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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. As the French President recently said about an Australian Prime Minister, I don't think they were lying. I know. If you want to deny the reality of some Americans cheating with the letters, it's no skin off my nose. The 800 K in the bank here is a sore point with quite a few retirees, why would a person bring across what might be their life savings from the USA, when they could raise their hand in front of an assembly official and swear they had enough income? To me, the 800K is a minor annoyance, as it could be earning income elsewhere. IMO the rule changes were not particularly onerous, just intended to weed out the indigent.
  2. I don't know what the statistics are for a larger sample size, but 3 out of 4 Americans I knew in my former condo in Chiang Mai were using the embassy letters. They had to leave Thailand when the crunch came.
  3. Classic look over there post. Life is full of risk, the idea is to minimize it while maximizing one's enjoyment. I've never had an STD, too careful. Just as my traffic accidents have been very few and far between, and minor. I would only have unprotected sex with someone I've known for quite a while. Let me gently suggest if you think having warts on your play equipment is the same as having one on your hand or foot, you'd have to be a masochist. The tissue is far more sensitive for a reason. Being highly visible, the odds are pretty good the person you are about to have sex with would back off. AFAIK no-one has rejected anyone else because they had hand or foot warts. You think STD's are no big deal, I do. I daresay most medicos would be on my side.
  4. Your statement is wrong and misleading. Gonorrhea in men is quite obvious and easily treated. In women, the symptoms can be so mild as to be ignored. Untreated gonorrhea in women in many cases leads to infertility. Genital herpes is VERY common, more than 10% of the population in most countries. In some African countries, over 80%. While it is treatable with antivirals, they only suppress the symptoms, and recurring outbreaks are quite common. It's a life sentence, and can lead to a person being shunned by sexual partners. I treat STD's with the same respect I would give to a jar of nitroglycerine, I suggest you do too.
  5. To me, sex education should include the avoidance of STD's, and the use of condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It's pretty obvious the problems are acknowledged, going by the array of condoms on sale at every 7/11. Judging by the prudish attitudes of those currently in power, full and effective sex education is not likely to happen in schools. It's learn as you go for most, particularly in rural areas. It's also the thin edge of the wedge. Start educating kids with the full and frank discussion required, and they may start questioning why they can't get the same experience in other fields of study.
  6. Er- I was double vaxxed when I was hauled off to quarantine. Being vaxxed does not necessarily prevent one from getting infected. With Sinovac, it's a coin toss. It does significantly reduce the risk of being seriously ill.
  7. Positive thinking works. I had this demonstrated to me by a psychologist many years ago. It was a simple experiment, involving him pushing down on my extended arm while I thought in positive and negative patterns. Successful sportspeople and athletes use it all the time, they exclude any negative thoughts about failure, and focus on the goal. As for women, they are attracted to men who have a positive attitude.
  8. It takes about 2 minutes to smear the sample on a salt disc, and generate a readout on an infra-red spectrometer. Any university or technical college should be equipped to do it. The absorption peaks between 2800 and 3300 cm-1 are irrefutable evidence of hydrocarbons.
  9. I can only go by my own experience, which was being hauled off to quarantine for 14 days in a provincial hospital, no ifs, buts or maybes. The reason rules are being relaxed in some areas is because the quarantine wards there are full. I did say in my original post it was highly likely, not that it was a certainty. The OP can do his own research. Go to a clinic with COVID symptoms, they are legally obliged to notify the authorities if one tests positive. Some do, some don't. It's a lottery what happens afterwards. The time to go to a hospital is when one starts having breathing difficulties. Instead of jumping all over me, why don't you take a bit of time to think about what I have posted?
  10. Alcohol enhances desire, but impairs performance. It's why the term brewer's droop was invented. Apologies for raining on your parade.
  11. They would probably last longer. It's why I play golf, it's better than sex. A round of golf usually is about 4 hours.
  12. If you present at a hospital with COVID symptoms, as a foreigner it is highly likely you will be placed in 14 days quarantine. Don't go, and there is no record of having had COVID, in which case you will need to follow the full vaccination protocol. Your choice.
  13. IMO it's covered by the Russian proverb "trust, but verify". Asian cultures are notorious for the custom people are told what the speaker thinks they want to hear. That goes back to the days when unpopular news could literally cost a messenger their head.
  14. IIRC, China has a pronounced imbalance between males (more) and females (less). Which may help explain their penchant for tourism. No need for desperation in Thailand. As the Brits/Scots would say, there's a lot of totty about.
  15. When we were in Vietnam, my GF was assumed to be a Filipina.
  16. The technique I've seen used in my GF's village is to patch cracks with cement. Seems to work OK.
  17. No, but that's assuming the turn signals would be used if present. In Thailand, usually more conspicuous by their absence. I'm surprised the American did not have golf insurance, I regard it as essential. Although it's not clear whether the couple were playing golf.
  18. No, I am saying if you believe what women tell you about their pasts, it's delusional. I agree, many Thai women work like dogs. My GF certainly does. I don't care what her past was, and I'm sure she doesn't care about mine. Wives AND girlfriends? Slip of the keyboard, maybe? Double standard at work? I am merely pointing out there is a logical disconnect between your moralizing on this thread, and having 3 failed marriages on your record. Don't know what the acronym means. Probably something irrelevant.
  19. You just don't get it, do you? All the terms you use - prostitute, decrepit old men, dirty money - shriek your bias and bile to the skies. You are fixated on bars, there are hospitals, shops, hotels, golf courses and restaurants with plenty of attractive women. My income is 5-10 times what they would be making. Before I was married, my prospective bride gave every indication she was hot to trot, judging by the letters we exchanged. Come the honeymoon and subsequently, sex was a duty to be endured and avoided if possible. Quite some years after the marriage ended, I found out she had been sexually molested as a child. Her family covered it up as well, even her father, who was a deacon in one of the Protestant faiths. Effectively, I had been sold a bill of goods. I stayed in the marriage out of a sense of duty and responsibility. When you come on this thread pontificating about how your wife and the women she mixes with don't lie about their pasts, IMO you are delusional.
  20. You keep jumping to conclusions about someone of whom you know nothing, except what I have posted. I've never had a 20 yo to show off at a shopping mall, I prefer mature women. I also said I have not been in a bar for 7 years, which you chose to ignore. What I really find refreshing here is men are not judged on the basis of their age, or looks. Your "handsome man" snipe of a post or two ago was again well wide of the mark. Men here are judged on whether they can "take care". I am well taken care of in return. Wrong again, I am certainly not alone. My GF and her family surround me. How do you know women in your wife's company are not accepting money for sex? You monitor them 24/7? You claim you are not bitter, envious or expressing hatred. If not, it's a pretty convincing imitation. I suspect the three failed marriages were more about you than the women in them. As an expression of insincerity, the final sentence of your post takes some beating.
  21. Oh, you're back. My education in Thailand was not confined to bars, plenty of other venues available to anyone with passable Thai. I'm now wondering if the attitude you exhibit is hatred, or envy. I am also wondering what the root cause of your three failed marriages was. Permit me to doubt you were unlucky three times in a row.
  22. If there is one thing I have learned about Thailand, it is the men and women IMO are the most cheerfully promiscuous nationality on the planet.
  23. "against n?" "Much" is an uncountable noun. Are you getting incoherent?
  24. I'm quite relaxed. You're the one who appears to be more uptight than a CVT.
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