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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Most driving ranges have resident professionals who will give lessons. The fundamentals are grip, stance and swing. Get those right, you are well on the way. Don't expect instant success, depending on your hand-eye co-ordination and balance it will take 6-10 lessons, and 3-6 months, to become proficient. Bear in mind your clubs should suit your physical ability, if you start off with extra stiff shafts and blade irons, it's unlikely you will enjoy practicing. You need forgiving cavity backs, and shafts suited to your swing speed. Golf is like anything else, you get out of it what you are prepared to put into it. It was either Gary Player or Arnold Palmer who said " The more I practice, the luckier I get." Good luck, and enjoy.
  2. When I was away in Australia for six months selling my house, I had no concern over whether my Thai GF played around or not. If she was not there when I came back, move on. It's not as if I was a saint. I don't know if she did have other guys, and I never asked. It's in the past.
  3. My former wife was extremely jealous, I suppose that was a form of aversion therapy for me. I can understand other people becoming jealous. However, it's not part of my own mindset, so it's an emotion I do not have to deal with. If my present GF was to say I've met someone else, I would say fine, off you go. Sorry, my financial support ends here. Not jealous or envious of the possessions of others, I'm happy with what I have.
  4. Your prolixity is amusing, I'll give you that. Verbal diarrhea. You're quite right, I am not a risk taker. I've visited South Africa, East Timor, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, America, Canada, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Myanmar, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Spain, France, England and Scotland. Even Luxembourg. I guess I am not up to traveling in s###holes such as India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. BTW, the spelling is KarakorAm. I my 50 years of travel, I can honestly say I have never had an event of voiding from either end of my intestinal tract, so I must be doing something right. Which is, if you care to go back to my first post, boiling any water I drink. No need to lug water filters around with me, hotels usually have kettles. Or bottled water. I'm sure I've missed out on local delicacies, such as frogs brought up in the house septic outfall. I bow to your superior experience on the crapper.
  5. Quite true, and how much do you think those domestic tourists are spending? Got any figures? On holiday, my observation is a family of half a dozen Thais will occupy a single hotel room. As far as golf tourism goes, it's dead. Caddies that used to make 9-10K baht/month are now scraping to make 2-3K/month, and I have never seen a Thai tip more than the bare minimum.
  6. We seem to be getting mutual amusement, you can spell diarrhea correctly, but don't know the difference between you're and your? Giardiasis is not a bit of diarrhea, it lasts for 2-6 weeks, and that assumes it is diagnosed correctly. That also assumes the medication prescribed works, standard meds such as imodium won't. But hey, be my guest. Enjoy your toilet time.
  7. It's nice to know I give pleasure to people I have never met, although some of your insinuations are way off the mark. Eat raw beef as well? My, my, you do like living dangerously. Bro? Bam? I guess you're part of that generation that thinks it is smarter than any before or after it.
  8. Complete rubbish, tourism was 15-20% of Thai GDP. Thais in the tourist industry are desperate for tourism to return. I know a multilingual tour guide who has not had work for two years, survives by running a street stall. Some foreigners living here would prefer for mass tourism not to return, so they can enjoy the peace and quiet. Others can see the harm dumb government policy is inflicting on ordinary Thais, I guess you are not one of them.
  9. Chlorine may dissipate on standing, chloramines will not. Boiling is need to get rid of those compounds.
  10. Bleach does nothing to eliminate parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidia, good luck with your personal lottery.
  11. I boil water no matter where I am in the world. Two reasons - it eliminates the taste of chlorine. It also kills intestinal parasites such as giardia and cryptosporidia, which chlorine does not kill, and can be extremely debilitating. I had a boss once who contracted giardiasis while on a visit to America, where it is endemic. Took him months in Australia to get his illness diagnosed correctly, one doctor even said it was psychosomatic.
  12. Same in Chiang Rai, been raining since yesterday afternoon non-stop. I thought the rainy season was supposed to start in June/July.
  13. Theory? I am quoting facts. You are looking at the numbers. The real story is whether vaccines reduce contagiousness, reduce the number of deaths, and reduce recovery time. They do. I don't really care whether people do or don't get vaccinated. Their life, their choice. Darwin can determine the outcome. You're over the pandemic? I'm over people posting BS they have garnered from the orts of Facebook and YouTube.
  14. They still need 400K in the bank, IIRC. IMO it's a matter of media exposure, impecunious farang cannot pay his hospital bills gets a headline. Shock, horror. There's no news value in any farang that pays their bills either from their bank account, or via an insurance policy.
  15. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Vaccines reduce transmission markedly because the period a vaccinated person is contagious is much less than an unvaccinated person. COVID is dangerous to everyone, there are healthy people of all ages who are dying from it. The statistics are saying an unvaccinated person is far more likely to be occupying an ICU bed or ventilator than a vaccinated person. The statistics are also saying vaccinated people are far less likely to develop debilitating "long COVID" which requires months of extensive rehabilitation. I suggest you check out North Korea, zero vaccination rate. The population is now reaping what the fat boy sowed.
  16. I'm sure that statistic was compiled very carefully, by an independent person. Perhaps you could provide a link to that. Anger is a fairly destructive emotion, I avoid it as much as possible. You've never been frustrated by the obvious stupidity of a government policy or regulation? Move over, Mother Teresa.
  17. I am quite happy here, I live as I want to. I'd have to be a multi-millionaire in Australia to have a GF 23 years younger than me, as I do here. You keep banging on about anger and frustration of farangs living here. I'd suggest you are cherry-picking the posters who suit your confirmation bias. As for the Thailand Pass, obviously the elite could not care less about the unemployment in the tourist industry, arising from their decision to keep life difficult for the average tourist.
  18. I would suggest contacting the UK embassy here, and getting the visa cancelled, by explaining you are no longer her guarantor. This situation has probably arisen before, they will know what to do. IMO the money you have spent already is a life lesson, the French are not noted for generosity. Tight as a duck's bum.
  19. I remember a general manager in the company I used to work for who completely cooked the engine of a prestige vehicle when he ignored a warning light. Just as well it was a company car. Nursing a car may work if you know what the problem is, e.g. loss of coolant, brake fluid, or oil. Having said that, one is accepting a risk of catastrophic failure, and just because they got away with it previously does not mean they will succeed the next time.
  20. They are called idiot lights, only an idiot would ignore them. IIRC, orange lights means there is something that should be attended to when convenient, red lights mean take action immediately if you don't want expensive repairs, or worse.
  21. My GF several times has complained the aircon is not working. You have to turn it on, teerak. Opening the dashboard vent helps too.
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