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Posts posted by SCOTT FITZGERSLD

  1. 9 minutes ago, user70 said:

    After applying for special tourist visa then CoE, I don't think this is worth trying. So many headaches! Accomodation confirmation rejected, incorrect Transit date on my certificate of entry, major pain to get insurance, most physicians have no clue how to do a fit to fly certificate, getting a covid-19 test followed by the fit to fly certificate try to departure is very tight, if the flight get delayed then your covid-19 test may be more than 72 hours before departures, incoherent instructions to apply for the certificate of entry from different sources, embassy employees being indif if you miss your flight, overpriced accomodation for the ASQ etc. I've spent way too much time and money on this, which I could have better spent taking some vacation in a more friendly country (eg mexico). I created this profile on this forum to get some information to help me apply to the visa and CoE, and I've posted over 70 messages just because everything is so messed up. Not even counting several direct private messages, my dozen of calls to the embassy, etc. I've traveled to many countries and this is one of the worst experience I've had.


    sounds like a nightmare indeed. what you mentioned are exactly the things i am worried about.

    the thai have a way to complicate each small thing.

    it is hard enough to get PCR test on time. why the stupid FIT-TO-FLY why?

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, mlkik said:

    insurance that covers you for covid from day 1 and hospital admitance  even if asymtomatic.

    can you reccomend an insurance that pay hospital even if asymptomatic? will AXA do it?

    10 minutes ago, mlkik said:

    You need to book your flight and ASQ before the COE is issued

    well, that is the problem. if the COE is not issued, i lose the booking money !!

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  3. 23 hours ago, rooster59 said:

    Once you have acquired your residency, you pay approximately 7% to 11% of your reported monthly income into the Caja

    no thanks, i prefer to buy my own health insurance and the hastle free way of thailand.

    and 2000 USD will not buy comfortable life for a couple in costa rica. costa rica is propably the most

    expensive place in south america...and not so crime free after all.

    • Like 1
  4. I am trying to check now how i can get back to thailand on a tourist visa waiver , but am worried about too many

    things that can go wrong before i get the COE.

    I checked the official web site - link below - and do not understand if i get the COE before booking and flight and hotel, or after.

    Also i am not sure i can get the fit-to-fly and PT-PCR papers IN  the 72 hours before the flight.

    i heard few stories of people who did not get the FIT-TO-FLY document in the exact format, hence the COE was not approved, than

    they lost their money for the flight...

    other stories involved the PT-PCR test not coming on time, and again all lost.

    and than there is the risk of getting infected on the flight, and get positive result in a thai PT-PCR, and than

    you are forced to get into a hospital, even if there are no symptoms, and in this case the insurance will not

    cover the expenses (might be 200 USD per day !!and might get few weeks until the body develops antibodies !!).


    Is it worth even trying? do you know many failures stories of visa waivers who tried to travel to thailand?



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  5. Just now, TerraplaneGuy said:

    I may not be able to wait.  And I wonder how you can be confident it will be easier.  I had the same hopes last year but this question of extensions vs. visas seems to have fallen between the tracks of the official posts/rules and I have some doubt they're going to update the embassy sites or anything expressly on "extensions".  So I'm just hoping that in practice they will accept extensions and am looking for anybody with positive experience.

    i also have problems understanding how the COE works...they require to book a flight and a hotel BEFORE getting the COE, but what if they do not approve the COE? than the loss is huge .


    i tried to investigate the site below, but seems more concerned with suing the applicant than with helping him understand :



  6. i was allmost coming back to thailand, but stopped because of the FIT TO FLY certificate.

    apparently it creates a serious problem, because i must get it 72 hours before the flight. and

    i could not find a doctor that will aggree to do on time.


    there are some clinics in thailand that offer online certifications, but those certificates are not

    accepted by all thai consulates.


    than i heard stories about airlines who did not accept some kinds of FIT TO FLY certificates, because they were not phrased properly. that refusal came on check in !!! and after the thai embassy provided the COE !! so the whole ticket and hotel booking was lost !!!

    • Confused 1
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  7. 11 minutes ago, Sheryl said:

    I cannot imagine a bank in a foreign country caring or seeking proof regarding whether you paid taxes in Thailand. Their concern would be laws of the country they are based in. And I don't think money transfers to Thailand in the amounts most people would need for living costs here would be likely to raise red flags re money laundering.

    YOU do not need to imagine it - this is the reality now. it has nothing to do with the home country. what mattars is the residence country (where you live) and the income source country.

    money laundry indeed is not the right word - more an issue of tax evasion , assuming that the

    virtual activity is not criminal (no fraud, porn, drugs, ext.).


    so it all depands, as i mentioned, on the amounts involved. if the business will be very good and

    you will start to generate big amounts, all parties involved will want to know where and if you pay taxes - the banks, the governments (banks must report the account ) and aventually, thai immigration.

    so better plan ahead , if big money is coming your way. one popular solution is to open a company

    in hong kong, than direct all payments to that hong kong company, while you are a resident of thailand. than you will not have to pay taxes in hong kong, because the tax system there is

    territorial, and will only have to pay tax in thailand on amounts you bring into thailand in the same

    year you earned them.

  8. The main question here is how much money you will earn from  that work.

    if the amount is not substantial, say 20-30K USD a year, you can stash it in a bank account

    outside thailand and spend it later.

    however, if the amount gets bigger, say 200K USD a year, your bank account might ask you to prove

    that you paid taxes on  this amount, or ask you where are you based so they can report the

    account to that country. than you might have a problem to get your money out of the bank.

    This problem might also happan if you saved a substatial amount in that foreign bank (for example you got paid there 30K USD per year for 8 years, now you have there 240K USD).


    the bank might demand to know where were you based all those years, and when you will say thailand,

    the bank might demand to get documents from a thai accountant that will prove that you paid taxes, as well as documents from thai revenue office . You might have a problem to show those documents

    because you did not have a work permit all those years, hence the money might be confiscated and

    you might get sued by the bank for money laundry.

  9. On 2/28/2020 at 8:18 AM, stament said:

    Does anyone know if UAE are allowing people into Dubai (not transiting) who travel from Thailand?



    NO COUNTRY restrict travellers from thailand, as thailand is considered a safe country, corona wise.

    but do your best to avoid travel to dubai. it is red zone.

    • Confused 1
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