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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I don't understand how any bank can freeze a joint account, if the survivor is the executor as well. In any case, the bank would not be capable of freezing an account until it is informed one of the account holders is dead.
  2. The WHO classifies things as carcinogens when the statistics say so. Such as being 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer if you are a smoker, compared with a non-smoker. I am not a temperance advocate, and have enjoyed moderate amounts of alcohol in the past. There is another reason for stopping alcohol. Combined with some medications, it can be very damaging to the liver and kidneys. Over-the-counter paracetamol is one example. Cytotoxic drugs are another.
  3. It seems that this forum has many members who are intellectually challenged. Hello to the OP. Rocket science is not required to understand the traffic police apply different rules and fines to foreigners than they do with Thais.
  4. AFAIK probate for a Thai will is about 6 months.
  5. Nan is too quiet, the choices in terms of Western eateries are very limited, and there is only one hospital. Apparently it only has one golf course as well. Pass.
  6. Both Kamagra/sidegra/viagra and Cialis tend to lower blood pressure. It's likely the spinout effect will be present with Cialis as well, except it may last longer. Proceed with caution. Cialis at 280 baht for 10 pills is almost certainly a copy, even Apcalis is 800 baht for 4 pills.
  7. Our account was with Bangkok Bank, it may have helped I already had 800K on deposit with them. IIRC the process took about an hour, and I got writer's cramp signing the usual reams of paper.
  8. I have a savings passbook in my own name, and my GF's. I can draw on it alone, so can she when I am in Australia. Is that not an either/or account?
  9. It's not when the person is not insurable without bankrupting themselves. Try getting health insurance for someone over 75, with pre-existing conditions, and you will see what I mean.
  10. I must be immune, I eat considerable quantities of spicy foods and yoghurt. What - me worry?
  11. I don't know the circumstances behind my food poisoning. It may be someone who left food to thaw. Or something else. Simple logic tells me it was most probably store-related. If it was a batch manufacturing problem, it would have come to the attention of the authorities as a mass event. Ditto with a refrigeration failure. A virus takes time to multiply. The effect of voiding from both ends for 12 hours occurred 2 hours after consumption of the food. I am scrupulous with food, washing my hands every time before handling. I have better hygiene standards than many of your countrymen, judging by my olfactory experience on the London Tube. People leaving food behind because they have a hissy fit over slow service, or someone pushing in front of them, IMO are petty and childish. It's no surprise you are in their ranks, without any consideration of possible consequences. Troll someone else.
  12. Rhinophyma or rosacea, alcohol exacerbates both conditions.
  13. That's what they do with military aircraft. Paying passengers like to see where they are going.
  14. You are assuming the Shop Assistant would do something about it immediately. Having had a quite violent case of food poisoning from a frozen meal I bought in Tops, I have experience in my corner.
  15. Stating a fact. If you don't like said fact, I have others.
  16. I missed something, when did I suggest people retire to these places with their EV's?
  17. Doesn't it depend on how long it is before the staff notices the goods, and takes action to return them to proper storage? How do you know another customer won't get food poisoning from thawed goods being returned to a freezer? How do you know regulations don't compel them to be thrown out? I wasn't aware I was virtue signalling, that's your opinion. We all know what they say about opinions.
  18. Do you own a BYD? Is that what the manual says? Where do you think the heat pump gets its power from, and what do you think that does to range? Another thermodynamic ignoramus.
  19. IMO I should start a bit of virtue signalling myself. Sticking with my faithful 2006 Toyota Vios is a lot more virtuous than purchasing a new behemoth of either persuasion, my kerb weight is under 1 tonne.
  20. Minor issues such as the pressurized cabin losing a window or two, I suppose.
  21. To be fair, they do help reduce air pollution in city environments. However, while power stations are still using fossil fuels as the source of about 70% of the world's electricity, they are not saving the planet, and never will. For the most part, EV's simply transfer the CO2 emissions to an electricity supplier.
  22. You'll have to start putting sarcasm alerts on your posts, your brand is just too subtle for at least two of us.
  23. They both use fossil fuels, and obey the same thermodynamic laws.
  24. Your favorite coffee shop /restaurant is 61 km away? Barbaric.

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