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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. In Australia, there is a clear differentiation between for-profit aged care centres, and state-run ones. The most obvious one is the difference during the COVID pandemic, where the death rate in the for-profit centres was an order of magnitude higher. What was jokingly referred to as food in said centres was another issue that surfaced in a Royal Commission into aged care. As well as both sexes left in soiled adult diapers for hours because corners were cut on staffing levels. It's a compelling argument for socialism, although that word is anathema to most Americans. Which is somewhat ironic, given one of the most socialist organizations on the planet is the US military. Personally, I am betting on my Thai family taking care of me.
  2. IIRC, Robert Heinlein "Stranger in a Strange Land" came up with an interesting concept. Partner up a 15 yo boy or girl with a 45 yo adult. The 45 yo teaches the younger partner all they know of life and sex. Split up the partnership when the 15 yo reaches 30, the 60 yo retires from the field. The 30 yo joins another 30 yo for the purpose of procreation, to ensure the survival of the species. I seem to remember the objective was zero population growth. When the 30 yo's get to 45, they split again, to educate the 15 yo of either sex. Looking back, I think I would have loved to have had a 45 yo woman teaching me how to bonk.
  3. Changing diet and eating habits can help a lot. I was on Somac ( pantoprazole ) for many years for gastric reflux, I have not needed it for at least 3 years. Some of my experience-based rules: 1/ Eat early in the evening, no later than 7 pm. Retire to bed at 10.30, so there is plenty of time to digest. 2/ Avoid fatty and rich foods. Vegetables that grow above ground are best, small portions of protein. 3/ It's better to feel a little bit hungry after eating, than full. 4/ Alcohol in excess is bad news. 5/ If I must have dessert, it is fruit or yoghurt, easily digestible. 6/ I have a glass of water with half a teaspoon of baking soda every night before going to bed. That damps down any residual stomach acid. 7/ A glass of water by the bed to sip on if my throat feels a bit raw during the night. I'm not saying these rules will work for the OP. However, they do work for me.
  4. Many elderly rural Thais have assets by way of houses and land. What they do not have is meaningful income. They are reliant on their children to support them. I know what I give my GF each month is distributed around the family members to help them, so I don't understand why the Thai government treats foreign retirees like lepers, instead of thanking them for helping Thai families survive.
  5. The dissertation on hirsute pubics encountered in each nationality is interesting, although I suppose it varies depending on the socio-economic group one is consorting with. I quite like Thai food. However, for someone with your opinion of it, may I point out most Thai cities have a range of ethnic restaurants. The most common are Japanese, Italian and Indian. I think most Thais are decent people, apart from the ones currently in power. It's a matter of adjusting one's expectations to their culture. Permit me to doubt there are any countries that meet all the criteria you describe. Certainly America and the UK don't.
  6. Not enough to make me want to move there, given the comments w.r.to personal security and crime. Coming up to 12 years here now, can't say I have ever felt threatened. I guess it's only people that go looking for trouble that find it.
  7. Sorry to disappoint you, but if you think I am going to post a video of me getting it on with my GF, not happening. Plenty of material on PornHub and XHamster, knock yourself out.
  8. I have no idea why, but gin always gives me a headache, even a single drink will do it. Perhaps I am allergic to juniper. Fortunately, I quite like Sangsom, which is pretty good value for money in Thailand. Wine is very cheap in Australia, spirits generally cost twice as much as they do in Thailand.
  9. I believe you have posted all the same opinions on another thread some time ago. Be that as it may, come on. You think a Filipina would be asking you how much do you earn, and what do you own, out of intellectual curiosity? It's the same microscope any bar girl in Pattaya would use. I have a friend who was stitched up by a Filipina, tried to take advantage of Australian family law when she was carrying another man's child that he thought was his. If that's not enough, Google Lang Hancock and Rose Porteous. Just saying, a few stories I've heard indicate Filipinas can be just as greedy, unfaithful and grasping as any Thai woman. Imelda Marcos ring any bells?
