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Everything posted by Speedhump

  1. Yes I meant 'at least one hole' (vocalised with stress on 'least', and with a risung tone on 'hole'), and which I'm guessing that you guessed. But fair play, my reply was imprecisely worded, I concede.????
  2. Two very childish posts in a row. Well done you. Small increases in registrations year on year are all that will be seen until purely selfish benefits of owning electric are more apparent, or regulations finally prohibit purchasing of petrol vehicles. Whichever comes first. Sorry for not posting a dozen smilies at the end of this message, but I'm hoping you'll still be able to understand it. ????????
  3. OK. If we're playing silly bggrs, why? The inconvenience of mileage range, lack of charge points in some locations or difficulty planning to visit them and hoping they're not already being used, , the hours breaking your journey to recharge,...
  4. Would anyone here who regularly makes long overland journeys seriously consider an electric car as their only vehicle by choice? Serious question. I'd rather eat Soylent Green if we're talking environmental concerns.
  5. I liked my steak still mooing, but as I age medium rare is best for me. And Steak tartare holds no fear, to my mind.
  6. So, no surprise then.... But yes, eating raw pork. You couldn't make it up. ???? When mum used to send me to the butcher to buy pork sausages as a young lad I'd often scarf one on the way home. But that was in the 1960s! I can still remember the taste, lovely, actually. ????
  7. A lot of nonsense is being written here about difficulty travelling by road from Hua Hin to Bangkok. For 15 months my wife and I had to travel to Sukhumvit area on Tuesdays and Thursdays for hospital treatment, driving during daytime traffic and the trip was rarely more than 3 hours. A couple of Saturday trips were the same. During torrential rain or maybe big holidays it would be a bit more, once it was 4.5 hours. Once. The road is being improved, as we all know. So it will actually get better.
  8. That link is great if you live in Myanmar....
  9. Choose a Thai wife, eat rice for life. Unless you're happy to cook too.
  10. "Riley managed to scare them off - picking up his son and taking a swing at them". Do Aussies often use their infants as blunt weapons?
  11. Unfortunately? ???? "They let anybody in...." ????
  12. Should someone suggest that you use a real dictionary and not something online which was originally designed to give kiddies a laugh? Any word definition found there is the one used by sleazes
  13. Absolutely correct, the huge majority. Why is it that some sanctimonious farang never understand that? Sex tourism is odious, but it's far from being the main problem here. ????
  14. Yes it will never actually stop so long as there are perverts to cater to and sleazes who will do the catering. But if nothing was done about it then it would be much, much worse. So what's your point? ????
  15. Some of my past conquests (pre-Thailand). I discovered last week I have gout so that's that anyway, doesn't matter now that I can't find even 'vintage-character'.
  16. There's nothing quite so sexy as a woman with a gun, although I've yet to have one point a piece at me, so....
  17. I was going to, but I stopped myself. ???? Answering the original question, who can say? Both demonstrably powerful and successful women, and both beautiful (age is not important, although some others obviously are hung up on it). The only downside to Yingluck is that she has had to learn how to climb the greasy pole (politics; no double entendre meant) and that can change a person's character.
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