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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 26 minutes ago, GrahamJ said:

    Coinbase isn't an IPO it's a direct listing which is a new way to list companies


    See the link below and have a read it will explain how a direct listing works.





    interesting to check the movements of PLTR that went public this way in october last year.

    on the first days it did not move much, than shot up 350% within a month.

    now it is down from top but still 120% higher than initial price.

  2. this virus has humbled governments and countries all over the world.

    Thailand managed to control it but in a dear price - major hurt to the economy.

    The problem is that many lives are being lost also from lockdowns.

    So as Thailand try  to reopen the economy and borders to the much needed AI farang,

    the virus might come back with a vengeance.

  3. Israel is now the most vaccinated country in the world. around 90% of the adult

    population has been vaccinated at least once, and 60% twice.

    however, there is no decline in infections and sickness, alltough there is a slight

    decline in severe sickness.

    seems like this vaccine (pfizer) does not work. but the government wont admit it.

    here is a link for an article that qoute top medic to support this claim:



  4. Yes it is true. I talked with many quality tourists in the past few weeks and they all

    said they cannot WAIT anymore to travel to pattaya. also my niece , my two grandmothers and

    my five aunties said they have heard so much about the place, the only thing they want

    to do once this pandemic is over is to get on a plane and head to pattaya !

    I told them that when they will get there, the place will be so much better, with na klua resembling singapore, central pattaya will look like miami with lots of cubans and brazilian tourists, and jomtien will be like dubai, with camels and desert sand around arab sheiks.

    they started screaming and pulling thei hair.


    • Haha 1
  5. 1 hour ago, onebir said:

    What about the 14 days for travellers from Africa, when only SA has a big problem...?

    acctually SA does not have a big problem. Mexico was never closed, not lockdowns and not airports, and the numbers there are not so bad. maybe worth it considering the damages and deaths that lockdowns cause.

    as for africa, nobody really knows what is going there, besides rumors about the south african variant, and thai never had too much patience for politically correctness.

  6. On 3/7/2021 at 6:01 AM, SCOTT FITZGERSLD said:

    as we chat here, seems like there is another development in the entry policy, and now

    the COE official link does not show anymore the option for tourists on visa waiver (under Types of permitted persons ) .

    it was there few days ago, now it is gone. only STV  is there, and other sports visa ext.

    i checked it with few countries options, and i am still checking it with the thai embassy, but seems like no more entry for tourists on visa waiver passports.


    • Sad 1
  7. when i try to buy insurance from the site THAI GENERAL INSURANCE ASSOCIOATION i cannot

    even find th category of my status, which is waiver visa.

    they propably did not update the web site.

    you might think i am too fuzzy, but it is those small things that can cause big losses, especially

    when negotiating with insurance companies.


    image.png.dd95de8bb86bfabf6ea4e2b25a9c4884.pngwhen i try to buy insurance

  8. 4 minutes ago, Salerno said:


    Tonnes of people from all over the world: for feedback search this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/298606387906884 (Dr Donna or medconsult). 


    JUST a quick look at the link you provided and i allready see new requirements and new



    for example, it says: DOCUMENTS PROVING PURPOSE OF ENTERING THAILAND...hey, this is new

    to me. never heard this requirement before .


    another example: print out the T,M, 8 form....whaaaaaat? what T.M.8 form? you see, this is thailand.

    just when you think you got it all right, jumps another form and another document...and who will

    pay for each mistake? you, of course, the sorry asz farang !!



  9. 3 hours ago, Somchair said:

    I can't imagine that there is an insurer anywhere that will cover this.

    indeed no insurer will cover it, and according to my insurer, safety wings, this might

    cause problems.

    this requirement does not come from the hotels but from the government, if you land in thailand

    and test positive to coronavirus, without any symptoms, you must go into hospitalization.

    than, the cost might be on you.


    Apparently Thailand has become stricter with the rules and is currently hospitalizing asymptomatic (no symptoms) people testing positive for COVID-19. People landing in Thailand from abroad will have to take an additional test, and if that is positive they’re sent to hospital. This might be an issue as travel/health insurance might not cover this hospitalization.



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