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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. My experience is of my nasal hairs being fried, and my eyes watering.
  2. Whether a hotel serves an English breakfast, or something approaching it, depends on how upmarket the hotel is. Most top hotels will. The best breakfast I have encountered here is at Sausage King in Chiang Mai, it's so filling I always skip lunch that day. The breakfast I cook for myself consists of one slice of toast and Vegemite, two poached eggs, and some fruit. I sometimes wonder how the British managed to conquer the world, given the stodge they eat for breakfast. Perhaps that's down to the indigestion afterwards.
  3. At Bangkok Hospital, I encountered a couple of sneaky tricks. The first was charging me extra for the urine cytology after my cystoscopy, which on previous appointments was part of the cystoscopy package. The second was charging me 1000 baht for an antibiotic which I did not want, did not need, and had a side-effect of tendon damage. When I asked for the charge to be removed, I was told it was part of the cystoscopy package. After working my way through several layers of hospital bureaucracy, I concluded I was tilting at windmills. I did not actually get the medication given to me after all the palaver, so there was an element of fraud as well.
  4. Many Christian rituals are actually borrowed from paganism. If you think belief is the main rubric of the Bible, try reading the Koran.
  5. I understand that may have been because the term refers to an activity which is frowned on by religions, and may be frequently indulged in by Americans before they get to Thailand. I fail to see what is offensive about the word expat, it's just a contraction of the word expatriate, which means someone living outside their native country.
  6. I hesitate to be sure of anything nowadays, you may be right. Having said that, I'll stick with the Masterfoods brand as a known quality.
  7. True, but in some instances it's not great quality care, quite apart from waiting 5-6 hours to actually see a doctor. Government hospitals give out the cheapest generics they can lay their hands on, and some pharmaceuticals that are available in private hospitals are not prescribed in the government ones. From what I have seen, palliative care in government hospitals seems to consist of sending the patient home with a bottle of tramadol.
  8. So is prostitution, doesn't stop it happening in Thailand. I've rented a condo in Chiang Mai for a week when the condo policy was no rentals less than one month. IME condos will usually allow 1-2 months, I'd suggest the OP should just walk into a condo and ask at the front desk. With COVID, IMO landlords will take any paying tenant at present.
  9. Geez, what did your last slave die of?
  10. Fear not, the Masterfoods brand is hot. Certainly hot enough for me, and I consume wasabi regularly. I bought two jars of the Masterfoods on Lazada recently. I'm not sure how Colman's can describe their version as hot, I'd call it vinegary. Weak as.
  11. Every country that has decriminalized drug use has seen a significant fall in crime rates and overdoses. The distinction between legalized drugs and decriminalized drug use means possession and use of small quantities is not a crime under decriminalization, whereas trading larger quantities is. The two terms are often confused. If anything is nuts, it is countries who provide subsidized medical care to smokers and alcoholics.
  12. There will always be vulgar rich people who do not comprehend what they flaunt is obscene. They confuse the trappings of wealth with class. Lady Docker's gold-plated Daimler and the shoes of Imelda Marcos spring to mind.
  13. No, because it's actually " The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." About 40 years ago, I paid USD 250 for a pair of Florsheim shoes in Dallas, Texas. Adjusted for inflation, they would be about USD 820 today. The salesman said they would last me a lifetime, and he was right. They are still with me, in very good condition. Sadly, the bean counters had ruined the brand about ten years later via cost-cutting on materials and outsourcing. A microcosm of what happened to American manufacturing. I get the feeling I am crazy when I respond on most ASEAN threads. I comfort myself with the thought I am not alone.
  14. Yeah, snipers invariably try to pass off their barbs as a joke when they get called out. They remind me of the Flanders and Swann line " Always be sincere, whether you mean it or not."
  15. I fail to see how viewing Putin as anything but a thief, poisoner and war criminal can be regarded as being balanced. Perhaps you have forgotten your most ignorant post, when you stated the war in Ukraine would end immediately if the West stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine. I am not sure if you are a Russian troll, or just morally vacuous. I'll save myself time by putting you on ignore. Goodbye.
  16. Dear me, don't bruise yourself jumping to conclusions. I've traveled the world, mostly on the company dime. Achieved in sport and my chosen profession. Enjoyed the company of many women. Now create videos for YouTube for a fairly sizeable audience. To me, people who smoke and drink are as dumb as a can of soup. Gave up smoking in 1983, enjoy a drink once a week. It's called self-discipline. Your own life must be pretty boring if the best you can do is snipe from the sidelines.
  17. One of the great flaws of social media is gullible people can be taken in by various "experts" simply on the basis of the supposed prestige of the interlocutor. The Romans knew about it over 2000 years ago, they described it as argument ad verecundiam. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram may have opened up new ways of talking to each other, it doesn't mean our critical abilities have improved since Rome ruled the world.
  18. I'm 79. In quite reasonable health, but then I haven't killed my lungs with smoking, or my liver and brain cells with alcohol. 66 is a fair bit below the average life expectancy of 81 for UK males. Perhaps your attitude will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
  19. A smoker is about 5 times more likely to develop COPD than someone who has never smoked. The guy has emphysema as well, 15-20% of smokers will develop emphysema. I don't know whether he is a smoker, although I would say a professional footballer should have healthy lungs during their playing days.
  20. I am not sure Zelensky's statement about joining NATO is a red herring. He probably knows Ukraine joining NATO would be Putin's worst nightmare. I do find it interesting Zelensky is quite prominent in visiting the front lines, or pretty close to them, which is a big morale boost for the Ukrainian troops. In contrast, Putin sticks to Moscow, where he can hold carefully stage-managed rallies and meetings. I guess he knows if he went anywhere near the battlefield, he'd be at risk of getting shot by his own soldiers.
  21. It strikes me Ukraine is fighting with one hand tied behind its back, it is stipulated the weapons supplied by the West cannot be used to attack targets within Russia itself. Although the Ukrainians are causing mayhem on Russian supply lines. Zelensky has stated there will be no negotiation while Putin remains in power. He's more a man of his word than Putin is, which means if the Russians want to get back to normal, Putin will have to be ousted. IMO it is quite reasonable to describe Russia as a failed state.
  22. You are not Putin, so your comment is irrelevant. His history demonstrates quite convincingly the balance of probabilities is tilted very much towards him continuing his aggression. It took the Russians months using the god of war, artillery, to gain Donetsk and Luhansk. The early thrust at Kyiv descended into chaos. 8 months later, the Ukrainians are taking back swathes of territory in weeks or even days. Putin has been forced to order mobilisation because the troops in battle are exhausted, and have no morale left. Russian army logistics are in tatters. If that's not losing the war badly, I don't know what is.
  23. Kidney function is measured by a number of tests of blood and urine. It is actually far cheaper to get these tests done by a pathology laboratory, although I did find urine cytology could only be done at a hospital. As Sheryl says, it depends on what the suspected ailment is.
  24. NATO was actually quite moribund prior to the Ukraine invasion, Putin succeeded in unifying it to the point of having Sweden and Finland applying to join. AFAIK NATO is a defensive organisation only, but Putin would never accept that point of view.
  25. Dealerships make more money out of servicing than a new car sale, and charge considerably more than independent mechanics. I have my vehicle serviced on the basis of kilometres driven, once a year is quite enough, although I usually rack up enough km's to make a time basis redundant.
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