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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. According to Dr. Google, boric acid is effective in poisoning termites. https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=termite+poisoning+methods As for dogs and cats, I would have thought the sensible thing to do is to leave the baits where they can't access them. Termites process wood ( carbohydrate ) into sugar, they would most likely appreciate the short cut.
  2. Mix boric acid or borax with honey, and leave it near any signs of infestation. Worker ants carry it back to the nest, and it kills the queen.
  3. Phu Chi Fa is a fairly strenuous walk which requires good footwear. Halfway up, there is a side track which leads to a marker delineating the border between Thailand and Laos. At the top, I was looking down on a village in Laos about 1000 feet below. Every January, Thais flock there to camp and watch the sunrises. Some years ago, I did a big circuit through the top half of Thailand. I'm a bit long in the tooth for the big trips now. Many memories. One in particular was a meeting hall near Udon Thani, built by a holy man by villagers to thank him for banishing the tigers who were plundering their chickens. It has a wooden floor, which is polished daily by volunteers using coconut husks. Walking on it in bare feet is a great sensation, like walking on silk. This is in the mountains on the way from Loei to Phetchabun. Don't ask me what an Easter Island replica is doing here, this is Thailand. Gorillas don't belong here either, even if they are only straw.
  4. I remember a guy who was called "Wet Cement", because he could talk while under it.
  5. I haven't propped up a bar stool for nearly ten years now. IMO Chiang Rai is an ideal jumping-off point for the Golden Triangle sights. Phu Chi Fa, Phayao, Wat Sang Kaew Phothiyan, Doi Mae Salong, Mae Sai markets, Chiang Saen Skywalk. I keep finding new things the average tourist never sees. Exhibit 1 is a lily pad farm near Phan. The pads will take people up to 85 kg. Exhibit 2 is a restaurant past Rajabaht University on Highway 1, well off the main drag. It was built by a Thai couple who worked in the Netherlands for about ten years as IT consultants. They liked Dutch architecture so much they replicated it. Exhibit 3 is Doi Mae Mon, the only place I have seen hydrangeas growing in Thailand. There may be others.
  6. IMO that is very quick. Getting a colonoscopy in Australia, even with private health cover, is 1-2 months for an appointment. 9800 baht is also quite cheap. Having said that, pathology testing in Thailand can be quite slow, 2-3 weeks compared to a couple of days in Oz.
  7. Fails to answer my question, a deflection.
  8. So these researchers tested their hypotheses on babies and young children? Your post proves nothing except a faulty experimental design directed at adults.
  9. Sweetened milk containers in all sizes in the Thai supermarkets far outnumber plain milk products. When the Thais buy up all Australian sugar production, it's an indicator of the demand.
  10. In shadow most of the time, it might be possible to grow mushrooms.
  11. For the tourist thing, a cruise on Halong Bay, and the water puppet show in Hanoi. Brilliant. Danang is good for beaches and fish restaurants. Dalat in the mountains has a pleasant climate. Don't be surprised if the locals want to practice their English with you.
  12. It's amusing when people drink low fat or skim milk in the belief it is more healthy, because they are consuming milk enriched in lactose. Lactose in humans gets converted to galactose and glucose. People older than 70 are prone to Type 2 diabetes, which can lead to nasty things such as amputations. World-wide, 22% of said age group are currently diabetic.
  13. Da Roadrunner should buy two, because one or the other will always need to be garaged for repairs. I understand J&N Auto in Chiang Mai have several for sale.
  14. Lacessit

    Condoms :)

    No thanks, I might get it while having dinner. Bratwurst sausages.
  15. Lacessit

    Condoms :)

    I do hope you are not confusing what is on your shoulders with what is between your legs.
  16. Sugar is the problem. Sugar is the building block of carbohydrates, which are effectively polymers of sugar. Complex carbohydrates hydrolyse in the stomach acid back to sugar. About a year ago, I decided to lose weight. I went from 93 kg to 78 kg, which I am maintaining. All I did was ban sugar, processed foods, and high carb grains from the menu. Low carb vegetables such as cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli and beans. Lower sugar fruits such as blueberries, strawberries and apples. No alcohol, beer is loaded with carbohydrate. I eat lashings of cheese, which is 35-40% fat. Put simply, I was training my body to burn fat instead of sugar. Sugar is the villain in obesity, fat is not.
  17. Milk contains protein, fat and sugar ( lactose ). All of which are essential for any mammalian species in the early stages of life to grow fast, because when humans are born, they are helpless. True, human milk is better due to specific antibodies. However, cow's milk is an adequate substitute. Putting it bluntly, you don't know what you are talking about.
  18. Perhaps you'll understand there's a difference between helping people and sniping at them - some day. The OP was asking for help, tell me how you contributed positively to the thread.
  19. Look for cars which have had Westerners as previous owners, as they are usually more scrupulous in terms of regular servicing. Some Asians think maintenance is optional, and skimp on it to save money. Be aware winding back odometers is very common in Thailand. Toyotasure is the used car outlet for their trade-ins, presumably some other brands have similar outlets.
  20. From the tenor of your post, I'd say you haven't got there yet.
  21. If a person is dumb enough to: 1/ Carry items of value around with them, 2/ Do it at 4 am, 3/ In an place well known for solicitation. Said person IMO is asking to be robbed.
  22. IMO it does matter which nations are increasing their populations if said nations are ruled by religious maniacs. They are the enemy of science in any form, except perhaps destruction technology.. Worldwide, scientists average a mere 0.5% of the population. We don't need the percentage diluted any further. It also explains why they get drowned out on social media by morons who did not make it past primary school.
  23. FYI, solar panels were installed on my Australian house about 25 years ago. I was one of the first there to put my money where my mouth is, as it made financial sense with the feed-in tariff I was getting at the time. IIRC, a $200/month electricity bill became 3 or 4 dollars. How financially stupid would it be for me to shell out 1 million baht ( including subsidy ) for an EV in Thailand, when my elderly Vios worth about 80,000 baht will probably outlive me? 900,000 baht buys a hell of a lot of the fossil fuel you are decrying. You want to ban fossil fuels? Be my guest. The food you eat, the furniture you sit on, the plastics that make the circuit boards which enable you to post your nonsense - all come from fossil fuels. The mirror in which you admire yourself certainly did not come from renewable energy, ask any glassmaker. Implying I am ignorant is yet another example of your debating dishonesty.
  24. Hydrogen is stored as metal hydride complexes which are actually more efficient than liquid hydrogen in terms of the volume required. There is no more danger from such a container on a car than there is with CNG and LPG, the same applies to delivery tankers and refuelling stations. Nobody gets their knickers in a twist about CNG stored at 3000 psi in CNG vehicles. Science will solve the problems associated with climate change, pollution etc. IF the politicians and lawyers get out of the way. Most secular nations are actually in population decline, it's the religion-dominated nations that are continuing to breed up.
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