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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. IMO that would imply a knowledge of probabilities I find difficult to believe.
  2. Really. How is that going to happen, with both tax cuts and tariffs being inflationary? In his first term, Trump reneged on 53% of his campaign promises. What makes you think 2025 will be different? Trump says he will root out all government officials, and replace them with loyal people. How efficient do you think this new apparatus will be, run by inexperienced people? By discarding environmental safeguards, Trump has his foot on the accelerator of greenhouse gas generation. How far do you think insurance companies will hike their property insurance premiums in high risk locations such as Florida and California? Trump is all about short term gratification, as are many Americans. The average American debt per person is $22,000. More than 70% live from paycheck to paycheck, with no reserve funds in the event of illness or job loss. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/banking/living-paycheck-to-paycheck-statistics-2024/ IMO the mess he leaves behind in 2029 will make his first term seem organized. Children have to touch the stove a couple of times before they find out it is hot.
  3. For those trying to get their blood sugar under control, I suggest fenugreek seed. Soak a teaspoon of it in water overnight. 1/ Fenugreek seeds are high in soluble fiber, which slows down digestion and the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels. 2/ Some studies suggest that fenugreek may improve the body's sensitivity to insulin, allowing the hormone to work more effectively in lowering blood sugar. I was prediabetic. My FBS and HBa1C levels are now normal. Not expensive, readily available on Lazada.
  4. No objection whatsoever to Kalamata olives and avocados. IMO avocado is healthy fat. Dark chocolate is supposed to be the healthiest, I am always shopping for 80-90% cacao content. I tend to limit processed meats. I prefer unmodified fish, beef, chicken, pork and eggs for protein.
  5. I take it you are posting from personal experiences with them.
  6. In Australia, we have the left and the right too. Almost invariably, the reforms benefiting ordinary people come from leftist governments. Medicare, social security. The US would do well to copy our Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The rightist governments are dedicated to enriching those already rich, preserving the status quo, or tearing down leftist reforms. Every time they try, they get a bloody nose from voters.
  7. Trump won. Permit me to doubt the people did. If you don't understand tax cuts and tariff wars are inflationary, hurting the average American, you were asleep in economics class. I am assuming you got that far.
  8. mdr224 did not recognize satire. You too?
  9. Well, there's always the chance he will head off in a different direction. Tangents are his specialty. After all, he did break 53% of the promises he made in his first term.
  10. Arthritis is inflammation. Sugar is inflammatory. There are several ways in which sugar provokes inflammation. My diet is as much protein as I want, plenty of cheese ( 40% fat ) and a small amount of butter. Unsweetened yoghurt. My carbohydrate intake is limited to low carb vegetables - broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, green beans, cauliflower and bamboo. On that diet, my weight went from 93 kg to 78 kg. I have since backslid to 81 kg, as I allow myself half a small bar of chocolate a day. I don't drink alcohol. If the body is deprived of sugar, it has to start burning fat instead, for energy. IMO it's that simple.
  11. I see it as a distinct possibility if the Republicans control both the House and Senate. Every non-MAGA Republican is now terrified of Trump, he has the power of political life or death over them. The Republican party is no longer in Trump's pocket. It is welded to him.
  12. IIRC the Dems were trying to do away with hate speech. Plenty of that in America, and guess who led the charge? As for the infantile obsession with guns, I don't know of any other nation that has to provide training for its children in how to avoid getting shot when attending school.
  13. I don't know whether Trump will be a dictator or not. He feeds off the energy of political rallies. On his past record, he will be playing golf, and refusing to read a briefing of more than one page. Advisers will be a revolving door. His pattern is lauding his appointments, then describing them as idiots after he fires them. Your post is deflection. I'll ask the question again: What makes you think the Constitution can't be amended again to allow more terms?
  14. The Constitution was amended after FDR to allow only 2 terms, after he died in office in his forth term as President. What makes you think it can't be amended again to allow more terms?
  15. If I did, I got well paid for it.
  16. So? Only Americans can have opinions?
  17. "The less it corresponded to reality, the better." Electric boats, sharks and pet-eating Haitians ring any bells?
  18. True. She showed loyalty to Biden, even though it cost her. No doubt Rudy Giuliani, Michael Cohen and Melania can tell you all about Trump's loyalty.
  19. Diversion from my former comment. The Eastern part of Ukraine is its most valuable asset in terms of agriculture. It has one quarter of the world's chernozem, rich black soil which will grow anything. I seriously doubt Putin will stop there, however. He wants the Russian Federation back at the Fulda Gap.
  20. The population of Australia is 27 million people. In the USA, it is 330 million. Normally distributed data is just that. With the sample sizes cited, any statistician would accept the difference is statistically significant. I've been a consultant on TQC to a couple of US companies, what about you?
  21. Trump succeeded in saddling Harris with Biden's baggage. FYI, the average Australian IQ is 100. The average US IQ is 98. We have a head start on you.
  22. When are you going to learn begging the question is no answer?
  23. You started the insults, now you are complaining about return fire. Toughen up. princess.
  24. Humped many couches lately?
  25. Yes I have, and I am not posting it, nosey parker. I can say it is significantly above the Australian mean.

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