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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My GF's father had never been outside his village until two years before he died at age 88. The neighbouring rice fields are as far as he got. They say travel broadens the mind, it likely also fires the imagination.
  2. I am 80. While I still have quality of life, I intend to enjoy it.
  3. You are right, and wrong. Most people do prefer to stay where they are, out of habit. It's not a peculiar mindset. Different, yes. I would die of boredom in Australia. I speak Thai quite competently. Thailand probably has the best infrastructure of any SE Asian country, except Singapore. Many retirees here have Thai families they support, and get support in return. Your "sad and lonely" retirees occupy bar stools, I doubt they are a majority, albeit most visible.
  4. I would rather pay more for the room, and less for a 50 yo GF.
  5. You are obviously not Australian. There, the best I could afford would be a mobile home.Housing would be out of my reach to own, renting would take 60% of my pension. Here, I have a house and a condo to live in, two cars, two motorbikes. I will always feel better about my decision to live here.
  6. Is this shortly Thai Time?
  7. Given the level of education of the average Thai, it's more likely Thais have a real sense of inferiority. Wasn't there a thread about Thai IQ some time ago?
  8. I don't think they are stupid, just unable to uproot themselves. My guess is people who retire outside their homeland are far more likely to have travelled extensively.
  9. In my case, it's what type I will get next.
  10. I recently purged Windows 11 from a new laptop, and installed Linux Mint instead. Far more user-friendly, and far less likely to have viruses attacking every day.
  11. If it takes you 11 days to come up with a nonsensical response, the mind boggles at how long a rational one would take you.
  12. Your choice if you want to play Russian roulette with your dick. Don't come whining on this forum if a bullet eventually catches you. Of course, you could be in a stable relationship, and are just gaslighting.
  13. Strictly hetero, smart@rse.
  14. It seems the function to delete notifications has gone AWOL in the latest "upgrade", all I get is "view notifications". How do I get rid of them?
  15. Australia, and buy a mobile home.
  16. I would hope you have not stopped using condoms for the same reason. I'm just trying to remember the last time I wore a tie.
  17. Don't disagree. I would be very surprised if Putin actually lands in Thailand. He's paranoid about being assassinated, understandably so.
  18. This could be quite clever diplomacy by the Thais, if amoral. Srettha probably knows Putin is highly unlikely to accept the invitation. The US would put enormous pressure on the Thai government if Putin actually set foot on Thai soil, to arrest him. Putin knows he is only safe visiting China and North Korea. The Thais did some fence-sitting in WWII, this is another example.
  19. " All wars are theft writ large". Whatever the OP's motivations are, respect and good luck.
  20. I don't mind a joke at my expense. However, it does have to have some wit and originality. I seem to be going OK by accessing via Google. Comparing prices on Shopee for my repeat orders. One of my recurring orders is for Kelloggs' All-Bran, which is very good for regular bowel function. Perhaps I should be thanking guys like you for reducing my consumption.
  21. My password is stored in Bitwarden, it's correct. Troll someone else, smart@>se.
  22. First time I have had a problem on Agoda, went to booking.com, no problem. I have NT WiFi on a new HP laptop, smartypants.
  23. A Thai scooter licence is not a measure of proficiency. My licence requirements apparently were met with a 200 baht medical certificate, and the ability to identify traffic light colors. No practical test, no safety video. It was a joke. OTOH, the practical and written tests in Australia are quite exacting.
  24. The OP has already shown his true colors to me - three times.

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