranging from Cockney to Scouse, and many prefer to live in Australia.
  5. Next, you'll be telling me boiling water is too hard.
  6. Many countries have DTA's with Thailand, everyone is waiting for clarification on their role in the latest change.
  7. Registration renewal is once a year, I would assume it expires when not renewed. Plenty of bikes in my GF's village that are not registered, because they rarely go outside the village.
  8. You can make your own cheese, and bake your own bread?
  9. You will not do well in a post-apocalyptic world.
  10. Salmon. So do I, at Makro. I also buy meat patties, ham and sausages online from Smokey Mountain Foods. I am not cooking today, my GF has made a mussuman curry for me. I alternate between cooking for myself, letting my GF do it, and going out to eat. I tend to avoid cooking dishes that are time-consuming.
  11. Today, Albo was talking about modifying the Stage 3 tax cuts to apply further down the food chain, with low income earners. It would be remarkable if, having done that, he then taxes pensions at 30% simply because said pensioner is living overseas.
  12. The Romans had a saying, "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses". Loosely translated, it means: "If you had kept your mouth shut, we might have thought you were clever".
  13. Sorry, I have to disappoint you as I understood what you said. I am not confused by the fact you used tones instead of tons or tonnes, I guess AI has some way to go when it comes to spellcheckers. Tones are what the Thai language has.
  14. You may be right. A soldier, however, can say he was attacked by the person who programmed the drone to attack him. IMO your statement is a paradox. If current AI is not sentient, by definition it is not AI. AI implies sentience.
  15. I obtained one about two years ago. IIRC, the official wanted documentary evidence of the death of my parents, and my birth certificate. It took two days and about 6 hours of her pecking away at a keyboard like a headless chook. Definitely needed a native Thai speaker with a good command of English. I can't think of any situation where I have actually used it. Perhaps some kind soul will post its uses.
  16. Labor is running with trying to find an antidote for the poison pill Stage 3 tax cuts, bequeathed to them by the Liberals. Bigger fish to fry, as does the ATO. You have documented evidence of draft legislation, or are you still relying on discussion papers?
  17. You think a jellyfish swims towards you in order to attack you? Is there any proof of that happening? The ant is programmed to sting you as a defense, just as a mosquito is programmed to feast on warm-blooded mammals. That does not make them sentient.
  18. If, not after. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  19. The OP is wrong. Chile has the largest reserves of lithium, followed by Australia. Argentina comes a distant third. In terms of mine production, Australia leads, followed by China and Argentina
  20. I swim in a condo pool, no beasties to worry about there. I have thought if the Russians are looking for new markets for their crappy military equipment, I am open to buying a tank for use on Thai roads. Although it might have problems fitting through the ubiquitous checkpoints.
  21. I don't know anything about teaching. I know a fair bit about being taught, in both private and public schools. I don't disagree teaching 40+ students would be a hard row to hoe, and would tempt many teachers to just go through the motions. I was fortunate in having good teachers at the primary and secondary stage, who encouraged and extended me, to the point I won scholarships at both the secondary and tertiary level. The first WAS in a 1950's classroom. OTOH, I had a history teacher who made the subject insufferably dull, although I now find it fascinating. I don't know how private and public schools compare in Thailand. IME, private school teachers in the West are better paid, have manageable class sizes, and are better at what they do. Perhaps it is a positive feedback loop.
  22. Repetitive posting.
  23. "Attacked by jellyfish" implies they are a sentient species. Electrifying implies the flow of current, whereas the woman swam into venomous tentacles. IMO journalism gets very sloppy in the use of English.

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