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Everything posted by Lacessit

  1. Oh dear, I can think of someone on this thread who won't like that at all.
  2. I get it, X is your only unbiased news source. Did you get your $1 million from Elon yet? I'm sorry, the rationality of a mob chanting "Hang Mike Pence" and erecting a gallows escapes me. Perhaps it makes sense in your twisted world, where lies become truth.
  3. Many Thai vets subscribe to the Buddhist concept taking life is a sin. The city vet is obviously one of them. I had a similar situation with our dog DorHu, who was suffering terribly from cancer. I wanted him euthanased, my GF did not because of her beliefs. You need to find a private vet who is willing to euthanase your dog. Some beliefs result in unnecessary suffering.
  4. Thanks for making my day. The concept of you as an assessor of comparative intelligence cracks me up. It's like a butt-ugly woman judging a beauty contest.
  5. What a shame the unbiased owner of X did not offer you $1 million for your vote for Trump.
  6. Reading through the links provided, several of the protests were described as peaceful and non-violent. Did you bother to actually read the articles, or did you just seize on the headlines? Typical Trumper dishonesty.
  7. Trump is on record as soliciting $1 billion from the fossil fuel industry in return for no regulation. The world might not end, but it will be a damn sight hotter. Hurricanes Helene and Milton will be mild summer breezes compared to what's waiting in the wings.
  8. It also can mean a very stupid person.
  9. Try as I might, I can't remember Hilary Clinton supporters storming the Capitol.
  10. Perhaps you missed the debate, where she filleted Trump like a trout.
  11. I don't know why the OP is getting his knickers in a twist, does it cost him anything? I would applaud the checkout chicks for being enterprising, and smoothing the way for non-members.
  12. Most people understand what a dick is, and also that it has more than one meaning. Perhaps you have been celibate too long, or can't remember what it is for.
  13. N1-naphthylethylenediaminedihydrochloride is a useful reagent for detecting traces of hexavalent chromium, but only analytical chemists would be interested. IIRC the German language is the best at compounding small words to make large ones. They are quite good at sarcasm too.
  14. Do the long words you know have any useful meaning? How novel, a d!ck competition based on word length. Pass.
  15. As cockeyed rationalizations go, yours is a doozy. What chance do you think a single person armed with a rifle has against an firing squad, normally 5-12 people? Trump will say anything that gets him the spotlight. The problem is, his brainwashed sheep accept what he says, and sometimes act on it. Please do not suggest Trumpers go forth and multiply, they have dragged America's average IQ low enough already.
  16. Perhaps you have not considered the poster may have learned the Thai words for zero to four, before he learned the word for five. The longest word I know in English is floccinaucinihilipilification. I apply it to your posts quite frequently.
  17. Whether it's three or four of them, it is still only ONE WORD.
  18. You are probably better off selling the old pickup privately. While there are no doubt dealers willing to take trade-ins, what they will give you for it is a different question. You may get more if you are trading the same brand for new, e.g. old Toyota for new Toyota.
  19. I suppose some day, you will post a comment that demonstrates you actually have some knowledge of the subject. I won't hold my breath, though. Meantime, let me extend an invitation to visit Murrum Bridge, Halls Creek, Bourke, or Wilcannia so you can experience the rich Aboriginal culture at first hand. Pro tip: Remember to pack Kevlar knee pads and body armor.
  20. I don't know if thanking her for being patient is the kind of Thai I spoke. Kobkuhn krap is usually regarded as excessively polite. Krap, not so much. I used the former.
  21. He will lose his security deposit. If he moves to another city, I doubt the landlord will pursue him. The odds are pretty good the landlord knows there is a noise problem.
  22. If it's real and not a wind-up, good for you. Enjoy.
  23. Do you think my Thai GF has issues with the fact there is a financial power imbalance in our relationship? Women are attracted to power, intelligence, looks and money in men. Some like dangerous men as well. Welcome to the real world.

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