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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Someone who was not asleep in science class, kudos.
  2. I understand 7/11 workers get about 9000 baht/month. Caddies at golf clubs were making 9-10K per month in high season, pre-COVID. Now, it is 2-3K per month. In the Chiang Rai area, an experienced masseuse with her own shop can make 15K/month. Thais in the rural village I live in part-time make 2500 - 3000 baht/month. Bartering foodstuffs is quite common.
  3. I can remember a guy for whom big bikes were a passion, he used to compete in hill climbs. When I asked him whether he had ever used a Harley, he snorted "Weak bottom end."
  4. I understand part of the title of this thread is the topic of religious discrimination. IIRC, a poster called Ivor Bigun has already had a thread going for quite some time, entitled " Do you believe in God and why." I see no need to duplicate it. I also don't take dictates from other posters on what I should or should not post. Do you?
  5. If you can explain to me the rationality of believing in some entity that cannot be seen, heard, or felt, I'm all ears. The only significance of religion to me is how much misery it has caused, and continues to do so. Perhaps you are not aware both Trump and Putin have persuaded religious groups to support them. While I am not surprised by the cynicism of that, the naivety is astounding.
  6. The OP should be able to buy noise-cancelling headphones on Lazada. A kilometre away? Think yourself lucky you are not in a condo, where they could be next door.
  7. As I said, I don't regard Buddhism as a religion, more a set of ethical and moral principles.
  8. It's going to make it somewhat inconvenient for people updating their 800K pass book with a cash deposit on the day of their extension. I can update on a CDM at 6 am, with the new rule I have to wait until the bank opens. Why not put a limit - e.g. maximum deposit 1000 baht per day - on the CDM's so it is only larger deposits that require ID? Given I don't even have a debit card for that account. Another example of the Law of Unintended Consequences.
  9. Putin is trying to weaken the resolve of Europe by making Ukraine a bad choice for foreign investment. Nobody wants to invest in a country that is under a rain of missiles and drones. He doesn't care how many Ukrainian civilians get killed, or how many of his own poorly trained and led troops, with lousy logistics, get killed on the battlefield. IMO it won't be long before the Ukrainians get the go-ahead to target infrastructure inside Russia, although they will probably be more discriminating. Putin is losing, and he knows it. So now it is either a face-saving exit from Ukraine, or being toppled by the hardliners. Possibly ordinary Russians could start a popular revolution; however, most of the best and brightest in Russia have already gone. Simple math says this conflict is ten times worse than Afghanistan. I think the phrase "biting off more than one can chew" is appropriate.
  10. Racism exists in every country on the planet, and is usually quite a good indicator of the education level. I value or avoid people on the basis of their individual attributes, nationality or skin color is irrelevant to me. Differences are a product of beneficial genetic adaptation, and the cultural environment the person was raised in. Having said that, I do discriminate when it comes to religious adherents, because I regard them as mentally deranged. I make an exception for Buddhism, because IMO it is more a philosophy than a monotheistic belief.
  11. I've found going for a swim, then using a cotton bud, is sufficient for my ears.
  12. There's an old saying - everything I like is either immoral, illegal, or fattening. I haven't tried Swiss Cheese Fondue. Personal experience - went on a reduced carb diet some months ago. No potato, carrot, rice, bread. Only vegetables growing above ground. Zero sugar. Could still have whisky once a week. No processed foods such as spaghetti and biscuits. OTOH, as much meat and fish as I want. Medium amount of fruit, eggs for breakfast every day. Cheese - brie, camembert, Mainland Vintage, parmesan and cream cheese all OK. I've lost 13 kg on said diet, and now find I can cast off the shackles a couple of times a week with a spag bol or bangers and mash. It's a matter of training my body to burn fat instead of sugar. Sorry, off topic.
  13. Ferrous iron in solution is very faint green in color, ferric iron is orange going to dark brown. The first thing I would do is get the iron content of the water measured. A simple job for any laboratory with an atomic absorption spectrometer. Depending on the content, the OP could elect to remove the iron with an ion exchange system. The other option would be oxidizing the iron using hydrogen peroxide, then flocculating it out by adjusting the pH upwards with lime. My guess would be the well water has a pH < 7. If he wants to gild the lily, add some diatomaceous earth as well. I would certainly get the water tested for heavy metal pollution. The presence of iron in solution is not a good sign. Iron is quite toxic, especially when ingested by children.
  14. Beer is probably one of the worst dietary items for diabetes.
  15. I don't hate them, I'm just amused by the poseurs on them. I've ridden one, OK for cruising. Slowly. Too heavy to get out of their own way, noisy enough to need earplugs even with a helmet on, which most owners seem to eschew as an affront to their civil liberties. The Jap bikes kill them for speed and acceleration, a BMW is as silent as death in comparison. I certainly could afford one back in the day, and was strong enough to control it. But why fight a bike if you don't have to? I lusted after an Audi TT instead. I still remember when I was living in a unit after finally separating from my former wife. One night there was a huge commotion next door. Turned out the guy in the next unit owned the biggest Harley. Two guys tried to steal it by lifting it over a four foot fence into a laneway, and failed dismally. Could not fault them for ambition. Harleys are like gold chains and watches here, status symbols for a certain demographic.
  16. World's biggest vibrators. perhaps that is why the skankier chicks are riding pillion.
  17. Thai Customs official make their own rules on assessment of duty. It's either pay up, or forfeit the goods. IME items worth less than 1000 baht are released without any duty being assessed. I have been stung 3000 baht for a secondhand set of golf clubs. In the OP's case, it depends on what Customs think the laptop and iPad are worth. I am not sure the lost property factor will be accepted. Good luck.
  18. Gas flaring is a necessary evil. If the gas is released unburnt, its methane content is 100 times more potent as a greenhouse gas than the carbon dioxide created when the gas is burnt. Some wells do not produce enough gas to make it worthwhile as a commodity. Oil well cannot produce safely without doing something about the accompanying gas. Most producers will opt for the most effective contribution to the bottom line. Any time humans burn something, they are producing harmful chemicals. Simple chemistry. As the auto industry has shown, devices and software aimed at defeating diesel emission standards are part and parcel of the profit motive. The people that have shorter lives as a result are merely statistical noise.
  19. Comfortable suits me, I quite enjoy being used as a hot water bottle by my GF at 4 or 5 am when it is winter in Chiang Rai.
  20. Absolutely not. A beautiful woman becomes even more beautiful naked. I've never had one laugh at me, although a couple said they were a bit frightened.
  21. I guess this thread is a lead-in to the OP boasting about how varied his sex life is. Or the different types of alcohol he drinks.
  22. It was a joke, Joyce. What has happened to the Brit sense of humour?
  23. The AUD seems to have stabilized in a range 23.6 - 23.9 baht to the dollar. I'm predicting it will come back to 24.5. Australia exports iron ore, natural gas, food, and lithium. I'm not aware of the UK exporting anything, apart from its citizens.
  24. Plenty on sale in multiple sizes in the temple market on top of Doi Suthep, in Chiang Mai. I'd suggest checking out temple markets near you.
  25. You may be right about killing the golden goose. I am not being pious or moral, it's more about risk tolerance. Your extension stamp is only as valid as mine while the status quo exists. Permit me to doubt it would be if the IO giving you that stamp was to be under investigation for corruption.
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