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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. It's a waste of time pursuing it, move on. Lesson learned, I won't even take a hotel room for one night unless I have seen it first.
  2. I get that, but why add an extra layer of cost and complexity when the solution is as simple as reduction to one variable?
  3. Makes four variables out of the current two. More components to break down. KISS.
  4. Sleep disorder is a well-known precursor of depression.
  5. I understand the Balinese hate the Javanese, who are the dominant force in Indonesian politics. 14,000 islands and about 30 cultures, what could go wrong. I also understand the ban will not go down well on Sulawesi, where the locals have the reputation of screwing like rabbits.
  6. Those land-based banks just love charging excessive fees and applying wide spreads on all currencies. WISE and XE would not exist if it was not for those facts.
  7. The OP is trying to control temperature of two streams, two variables. If he shuts off his cold water supply, he will only have one variable. On both my water heaters, there is a temperature control dial. I set it to the desired water temperature, cold water in, warm or hot water out. Basic Hitachi and Toshiba 4.5 kW. The water temperature in the condo shower remains unchanged, because my GF is too short to reach the temperature control. In her house, it goes back and forth because she prefers colder water. Mounting a water heater above the ceiling doesn't sound too smart to me, inaccessible for either temperature control, or if the heater develops a fault. KISS.
  8. The only vehicle I would feel safe in here is an M1 Abrams tank.
  9. It may be helpful to other posters if you outlined your reasons for wanting a sleep study, and what a sleep study is supposed to do. I must admit I have never heard of one before. Googling, Bumrungrad offers a range of options from 9900 baht at your abode to 25,000 baht for the full monty.
  10. Coffee and alcohol are both diuretics, which means they do dehydrate. It depends on personal physiology, some people are more sensitive, age and other medications can also be involved. IMO nothing wrong with napping in the afternoon if you feel like it, I do the same. Dehydration can lead to cramps. If you are feeling faint, it may be because of a drop in blood pressure due to getting up from a prone position too quickly.
  11. Given the incompetence of about 95% of Thai drivers, I drive defensively, and assume everyone else on the roads is trying to kill me. It's not a good idea to insist on one's "rights" here, better to just let idiots do what they want, and stay out of their way. I suspect the dogmatists who want right of way, when they are in a Nissan Micra, with a cement truck bearing down on them, are not long for this world.
  12. His subsequent posts gave me that impression. I'll leave it there.
  13. Great photos, I recommend a trip to Doi Inthanon if you want cool to cold. King and Queen's garden well worth some camera time. I'm just wondering how you manage to maintain concentration for hours, particularly on dirt roads. I'm sure I couldn't. Safe travels.
  14. IMO gold is not a speculative asset, it's a hedge against inflation and currency debasement. It's impossible for the gold price to fluctuate as wildly as bitcoin, and it is solid, not some stream of organized electrons in cyberspace. I have never lost money buying and selling gold over 30 years. I am damn sure I would lose my shirt on crypto.
  15. What you say is definitely true of Western societies, where the pressure to stay looking young is enormous. Just check out the number of plastic surgeons making fortunes in every Western country. Failing that, shunt us off into aged care where we are no longer a burden to our relatives. Here, my GF does not care how old I look. She is still quite happy to sleep with me, and she has a vested interest in keeping me alive for as long as possible.
  16. I drive a small scooter, and a small car. Don't bruise yourself jumping to conclusions.
  17. I have found Ubon Joe to be the most helpful as far as visa issues go. Point taken concerning IO's, however, when I am wrong I admit it, and move on. I don't have much tolerance for those who won't. Especially when they want to appear as experts in the subject matter What he posted was wrong, full stop. Check Ubon Joe's post on the same point if you don't believe me.
  18. Indonesia has just passed a law banning sexual intercourse outside marriage, one year in jail penalty for doing so. It will be interesting to see what it does to their tourism industry. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-06/indonesia-bans-cohabitation-between-unmarried-couples/101739410
  19. Not visiting too many pole-dancing venues, are you? Seriously, see an ENT specialist. Sheryl will probably know the good ones.
  20. Masks are mostly used in Asia due to air pollution, so masking up for COVID was no big deal for most. If I want to know if I'm COVID-infectious, I'll use an ATK kit. Then self-isolate until I am negative, as a courtesy to others. I apply common sense to wearing a mask. I won't wear one on a golf course, or exercising. If a bank wants me to wear one, no big deal.
  21. Me too. A spayed Doberman should be safe enough, the ones I think are really dangerous are pit bulls. Although any large dog is a risk. There's a recent case in Australia where a meter reader was mauled to death. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-06/is-a-particular-dog-breed-more-likely-to-attack-and-why/101735692 I still think of my son's dog, a wire-haired terrier with beseeching eyes who liked nothing better than sitting on my lap, or going on sprints around the house out of sheer joy of living. We still miss him.
  22. The data says the risk of an infectious person passing on any respiratory infection where coughing and sneezing are symptoms is reduced by 70%, if said person is wearing a mask. My apologies if facts get in the way of your beliefs.
  23. I would suggest the OP try finding a bank that does not require masks, and go there. It's not as if he has to wear it for more than 20 minutes. Better still, try finding any hospital in Thailand where they are not mandatory.
  24. 65,000 baht is a lot to pay for a dog which is going to require a lot of exercise, socialization and training. They are not an easy breed. I don't know whether they have animal shelters here for abandoned dogs, that's where I used to get my dogs in Australia. All I had to pay for was vaccinations and spaying, and they all worked out fine.
  25. Anyone who has worked in paint will tell you red is the worst color for cars in terms of durability, it starts fading as soon as it gets out of the showroom. As a paint chemist once explained to me, red absorbs more solar wavelengths than any other color, even black. The best colors for cars to stay looking good are white, silver, and light shades - the ones that reflect solar radiation. Black is terrible, it shows dirt faster than anything else.
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