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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. There are opinions, and facts. It's probably better to stick to facts, although that is an opinion too.
  2. Fair enough, not all of us are that lucky or good. IIRC you were in the US military.
  3. Trump is so full of it people are complaining about the smell when it spills. That's not a figure of speech, either.
  4. Ah, but can you do it all night? Or does it take all night to do?
  5. I have got to the age where a good sh!t is much more satisfying.
  6. There must be more behind her situation, Thais are usually brought up to respect their parents and take care of the elderly. I can see it in my GF's family. Elder abuse is increasing in countries such as Australia, hopefully it won't take root here.
  7. I had a full sack in my twenties and thirties, after that it diminished. At my age now, it's damn near empty.
  8. Greedy b@gger, one is enough for me.
  9. I tried the income method for one year. I found it to be such a PITA keeping track of exchange rates, and losing money on transfers, that I went back to the 800K on deposit. The 800K was deposited when the AUD exchange rate was about 29 baht, so it looks like I will always be ahead, even if I don't touch it.
  10. There are about 2.8 million people in Australia receiving the OAP, although some may only be receiving a part pension due to other assets. That is 63% of Australians aged 65 and over, which makes people living solely off superannuation a minority. I am guessing you are not Australian, when you post a comment which is factually wrong.
  11. Negotiate. Point out to him you have lost other potential renters by reserving the condo for him. It's not his fault the visa was denied, that's force majeure. Morally, you should return his deposit. Legally, it's murky.
  12. The real problem is organisations such as Hamas and Hezbollah do not recognize Israel's right to exist, and are sworn to destroy that nation. What does one do when confronted with an attitude like that? It's like trying to persuade a rabid dog to refrain from biting.
  13. In terms of cost from low to high, the order is: Cold-rolled uncoated Galvanised Zinc-aluminium alloy. Pre-painted e.g. Colorbond. Galvanised is a bit tricky cost-wise, as the price depends on the coating thickness as well as the steel thickness. The thicker the zinc coating, the longer the sacrificial protection will last. Coating thickness can vary from 50 g/sqm to 400 g/sqm. Galvanised gives better cut edge protection than zinc/aluminium alloy. Zinc/aluminium is mainly used in roofing applications, with 0.35 mm being a fairly standard thickness. Post-painting is usually unnecessary unless the environment is quite humid, or welding operations are involved. In dry environments, galvanised will last for over 100 years. If painting over galvanised, an etch primer should be applied first. These have phosphoric acid and/or zinc phosphate as passivating compounds. Painting would be recommended for a marine environment. One poster here suggested muriatic acid ( i.e. hydrochloric acid ). That creates a corrosion cell unless completely removed, and is bad news for any crevices.
  14. I would have thought that makes it really easy............
  15. Perhaps Tim Conway can help you milk it....... Tim Conway's cow impression is udderly brilliant 🐄.webm
  16. Off topic, something to start the New Year with....... Tim Conway's cow impression is udderly brilliant 🐄.webm
  17. One sees people popping up on social media, talking about out-of-warranty EV's, where they are stuck with a battery replacement cost of 60-70% of the new vehicle cost. Their car insurance won't cover it either. Admittedly it can't be all that frequent, but it must give secondhand EV buyers something to think about. Contrast that with an ICE, where a reconditioned engine is 20-30K baht, if it is blown.
  18. Good thinking, why get stressed over something until it actually happens to us?
  19. You may be right. However, I think enough of my time is spent on ASEAN without adding other platforms.
  20. I can't predict what is going to happen with EV cars. There is not enough lithium being mined to enable replacement of every ICE in existence. I think I can predict when insurance companies wake up to the cost of a vehicle that has to be scrapped instead of being repaired, or causes catastrophic damage far beyond the vehicle itself, that premiums will skyrocket.
  21. Fair enough. I am not interested in having my personal data and preferences harvested for sale to the highest bidder.
  22. Senna is the principal ingredient of many laxatives formulated to relieve constipation. Given some of the posts I read, it seems to be working too well.
  23. One is paying out now a premium which has a certain purchasing power. With inflation, in 20 - 30 years time ( or whatever ) the purchasing power of what the insurance company pays out on the policy declines to the point where it is probably only enough to buy a secondhand car. An insurance company salesman in his cups told me when he sells a life policy, his commission was the first year premiums. Insurance companies would not be paying out that kind of money unless the sector was very profitable.
  24. Yes. Public hospitals in Thailand are limited in what they can do. Assuming the treatment I had was even available, it would have bankrupted me in any private hospital.
  25. I am selective in the insurance I take out. I have car insurance here, which I consider essential. I have top level private health insurance in Australia, which paid out big time early in 2023. The treatment I got was simply unavailable in Thailand, and that includes Bumrungrad. I have never taken out life insurance or travel insurance. IMO life insurance is a scam. In all the years I have traveled, I only needed to pay once for a missed flight, about 2000 baht IIRC. I would have paid 50 times that in premiums.

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