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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

    That is different but as far as I know they do not do any reporting unless you have a lot of money in the bank ($150k I think).

    Thailand might start reporting soon, and the global standard is to report

    any acount with more than 50K USD or with 20K USD addition over a year.


    But the main problem is that banks and even bank branches can feel free to

    give account holders all sorts of hastles and troubles based on the new regulations.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    a FATCA form

    FATCA is for americans, the rest of COED countries has similar forms.

    all is coming soon to thailand, that will start to report account holders to their

    citizenships countries, and even block or refuse sending money from banks.

    all perfectly legal under the draconian global new mney laws.

    it might create big problems for the unprepared.

  3. Seems like now the immigration require receipts for 3 months rent payments, they even marked this

    requirement in RED. does anyone know if this is a new requirement and if they really insist on it?

    And at what stage do they want to see it? it cannot be when applying for the 3 months , because than

    i did not even stay in the country for three months...common sense say they will demand to see

    those rent receipts when applying for the one year extention of the first three months, but since there

    is not much sense here, i wanted to confirm it

    here is the qoute from the immigration form:


    8. Rental Agreement between the Applicant and the Landlord; A copy of house registration. Location map of the houseand a rental receipt Past three months


    there is also a new notification on the immigration info page about the notification of residence in accordance with section 38 ...what the heck does this mean???


    2. The applicant who comes to contact must show the notification of residence in accordance with Section 38and present the accommodation notification



  4. 5 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    Banks do not enforce tax payments.  They have nothing to do with it.

    yes banks do not enforce tax laws, but they might tell the customer to

    show proof the account is declared and taxes paid in his country of residence, otherwise

    they will close the account.

    in many cases now, banks who suspect  that the money in the

    account is not declared, will tell the customer they no longer want him, and here is

    your money sir, in the form of a special cheque - not cash - and now go look

    for a new bank, because many banks these days will want to see the same things: documents

    from accountants and tax authorities that this money was declared and taxed, or

    simply just refuse to get your money. heard many stories like that.

  5. 5 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    the answer is always the same. just don't tell anyone. 


    if you are day trading in your home that is a issue for taxation in your home country. 


    no one will know. 


    that is not such a good solution, becuase banks around the world these days

    want to know WHERE THE MONEY COME FROM and WHERE DO YOU PAY TAXES / resident.

    SO IN case you made nice profits on the virtual world, you cannot say NO ONE WILL KNOW

    that you made them without WP.

    the whole world will know because your banks will know, and you might not be able

    to have access to your money without showing tax payments to the country where

    you resided while making this money, and you might not be able to pay those

    taxes in thailand because, well, you did not have WP when you made them.

  6. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You do not need a work permit to do trades of stocks and etc for yourself. 

    If caught working it could be a fine, possible deportation and blacklisting


    are you sure about it? times are changing and i just heard a lawyer telling

    that active trading requires work permit.

    there is a difference between managing investments on line, and between more active trading, also the taxation is different.

    this brings the question, in general, what happans to profits that are been made

    in banks abroad while working in thailand on line - cometimes those profits can be huge

    and banks might demand to pay taxes on them, but lack of WP might cause inability

    to poy taxes on those profits, and risking even money laundry charges by a foreign bank.

  7. syphilis blood test? first time i hear about it.

    now with the corona they should worry about other tests.

    as if there is shortage of STD in thailand.

    why syphilis and not HIV or even tubercolosis?

    only they will know....propably a requirement from the old days

    when the only STD in thailand was syhphilis.


    ANYWAY it is an invasion to the person privacy and i am sure that if

    the test will come out positive the information will be made public on all

    thailand health care system. amazing what people are willing to put up with

    just to stay in thailand

    • Like 1
  8. Dear all. I would like to ask here two questions that might have been discussed in the past. yet

    the ever changing regulations keep it rellevant.


    First, is it neccasary to have a work permit in case of trading stocks / managing investments on line?

    say my bank is outside thailand, and i buy and sell there shares on regular basis while i am

    a resident of thailand and stay in thailand - will that be considered WORK by the thai authorities, and

    will require work permit?


    second, what are the penalties for someone who got caught working in thailand without work permit?

    will it be just deportation or also confiscation of his assets and profits made or presumed earned

    while working without the work permit? say someone is making money online while staying in thailand

    with visa but without the work permit - are the profits he earn while working in thailand without

    work permit can be considered illegal, hence can be blocked or confiscated by the thai government

    or even the foreign bank?


  9. Those are great news. Vaccination is indeed the way to go.

    but it must be done right, fast. even 60% will get herd imunity and will

    end the pandemic completely.

    look at israel. on january it had one of the worst outbreaks that placed

    it at one of the worst places for covid. than within a month (!!) 60% of the

    population got vaccinated (pfizer) and the pandemic is gone !!

    zero !! nada !!



  10. 21 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Unfortunately it's not so easy


    you should look at what happens in the Seychelles:


    ''The World Health Organization said Tuesday that it would review coronavirus data from the Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, after the health ministry said more than a third of people who tested positive for Covid-19 in the week to May 8 had been fully vaccinated.''



    i know what happaned in the seychelles - the idiots who manage the covid exams there got it all wrong and marked as positives many people who were acctually negative, forcing many tourists who wanted to leave those islands back into qurantine in expensive hotels.


    it is quite easy now really. you should look at what is happaning NOW in advanced countries like israel and parts of the U.S. the pandemic is gone. vanished. zero infected and zero sick, within few weeks....all thanks to the vaccines !!! amazing !!!

    • Like 2
  11. I THINK THAT a U.S. person does not have to pay taxes on earning outside the U.S. is the amount is less than around 115000 USD.

    otherwise, tax authorities usually are not interested in cross border investigations of

    small amount. usually they will inquire only about amounts larger than 200K USD.


    Problem are some banks who play the global police and inquire about

    each and every fart in your account, sometimes even blocking the whole account

    for stupid reasons.

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