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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Your name is Barboy/Bignok/BobSmith/Susanlea and half a dozen other twits who try to persuade posters you are not one and the same person.
  2. IIRC Trump had no ideas, 4 years produced zilch by way of a new health system.
  3. Not concerned at all, just enjoying the spectacle of MAGA's suddenly realizing they are being thrown under the bus along with everyone else.
  4. I am not selling anything to America, and I am not buying anything from America either, except Kindle books which are a discretionary choice. Please tell me how I am affected by this nonsense.
  5. What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. SFB
  6. Yes, Canadians can have the benefit of Obamacare, high pharmaceutical costs, America's IRS. Plus a new generation of carpetbaggers heading north. Do you have any idea how stupid your post is?
  7. The refineries in Middle America process heavy crude from Canada. They are not equipped to process light shale oil. It's not a matter of swapping a few valves, genius. Guess what? The tariffs Trump has put on Canada have been responded to in kind. One Canadian governor has directed all alcohol coming from any US red state be taken off supermarket shelves. Let the circus begin.
  8. Look it up yourself, I don't have the time. The Nullabor Plain is 1200 km long. This was at a time when recharging stations did not exist in that region.
  9. Trump thinks in terms of real estate. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he thought he could force Canada into a shotgun wedding. Canada is supplying 50% of America's oil, which would be a huge bonus. Perhaps he is thinking like Lyndon Johnson, it's better to have Canada inside the tent p!ssing out, than outside the tent p!ssing in.
  10. Probably, but this exercise was for publicity purposes, where rationality is suspended.
  11. A Polestar EV has crossed the Nullabor, traveling between Perth and Sydney. Just under 4000 km. It was accompanied by a truck with a diesel generator on board, for recharging when necessary. It was quite environmentally friendly, both the truck and generator were fueled with recycled frying oil.
  12. Probably because I have never bothered to look for them, or fuel pumps either. There's no charging station between Doi Saket and Mae Kachan, and that's a lot of hill climbing. Stations between CR and CM have one purpose only for me, servicing my bladder.
  13. China has thousands of kilometres of high speed rail criss-crossing the country. Japan has just under 3000 km of the Shinkasen network. America has 80 kilometres, the Boston-Washington line. America needs more than investment, it needs committed leaders.
  14. I am not pro or anti EV either, although I have been labeled as a hater by some of the more fervent EV supporters. I have no problem in accepting EV's have considerable advantages in performance and fuel costs, whether it's at a public charger or home. Having solar is icing on the cake. The only time I have had real range anxiety was when I traveled between Nymagee and Cobar (77 km ) in a Ford with a 4 litre engine that consumed petrol like an alcoholic with free booze, and the tank was showing a quarter full. No aircon, and 40 C heat. I probably got there on tank fumes.
  15. About every 2-3 months, I travel between Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai to visit friends. About 200 km. I usually refuel going back at Doi Saket. There are about a dozen fuel pumps at the station, and a single EV charger. So what do you do in that situation if a couple of EV's are waiting there before you to be charged? Drink coffee for an hour? I have no doubt EV's are much cheaper to run, and most owners refuel at home. However, on the road, permit me to doubt they are as convenient to refuel as an ICE. If I did run out of fuel on the road, a jerry can solves the problem. An EV, the only option is a tow truck, unless you want to cart a portable generator around with you. Life support for gas guzzlers? Not in my lifetime.
  16. Why did you top up with a quick charge? Let me guess -range anxiety, and you did not have a jerry can full of electrons.
  17. They will if they are 200-300 km away from home.
  18. IMO you are missing the point. As the ratio of EV's to ICE's changes, one would expect fuel stations to be closing, yes? Also, any EV owner would be looking for a public charger when they are 200 - 300 km away from home, yes?
  19. IIRC the opioid crisis in America was generated by a US company producing the drug oxycontin inside America. It's obvious the billions spent on drug enforcement simply does not work, and never has. The countries that have made drugs legal have reduced crime statistics. There's no profit for the criminal cartels, and addicts don't have to turn to crime to finance their habit. I expect Trump to thunder on, and achieve just as much as his predecessors. Which is zero.
  20. The Chinese market is quite important to Tesla. If Trump is slapping tariffs on Chinese EV's, why wouldn't the CCP do the same for Tesla's? Yes, I know they are manufactured in China.
  21. Just another in the long line of bootlickers with no principles.
  22. True. Not as bad as Australia, household debt $276,000.
  23. I will start believing ICE's are on life support when the number of recharging ports across Thailand is about 2:1 greater than the number of diesel, gasoline and LPG pumps currently in existence. ICE cars will be around for at least another 30 years. As for any heavy haulage, batteries are uneconomic because they become part of the payload.
  24. I for one am going to really enjoy the squealing of the MAGA worshippers, when the light dawns on them that their hero has thrown them under a bus. Welcome to a recession, and higher cost of living. What Trump is doing highlights the importance of being careful what you wish for.
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