  10. I love reading your posts, an odyssey for the best value in booze and women.
  11. The statistics are there in plain sight. If you are a smoker, you are 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. That's without counting in the enhanced risk of heart attacks, emphysema and mouth cancer. I was a pack a day smoker until age 40. One year after quitting, my lung capacity had increased from 3.5 litres to 6 litres, which is back to normal. 5-10 years after quitting, my risk of lung cancer has declined to that of a non-smoker. I feel a bit sorry for smokers, it is a part of legal history tobacco companies did everything they could to make tobacco more addictive. Having said that, I don't enjoy being around them.
  12. In my case, a few of the posters give my blood pressure medication a good workout.
  13. No doubt different people view the ignore function in different ways. I just use it to expunge people I no longer want to communicate with, for the reasons I have explained.
  14. I ignore people for two reasons, either they make personal attacks and nasty insinuations, or they are impervious to facts and logic. I don't waste time giving reprieves, IMO leopards don't change their spots. I think I am more lenient than Trapper John, in the immortal exchange from M*A*S*H: Major Frank Burns: " I don't understand why people take an instant dislike to me." Trapper John: " It saves time, Frank." I could be on some ignore lists myself, not that I would know or care.
  15. I have never been to the Philippines, so I can only compare on the basis of the comments of others. Poor food, medical care and gun crime don't make it sound particularly attractive, although I would like to see the same immigration rules in Thailand. Not that it will happen. On the Australian election, I am hopeful the new government will jettison the lies, spin, blame-shifting and name-calling that was the hallmark of the last three years. Yet another example of a Christian being anything but, and IIRC one of Australia's most successful Prime Ministers was an agnostic. There are good signs already on authenticity,
  16. I know exactly what you meant, and it's the reason you are on ignore now. Goodbye.
  17. My my, a Trump apologist. Do you put your money where your mouth is, and donate to his campaign fund as well?
  18. IMO one of the things that made him such a good actor was his ability to mix menace with a jovial expression. RIP.
  19. I consider myself lucky too, and so does my GF. I don't understand why you would choose to make judgments about people and their living arrangements when you have never met them. You may be happy with your life. However, the crack you made about picking up a bar girl on Friday for the weekend indicates a nasty streak to me.
  20. Squeaky clean? How many bankruptcies so far? How many lawyers have walked away from defending him? You obviously don't understand how legal defenses for very "rich" people work, employ platoons of lawyers, bury the prosecutors in dumpster loads of documents, divert campaign funds to pay the lawyers. That's why it takes so long. Perhaps you have forgotten how Trump, during his presidency, played golf on his own properties, then billed the American taxpayer for the Secret Service detailed to protect him, at the height of the pandemic. Comparisons with Nero are obvious. Trump is as crooked as a dog's hind leg, anyone with a grain of sense knows that. A guy who prides himself publicly in dudding contractors who have worked on his properties.
  21. If you were to ask him the question, he would probably say yes. Trump is a cunning sociopath who found out appealing to the basest instincts of Americans paid off handsomely in terms of donations and votes, there is no reason for him to change what is successful. The irony is, most of the demographic he gets donations and votes from don't realize they are not his supporters, but his victims.
  22. While I applaud the generosity of the OP, IMO it is unrealistic to raise expectations, and then dash them. The woman was conditioned to seeing 20 or 40 baht, 10 baht was a disappointment. IMO that would apply anywhere in the world.
  23. LOL, he actually said that? I know a few teachers that would happily use them on nuisance pupils.
  24. If you can live in a village 24/7 with loud music, roosters crowing at 2 am, dogs barking, cats fighting etc. without any form of recreation apart from a computer screen, then you are either dedicated or desensitized. Back in the day, I am quite sure no bar girl would have cooked my meals, done my washing, cut my toenails. Or come to the condo to clean it once a week. Or pray to Buddha every night for a long life for me. So your comparison, while somewhat rancid, is way off the mark. Any other fatuous observations?
  25. So are prostitution and gambling, AFAIK that has not prevented either.
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