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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Oh look, the crybaby is throwing his toys out of the pram again. DILLIGAS.
  2. Yes. Do a runner, like many Thai village lads do.
  3. There are two ways to hydrolyze esters in aqueous media. The first is in soap-making, where esters are heated at 100 C with strong alkali. Soap plus alcohol ( glycerol ) The second is to heat with strong acid plus a catalyst at 100 C. Google "Twitchell reagent". Used to split esters into fatty acids and alcohol. Both processes take 24 -48 hours. Hydrolysis of esters with water at room temperature, without acid or base present, would be a very slow process, measured in months if not years. IIRC papa al flunked organic chemistry with me once before. That could be because I have a chemistry degree, and he doesn't.
  4. Trump has enough snake oil to float an electric boat.
  5. Dear me, just how gullible are you? A House Budget Committee with a slew of Republicans writing the report, what else would you expect it to say? All you can do is point to what Republicans, in thrall to Trump, would automatically say. You conveniently omit to mention the US inflation rate in 2022 was 8%, Trump's poisoned chalice to Biden.
  6. Prophylaxis is a term applied to the attempted prevention of disease. None of your posts address the issue of condensation of water in a tank, separating from pure hydrocarbons, which are immiscible with water.
  7. Why not support shagging sheep and goats, so you can realize your fantasies? See where a straw man argument can go?
  8. https://taxfoundation.org/research/all/federal/donald-trump-tax-plan-2024/ Has Trump been promoted to the royal we, or is your use of "are" just another example of a poor education in the English language?
  9. Still marvellng at the stupidity of American voters. 6 months of Trump in power, they will be the ones hurting.
  10. Quite possible swimming in a pool 4 times a day, treated with chlorine, would remove BO. OTOH, also possible breathing chlorine 4 times a day has killed his sense of smell.
  11. I am living in Thailand. It's a world away from Australia. Yes, I know it's annoying when a mere foreigner points out to Americans just how screwed up America is, with facts to back it up. You may as well get used to it.
  12. I am way above my GF in terms of education, math, and mechanical skills. OTOH, she is streets ahead of me in terms of people smarts, and negotiation in the Thai milieu. It's a good mix.
  13. Wrong. I don't know what blueanon is, had to Google it.
  14. It just shows how requirements vary by branch, the staff in Chiang Rai took a single page copy of my passport and bank book together.
  15. Now over 110 rubles to the dollar, bank interest rates hiked to 21%.
  16. You should tell that to your hero Trump, given he posts about fighting.
  17. Cloth may be salvaged by folding, and sewing two sides to form a bag about 20 cm X 10 cm. Fill the bag with uncooked rice, and sew the bag shut. Place in a microwave with a cup of water, and heat for 2-3 minutes. One then has a heat bag which can be applied to aching backs and joints for 5 minutes. Not predisposed to leaking, like the plastic blue gunk-filled bags that are sold in pharmacies. Who knows, the OP could start a cottage industry in Thailand, if he has enough sexual interludes.
  18. Perhaps buzzards simply look less noble. This is the Australian wedge-tailed eagle, with a wingspan of 2.8 metres. It does eat carrion if live rabbits are not available.
  19. Not a problem. My GF ensures my toenails are kept short. Perhaps the OP should ask his lady friends to give him a trim, before any consummations.
  20. Ah, the American presumption of superiority, which you assume entitles you to be patronizing. Welcome to my ignore list, S*F*B.
  21. I'm Australian, not married. I have never been asked by any Thai official for a copy of my Australian tax returns.
  22. Sounds like EveryG is spot on.
  23. I'm from an era where spanking kids for misbehavior was routine. I'm talking about a 60 -70 year old wanting to be spanked, perhaps the distinction eludes you.

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