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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. If the daughter owned the property prior to getting married, she can do whatever she wants. If it was acquired after marriage, any proceeds are split 50:50 between husband and wife. After the bank is paid out. Time she left scum such as that, the worst form of coward.
  2. I prefer omphaloskepsis, so much easier than being gubernatorial.
  3. Independents are possibly a new force in world politics, they got 30% of the votes in the Australian federal elections last Saturday. A record. Voters are fed up with parties that foster corruption and ignore them, perhaps a straw in the wind.
  4. TESLA is overpriced, with serious quality issues. IMO it's a balloon waiting to be pricked by more agile competitors who will be producing affordable cars. As for a long-haul EV truck, that's been promised for quite a while, and still is yet to hit the roads.
  5. The food I buy is mostly locally produced, fresh fruit and vegetables. I buy very little packaged food, as I am on a low-carb diet. Not fanatical about it, I still have bread and the occasional restaurant meal of noodles. Much of the market fruit and vegetables are seasonal. I haven't noticed any marked increase in restaurant prices, one of my favorites, an egg, cheese and spinach omelet, went from 110 baht to 120 baht. I suppose wine, imported steak, and salmon have gone up, buy them infrequently. The biggest price rise I have seen is gasoline.
  6. Viagra can significantly lower blood pressure, resulting in dizziness and fainting. If the tourist had taken Viagra in the last 1 - 4 hours, it's quite possible leaning against a low balcony could have contributed to his fall. Only an autopsy would determine the truth.
  7. Given the numbers per 100K sales, that statistic is pretty damning for hybrids. Could it be gasoline and batteries don't mix well?
  8. There is no requirement for you to read the posts I make on this thread. IIRC, you said in your OP "have at it." Having second thoughts? I am not against EV's per se. What I do get impatient with is the virtue signalling, and the treatment of EV's as the latest religion, when they do have some flaws still to be addressed.
  9. What ifs are what insurance companies do to assess the risks of events they are providing cover for. I think it's a safe bet they are hastily revising the premiums to insure vehicle ship-borne cargoes. I accept instructions from moderators on what I should and should not post on ASEAN, you are not one of them.
  10. It's actually quite difficult to get diesel to burn, that's why it is preferred to gasoline in military vehicles. I'm wondering when someone will start collecting statistics of spontaneous ICE fires vs spontaneous EV fires, could be interesting. You think the Chinese are better at quality control than the Germans? That's a novel opinion. Driving on Thai roads, have you thought about what could happen in an accident, when a pickup crushes all your batteries together?
  11. No, have not needed to. I'm actually very easy to get along with, provided certain lines are not crossed. Perhaps some posters on ASEAN would disagree.
  12. No. The cargo was mainly German vehicles, with some Bentleys and 15 Lamborghinis. It's simple logic, there were 4000 luxury cars on that ship. I don't know what percentage were EV's, let's say there were 1000 of them. That's a hell of a lot of stored electrical energy, and it only takes one faulty cell for things to go pear-shaped. IIRC, airlines limit batteries to 100 Wh, or 2 grams of lithium, and that is a drop in the bucket compared to what the ship was carrying.
  13. Here you go: https://www.cbsnews.com/video/cargo-ship-carrying-luxury-vehicles-to-us-sinks-in-atlantic/#x The entire cargo of the ship was cars, not just one container. Applying Occam's razor, the cause of the fire would be fairly obvious. Empty ships don't usually catch fire, it's the cargo that is almost always the culprit.
  14. I was talking about Australia, chargers there and in California seem to have a high out of service rate. MG charger every 150 km, great. Not so great if they are not working, or occupied by another EV owner. How long does a recharge take, anyway? It reminds me of when I had a CNG tank on the Vios. Very inexpensive to run, until I worked out the cost of the annual inspection of a 25,000 psi tank was wiping out said savings. On top of that, because there was usually only one or two CNG stations in the major cities, I could queue for up to an hour, because refilling with CNG is a lot slower than liquid fuel. IMO there's still a few reefs for EV's to negotiate, as witness the cargo ship that is sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic after a German EV on board caught fire. Stored energy.
  15. Looks great, sadly I am on a low-carb diet so pizza is off the menu. I suppose no thread is complete without a couple of carping curmudgeons.
  16. I would probably have a disagreement with my GF about once every six months, usually it's a miscommunication which is over in about 30 minutes after we have cleared the air. I don't raise my voice to her, and she doesn't to me. Scream at me? She'd be out the door so fast her head would spin. I've had screamers and sulkers before. She's poorly educated, but street-smart. Smart enough to know I am her best shot at a comfortable old age.
  17. Just tell the neighbors, they'll be around to relieve you of them. Aroi mak mak. Scorpions same same.
  18. You have a crystal ball that will tell you when a charging station is functional in remote areas? Better planning would be to use an ICE for that kind of situation, yes?
  19. Asian women are quite pragmatic. So am I, 65% of my assets are still in Australia. The 35% here will go to my GF, provided she behaves. Her future is in my hands, not vice versa. As I said before, my GF has good reason to maintain me in good health. I can understand your position, fortunately I have a fairly good BS meter and the ones who tried it on here got short shrift. Would that my BS meter had been as good in Oz, but I suppose that's experience.
  20. If you have 80 km charge left, and pull into a charger that is out of order with 300 km to go, and the same distance back, I guess you're between a rock and a hard place. I don't know what the situation is in other countries, in Australia there is information on where chargers are, none on whether they are occupied or functional. One of the funniest EV promotions I've seen is a Chinese Polestar which drove across the Nullarbor from Perth to Adelaide ( 2700 km ) to illustrate its environmental credentials. The promo neglected to mention it was trailed by a truck and diesel generator for recharging, although I suppose fueling the diesel generator with recycled cooking oil lessened the environmental impact.
  21. You got a bad one, I got a good one. I had two bad ones in Australia. IMO her commitment to me became unconditional after two years when she presented me with a health certificate dated the previous day, and said " No more condom." About 7 years ago now.
  22. Most Americans are blissfully unaware about 98% of the tap water in their major cities is recycled, i.e they are drinking someone's treated #1 and #2. That knowledge was enough to ensure I only drank Coca-Cola and beer when I was there, and even some of the beer was ghastly.
  23. They do work; however, I get more enjoyment out of a foot and leg massage. Leaving Suvarnabhumi for Melbourne when I flew regularly, I would have a half hour foot/calf massage before boarding. My feet sang to me all the way for 9 hours.
  24. According to reports from California ( Google is your friend ) 25% of charging stations there are non-functional. Apparently station reliability is a new issue. That's OK if one is in a big city with plenty of them around in a short distance. However, if you are out in the boondocks with only 25 km left in the batteries, and your next charging station is down, what do you do? I suppose one could put a portable, polluting, fossil-fueled generator in the trunk, then wait around for 6 - 7 hours while it trickles electrons in.
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