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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Not really, although I suspect some of you are coprophagocytes.
  2. IIRC there was a dietitian during WWII who was asked to design a diet for Brits during the U-Boat blockade. It was bread, potato and cabbage. Aussies ate a lot better than that. Perhaps you have not noticed Australia has a hot climate. It's where the term Pom came from, Brits emigrating here turned as red as the fruit.
  3. It would probably taste better if I didn't.
  4. If I only had 100 brain cells left, it would still be ten times yours. You are as subtle as a fart in a bathysphere.
  5. A very lean form of protein, some people actually became fat-deficient. Prior to calcivirus, if you had a chicken chow mein anywhere inland at a Chinese restaurant, the odds were very good it was actually rabbit. I tried a pork pie once, it was disgusting.
  6. Is that what they do in the UK? It does explain your football yobbos and Hooray Henrys.
  7. When people provoke me with asinine comments, I respond. If you have a problem with that, you know what to do.
  8. Given the Brits have their taste buds removed at birth, it's not surprising they have no sense of smell. No other nation could enjoy cold pork pies, warm beer, and grey cabbage.
  9. The spelling is "their". It's also a comment on moderation, which IS against the rules. Naughty naughty.
  10. I guess you'd like to be a mod, so you can do a thought police shtick.
  11. Report my posts to the mods if you object to them. You've got a bee in your bonnet about racism. Let me remind you it was the Brits who first invented concentration camps.
  12. I like giving Poms a touch up occasionally, some are toffee-nosed gits who think their s#!t doesn't stink.
  13. Take a long walk off a short pier. You don't tell me what to do.
  14. Not unless he found some batteries in Babylon.
  15. You don't get to tell me where or how I can and can't comment. That's a moderator's decision. The term is based on the experience of most Australians. If you don't like what I post, put me on ignore. Rest assured I won't miss you.
  16. IIRC that term is reserved for Buddha.
  17. I always ask my GF if the earth moved for her too.
  18. Perish the thought. Should I have said they are electron-worshippers?
  19. "Whinging Pom" is standard language in Australia. It did not evolve accidentally.
  20. AS the saying goes, ugly as a hatful of bums,
  21. There is a WHO publication called "Food, Nutrition and Cancer" . It's about 3 inches thick, and comes out as revised edition every couple of years. It discusses every cancer known to man from the viewpoint of statistical analysis of deaths in each category. The evidence is overwhelming. If you smoke, drink, or are obese, you have a much higher probability of dying of cancer. What is remarkable is while alcohol and tobacco are linked to a few very specific cancers, obesity is linked to almost every one of them. The message is quite clear - lose the beer gut. My own hypothesis is that fat is an accumulator of toxins, inhibiting the body's ability to detoxify them. In point of fact, I could kill any drinker on this forum overnight by massive liver failure with several compounds, and it would be virtually undetectable. Anyone who has seen the images from an electron microscope of bacteria and viruses would disagree with your hypothesis. Do you think the millions of dollars spent on Stage 4 biological laboratories is money wasted? Your theory says it is.
  22. I can remember when I was working in the iron ore industry in the sixties in WA. Port Hedland had a sizeable Aboriginal population. Every white parent in town that could afford it sent their kids to boarding schools in Perth. If the kids stayed in Port Hedland, it would only be a couple months before they would be speaking pidgin English just like the Aboriginal kids.
  23. AFAIK the first successful cancer treatment based on immunological vaccination was BCG treatment for bladder cancer. I should know, having had it in 2006. It involves introduction of attenuated live tuberculosis bacteria into the bladder. The success rate of full remission is 90-95%, which is why I am still here. The number of tools medical science has evolved since then is amazing, what with monoclonal antibodies and targeted inhibitors. Chemotherapy has become a fairly blunt tool. I have no doubt anything that gets the immune system to do the fighting is the way to go. In contrast, chemotherapy crushes the immune system, The hysteria and misinformation I am seeing from people who get their information from quacks on social media is quite depressing.
  24. Nothing happens in Chiang Rai to excite the mongers, conspiracy theorists and anti-vaxxers. A couple of EV fanboys, that's it as far as the nutters go. Please stay away, there's enough foreigners here already.

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