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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO the key to having a good relationship in Thailand is to never let anyone know how much you have, and leave at least 70% of your assets in your home country. My GF and I have been together for about ten years, there are success stories as well as the disasters.
  2. I don't know that it is, if the nom de plumes are sequential, not concurrent. Bring out the tar and feathers if it makes you feel better. BTW, how many times have you breached forum rules by repetitive posting and off topic?
  3. If you can find 399 posts of mine attacking you, I will bare my bum in the middle of Bangkok. There's probably 40 or 50 posts of mine which are in response to your harping and carping. Thanks for demonstrating yet again how accomplished you are at exaggeration.
  4. There are people on record who have overstayed for years. I guess Immigration catches up when there is a brush with another arm of government, or a disgruntled neighbour dobs them in.
  5. Some of your salary should have gone into a superannuation fund, which would be refunded when you left Australia. Unless you were not taxed in Australia.
  6. I am still confused over the two year rule in Australia. I had been overseas several times before qualifying for the OAP, my understanding was I had to be in Australia the day I became eligible, and have been resident for 35 years to get the full entitlement. I have no complaint about the pension. It may not be as generous as some; however, it is adequate for my life in Thailand.
  7. I don't know your circumstances. However, rents in Australia are presenting a choice to pensioners who don't own their own homes: To pay the rent, keep warm or cool, or eat.
  8. Yes, I have heard how inexpensive residential aged care is.
  9. Coming up to a week of upgrade genius.
  10. To get a home care package, one needs to have a home to go to.
  11. If you want to bang on about how wonderful Windows is in comparison to Linux, it's not my experience. Years ago, when I was one of the Windows sheeple, I had 34 data breaches, and one laptop which was so thoroughly compromised by a virus it had to be scrapped. I have never had a data breach on Linux. Most people know Windows is under constant attack by hackers, a point which seems to be missing from your analysis.
  12. Get in line, most stupid comes first. The OP's assertion his system will make the amino acids necessary for life from olive oil alone is dietary lunacy, as olive oil is a collection of mono, di and triglycerides of various unsaturated fatty acids. No amines present. It's like making beer without yeast.
  13. This begs the question of why on earth one should have to rely on community forums to find a version of Windows which is not burdened with all the fatware inherent in the brand. Remember John Hurt's line in Margin Call, " a steaming pile of excrement"? Reminds me of Windows.
  14. Into vicarious events?
  15. I stuck to cars produced in Oz until they stopped making them. IIRC most of the Brit cars in Oz were imports from the Rootes Group, which my spellchecker calls Rooted. Quite observant, really.
  16. It used to be said one bought two Jaguars, as one was guaranteed to be in the service shop being fixed. I still remember one Austin - a Westminster or similar name - that still had wire mechanical brakes when everyone else had gone to hydraulics. Who could forget the Hillman Imp, which went from terminal understeer to lethal oversteer on a small change in tyre pressure? Or the first Ford Prefect?
  17. The jury is still out on whether Chinese cars have the same reliability as the Japanese and Korean brands. The Honda Accord of the 2000's had an awesome reputation. LDV in Australia has already achieved the cachet of worst s!!tbox for rust.
  18. That might explain why some of their quality statistics are going downhill.
  19. Most people would view that as positive.
  20. You think the Japanese and Koreans are importing car components from China? They would probably sooner chew razor blades.
  21. Er - AFAIK the Japanese and Korean build their cars with domestically produced steel.
  22. I see, a post attacking me is on topic. And you talk about hypocrisy.
  23. The vast majority of your posts are on the single Chicken Little theme, debunked multiple times by reality. It's called monomania. I have only ever had two nom de plumes on TV/ASEAN, wrong yet again. If you have a life outside ASEAN, IMO it would be a sad one.

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