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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. You don't get a choice in Thailand. If a hospital or clinic decides to test you for COVID, that's it. If they decide you should be quarantined, end of story. If you want to fly anywhere unvaccinated, I'd suggest most airlines will refuse to let you board the aircraft, and some countries will send you back. Cross Australia off your tourist list.
  2. I have warned my friends and relatives in Australia not to come here until Thailand gets rid of this BS. Permitting self-isolation and ATK testing instead of this lottery would be far more sensible, and Thailand would get the tourists it craves. Bad luck for the wife,but both she and her husband should have done the research before coming here. Heaven knows there is enough threads and comments on ASEAN on the topic.
  3. I am not sure if this is on topic......... however, the coincidence is eerie. coincidence.mp4
  4. If you go to a clinic, you run the risk of being hauled off to quarantine. You should not need to go unless you develop breathing difficulties. Stop smoking, at least until you are clear. Antibiotics are useless against COVID, it's a virus. Anti-virals may help, if your wife can obtain them. Favipiravir is the most common. Self-isolate, and test yourself every 2-3 days with an ATK. Don't come out of isolation until the ATK is negative.
  5. I've met several people who firmly believe in reincarnation. Looking at their physical state, they are probably hoping for something better in the next life. IIRC, General Patton was a big believer. Like all other forms of belief, many humans cannot bear the thought life has no meaning. I don't know if it does or doesn't, I guess that's one definition of an agnostic.
  6. That's 1300 baht, are you getting more generous in your old age?
  7. IMO you would need to be able to give her multiple orgasms every time. Quid pro quo.
  8. Getting geckos stuck in the moving vanes isn't great either.
  9. Unless they started the night before, it takes time to get intoxicated. I'll take a small bet the majority of accidents involving drugs and alcohol in Thailand occur at night-time, if the BiB ever bothered to keep accurate statistics. All the Thais I have seen hit the Lao Khao after work, except for holidays, when they start early. Of course, you may be perceiving intoxication when it is just normal Thai driving skills on display.
  10. You may be right on both counts, lost in translation and avoiding mains disturbances. I will give a shorter time period a try. I do recall the electrician replacing a faulty capacitor in both units before he suggested the fuse box solution.
  11. That would be true if I was doing 80 km/hr, I don't. My maximum speed around Chiang Rai is 40 km/hr, for the very circumstances you specify. In any case, I was not talking about speed. I was talking about acceleration. There are very few cars that can accelerate faster over a short distance than even a humble scooter, it's all about power to weight ratio. Speaking of dogs, who do you think is more likely to have dogs chasing them or behaving aggressively, a guy on a scooter, or a guy on a bicycle?
  12. I don't understand, I thought the OP was talking about capacitors, so am I. What thread do you think I should be using? I don't subscribe to the notion all Thais in a trade occupation are incompetent. I have a motor mechanic and scooter mechanic in Chiang Rai, both of whom keep my vehicles running smoothly at very low cost. My next -door neighbor but one is a very skilled building trade artisan, can lay floors, breeze blocks and do rendering as well as any Western tradie. All I can say is if I forget to switch off at the fuse box, the next time I want either aircon I say <deleted> it, switch off at the fuse box, wait an hour or so in a lather of sweat, then power up at the fuse box, and the aircon immediately afterwards. I can hear the clicking of a relay in the aircon when I do that. If you have an alternative explanation, I'm all ears.
  13. You do need a higher level of concentration and threat awareness on two wheels, which is why I only use my scooter for short trips. As for bicycles, I regard them as death traps. One simply does not have the acceleration available to get out of harm's way if a situation develops.
  14. I use a car for long distances. Around the city, short trips, a scooter is far more convenient. One minor shunt in ten years of riding a scooter here, I must be doing something right. It's not rocket science, I don't drive the scooter when it's wet. I don't use it at night either, that's when the drunks and druggies are out and about.
  15. Perhaps I should have worded my post more carefully, I did not mean to the point of failure. I think we both know rental cars and motorcycles all have a top speed 15-20 km/hr faster than a corresponding private vehicle. I can remember a guy in my former condo in Chiang Mai who owned a couple of 125 cc scooters, rented them out to one-month tourists that stayed at the condo. He gave that up after a pair of French tourists flogged them up and down every mountain they could find. IIRC, put 10,000 km on the odometers, while he got 5000 baht.
  16. Have you tried turning off the current at the fuse box when the aircon is not in use? I had a similar problem with my two Panasonic aircons. A Thai electrician explained to me the capacitors can fail to function if they are overcharged, whereas the stored energy will bleed off slowly if the current is turned off at the fuse box while not in use. I don't know how valid his explanation is, but applying his advice has resulted in trouble-free startups for the last two years.
  17. Hit the nail on the head, I don't mind admitting I came here with some baggage a succession of mostly nice women here helped me shed. Bless them all. The erosion of male assets and rights in Western countries has been a process stretching over decades of jurisprudence. Fortunately, Thai law is still behind the PC curve, so that only assets accumulated during a marriage are divided equally, and defacto relationships are not recognized. If they ever become so, I am out of here. Permit me to doubt a relationship with a woman 23 years younger than me in Australia would ever get past the realm of fantasy. Here, it is commonplace.
  18. Finland has similar experience to Ukraine, in the Winter War of 1940 it was forced to cede Finnish Karelia to the USSR, much like what Russia is trying to do in the Donbas now. That was after a previous Russian land grab of east Karelia in 1721. One would think Siberia would be enough land area for anyone, but no.
  19. To me, the two most valuable things are time, and good health. Wealth will do nothing to buy health if one is not prepared to work for it. All wealth does is buy better care if one is really sick. I don't fear loneliness either, I like my time in the village with my GF, and enjoy my solitude in the condo equally. IMO foreigners get fleeced here because they are thinking with the small head instead of the big one. If anything, loneliness IMO is a secondary issue. They bring all their assets into Thailand, which is the first step to financial disaster unless they have their BS meters switched on at maximum gain.
  20. It is for some, there are two conclusions I can make: 1/ They are social animals, and really enjoy the company of their own kind. 2/ They are borderline alcoholics, and want to get on with it. The two propositions are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
  21. I really don't know how you find the time, with all your other activities.
  22. Either you are hansum man, or you look too well-heeled.
  23. Russia and Putin have their own reality, they are assuming the role of victims. Yes, it will prolong the conflict, and Putin knows the longer it goes on, the more tenuous his position becomes. I can't recall any instance where acceding to the demands of a dictator resulted in a better outcome for anyone except said dictator.
  24. Since I can't own land in Thailand, the price of it is irrelevant to me.
  25. I listen to a wide spectrum of music - classics, pop, R& R, R&B and so on. It's a feast for the ears. IMO every decade produces a couple of musical pieces that soar above everything else, and go into the pantheon of great music. A band produces a new sound, or there's a singer that hits new notes and timbre. Music is not dead, it's just waiting.
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