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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I am aware alcoholism is regarded as a disease. I don't buy it, any more than I can buy the proposition smokers can't give cigarettes up. I quit smoking 40 years ago. I have also given up pharmaceuticals such as anti-inflammatories, gastric reflux inhibitors, and blood pressure medications, via diet and exercise. I simply do not need them anymore. Humans are capable of astonishing feats of will. My most vivid memory of my youth, with respect to will, was watching Vladimir Kuts in the 1956 Olympics, grinding his opposition into the track in the 5000 and 10,000 metres. I can appreciate some are not capable of this, and if they find AA helps them, that's fine.
  2. One can't use their sword hand. Most people are right-handed.
  3. IIRC, you have interacted quite intensively with many 30 yo Thai women. They are part of Thai society too.
  4. It is entertaining watching the pro-Trump supporters cluster around anything to do with the name Biden, like crows around an empty rubbish bin. At least the Bidens are not raising funds by selling NFT cards to goobers, which has to be the apogee of tacky.
  5. Maybe I have, but it sounded to me like you were dictating to the forum how we all should think.
  6. You should not be posting comment which permits only one pathway to abstinence from alcohol. ASEAN permits a wide range of opinions on any thread, you are attempting to circumscribe said opinions. One hand clapping.
  7. It's extremely doubtful there is a higher power. There is only the power within individuals themselves to change, and the self-discipline to do it. Having said that, if people wish to achieve the desired outcomes by believing in something they cannot see, hear or touch, that's up to them. 50% of Americans believe in angels. Christians believe in miracles. If I was to be transported back to the Middle Ages with a laptop and a virtual reality headset, people there would regard such equipment and the experience as a miracle. Even a smartphone would get the same reception. Science has explained a lot of things thus far. There are many items it has not addressed yet. It will, while human curiosity exists. I have tapered down from reasonably heavy drinking over the years, to zero. I did not have to go to AA meetings to do it, just acknowledgment it was harmful, and self-discipline. I can understand some people need the group approval and support of AA meetings to achieve abstinence. It is far more probable there is a group dynamic at work, than any "higher power".
  8. IIRC, infra-red radiation is used in industrial processes such as paint curing and plastics manufacture. Also some skin conditions where gentle warmth is needed.
  9. Your failure to understand the scientific process is abysmal. The experiment which claims to have breached the second law of thermodynamics only has validity when it can be replicated by an independent body of researchers. I suspect, as with cold fusion, it will fall at that hurdle. Begging the question again. Goodbye.
  10. One can have more than 280K, and receive a part pension. A non-homeowner can have up to 850K in assets, and still receive a dollar or two of pension. For homeowners, the cutoff is 634K Why should taxpayers fund my pension? Because I paid quite a lot of taxes when I was working to support pensioners before me, turnabout is fair play. The OP should make an appointment to speak with a Centrelink Financial Services Officer to determine his status with the two year rule. It never applied to me. On this thread, he will only get conflicting opinions and experiences.
  11. I socialize on my own terms. Loud parties, where everyone has to yell at one another to conduct a conversation, are my idea of some level of hell. I've never been too thrilled about being one unit in a mass of people. I am comfortable with my own company most of the time.
  12. I suggest you step off the balcony on the 14th floor of a condo as a test of your last assertion. Of course, gravity won't kill you, just the sudden stop. "Saying god exists doesn't prove he does". " It's just a false unscientific claim". I am wondering if you realize what you were doing by putting those two sentences together so closely. Begging the question squared. Tell me, what are your academic qualifications which enable you to determine what is scientific and unscientific?
  13. Predictions and models fail quite often when incorrect assumptions and data are used to formulate them. That's no reason to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Go ahead, buy a beachfront property on Tuvalu. Forget about house insurance, you won't even get a quote for a premium.
  14. Researchers also touted cold fusion. Wake me up when you have a working perpetual motion machine.
  15. Mainland Australians would argue all Tasmanians can attend a football match on a family ticket. Heat cells are nothing new in Australia, there have been several massive ones in the centre over the past decade. IMO Thailand is simply seeing the first of them.
  16. I live in Chiang Rai, which IMO is a bit cheaper than Chiang Mai. I could not live in Bangkok, too many people. Pensioners from most Western countries are comfortable here, unless they park their brains at the door. What is existence in their home country on that income becomes enjoyable. The average Thai wage is 10,000 - 15,000 baht/month. Most Western pensions are north of 40,000 baht/month. A Thai turning 60 gets a pension of 600 baht/month. No wonder we old guys are so popular with the Thai ladies.
  17. Climate change is not a cult, it's based on evidence and science. The laws of thermodynamics at work, and no-one has ever disproved them. If anything is a cult, it's people on social media with a primary school education, who somehow think they know better than scientists who have spent years of training in their various disciplines.
  18. You sound like a true believer, how many NFT cards did you buy?
  19. If you want to engage in semantics and dogma, go ahead. I have explained how tropical storms are an example of the first law of thermodynamics taking place. after being triggered by the operation of the second law, heat transfer. If you are unable to comprehend that sequence, I can't help you. Troll someone else. Goodbye.
  20. One would have to be extremely uncoordinated to be splashing bacteria around, although I suppose it is possible with jumbo-sized backsides.
  21. I have explained it to you. I can't understand it for you.
  22. Sounds rather drastic, all you should need is a T-piece connector on the inlet water pipe.
  23. There were thousands of Australians fighting over toilet paper in supermarket aisles during the COVID pandemic. I was not one of them. Every dwelling I have owned in Australia since I first visited Thailand in the nineties is equipped with a bum gun. Toilet paper alone makes me feel dirty. There is a nanny state regulation in Australia prohibiting the installation of bum guns. No doubt formulated by some bureaucratic richardhead. The basis of the prohibition is fecal contamination of mains water supply. It's one hell of a bacteria or virus that can swim back past half a dozen check valves with miles of pipeline against a positive pressure/flow any time a bum gun is used, but that is government stupidity for you.
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