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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. I'm not sure, but the ATO may have the power to issue garnishee orders. The Family Court and Centrelink certainly do.
  2. LOL, who cares anyway? Anyone with two brain cells would not be deriving most of their income from bank deposits. Last FY, I earned $70 in bank interest. The ATO is welcome to 32.5% of that.
  3. Maybe you can't. However, the ATO can call it an offense if they choose to, and I guess they are the ones with the power of definition.
  4. In my case, they asked for proof afterwards. They have not done so in previous years. I don't know if they are taking on the authority of the ATO to ask for proof because they wish to, or if it is with the ATO's blessing. The form states there are penalties for making false statements, so I guess every person who has not lived in Australia for years is subject to those penalties if the ATO chooses to go down that path.
  5. There's no debate about it, either it will happen or it won't.
  6. Not when it is painted on the side or front of every tank and truck invading Ukraine. BLM is just letters too, but they certainly get the white supremacists stirred up. KKK are only letters? Tell that the blacks that got lynched.
  7. You may be asked by ANZ to establish your residency with evidence. My credit union has. This is what confuses most, tax residency is not necessarily the same as physical residency.
  8. With dignity, in my sleep, or quickly with a heart attack. Tyrion Lannister. "In my own bed, at the age of 80, with a bellyful of wine, and a girl's mouth around my cock." I should imagine dying from lung cancer would be one of the slower and more painful ways to exit.
  9. Not really. Chiang Rai is preferable to me as it is not as hot as Chiang Mai on average. I actually have to wear a sweater when I play golf in the winter months.
  10. IMO smokers are idiots. It's not just lung cancer, add emphysema, stroke and heart attack to the increased risk mix. I'm just going by the statistics and facts. Isn't that what logical people do?
  11. It's a condo, not a home. There are rules about what is permissible in a condo. I'd suggest you need to talk with the juristic manager about allowed noise levels. Is the person complaining a foreigner, or Thai? Thais don't usually care, but if it is, you are behind the 8-ball already.
  12. If we were logical, we would not smoke, knowing a smoker is 20 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. We would not drink alcohol, as it is a Class 1 carcinogen, and causes more violence than any illegal drug, with the possible exception of meth. We would not buy anything new, preferring to spend our hard-earned on items that are good value, with a reputation for reliability. We would not elect leaders who are nothing but con-men. True logic says we would have no more than a one night stand with any woman, as anything longer puts us on the slippery slope to financial suicide. No, we are not logical.
  13. I've been to Scotland once, for a month, playing golf. While I enjoyed the experience, no desire to see it again. I coined the acronym ABC when there, i.e. Another Bloody Castle. Edinburgh, Perth,Glasgow. Speech in the last was incomprehensible. I think the Scots invented whisky to take away the taste of haggis. Bagpipes were invented to be played at funerals, because the dead did not have to listen to them, and 18 holes of golf was invented for serious whisky drinkers, as it took 18 nips - one on each tee - to finish a bottle. The Scots have always been well known for engineering skills, copper wire was invented when two Scotsmen had a tug of war over a penny. Photo is the Meiklaur Hedge, longest in Scotland. Planted by a Scotsman who was killed in the Battle of Culloden
  14. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the ability of government bureaucrats and politicians to screw things up repeatedly. Bushfires, floods, contact tracing, hotel quarantine, RAT kit availability - how many examples do you need? Nearly forgot - $40 billion in Jobkeeper going to businesses who did not need it, and won't give it back.
  15. You have some authoritative statistics that support your claim a bicycle is safer? A cyclist cannot accelerate out of the way of impending danger the way a scooter can. Granted, get hit by a pickup, it's probably academic whether you are on a scooter or a bicycle, the outcome will be similar. OTOH, when a 150 kg scooter hits a bicycle, it doesn't take Einstein to work out who comes off second best. Sensible scooter drivers have adequate helmet protection. What cyclists wear for the same purpose almost looks like a Monty Python skit.
  16. IMO it is also the low penalties and lack of decent instruction that contributes. I was recently fined 500 baht for speeding. In Oz, it would have cost me 17,000 baht and a 3 month licence suspension.
  17. Fully agree, my Thai GF at 40 kg trying to control a scooter with 85 kg of me on the pillion is ludicrous. Much better centre of gravity and control with me doing the driving. Mine is actually a reasonable driver, I've trained her to use her mirrors. The driving instructor she hired never did. As I don't know all the circumstances surrounding the . injuries in the OP, I'll withhold judgment.
  18. Take a look on bahtsold. I doubt the islands will have much choice in secondhand furniture, may have to come from the mainland.
  19. The USA weakened the world with Covid? News to me, when the pandemic originated in Wuhan, China. Any suffering Russia has is entirely self-inflicted, by invading a country that had previously had its sovereignty guaranteed by Russia, in return for giving up its nuclear arsenal. Could I suggest you leave your tin hat behind before posting again.
  20. I guess you don't look at the price of gasoline at the pump, which affects every Thai. That's a shot in the wallet.
  21. I would be delighted if you could explain for the benefit of all how that is possible. BTW, yes you will have to be in Oz for at least 183 days in a year, if projected simplification of the residency definition goes through.
  22. I suppose chemicals, because even they won't work if the chemistry between you is not there.
  23. The war is about theft, in the Putin tradition. The Donbas sits on huge reserves of gas, is Ukraine's industrial heartland, and also has the black soil ( chernozem ) which supports most of Ukraine's food production. The war echoes the Nazi desire for "lebensraum" to the east. It also helps Putin's strongman image among Russians, although that would be looking pretty tattered now if Russians had a free press. I'm just wondering how the body bags are being hidden. Putin has repeatedly stated he wants to go back to the USSR. Putin lost Ukraine as an ally when his puppet oligarch, Poroshenko, got booted out in a popular uprising. NATO is a defensive organisation, of course Putin does not see it that way.
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