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Everything posted by SAFETY FIRST

  1. What's with the hostility, Mr. Knowitall? Did you get out of the bed on the wrong side this morning? Geeze, chill out dude.
  2. That's your opinion Only proactivity I see from Thai cops are the traffic infringements, us foreigners get hammered.
  3. I eat all these foods daily, actually most days I eat chocolate and other yummy things. I eat what I enjoy, lots of carbs, fruit and vegetables. I'm a very active person, I ride a bicycle most days and gym everyday. BMI says I'm overweight, 1kg over normal, I'm happy with that. We are all managers, it's all about managing yourself, eating correctly (don't overeat) and exercise regularly.
  4. Geeze, I really had thoughts the cops would do nothing, as usual. Probably all the press, publicity makes it hard for the cops to ignore this issue.
  5. I just noticed that this is a Philippino chat. Are you in the Philippines?
  6. I had a gf for around a year and half. She asked me to spend a week with her in a Bangkok, she had a few hospital visit over the week, she said she was scared of covid and wanted me to be with her. I didn't want to go, it was last year, May, Bangkok is hot and it was covid central, very dangerous. I made excuses not to go, I told her that the state boarders were shut etc. She was in Buriram, spending time with her brother, he had a celebration, Monkhood, so she emailed me all her hospital appointments and asked me to show boarder control checkpoints. Anyway, I went to Bangkok, we were there together for a few days, it was after lunch, I went to the bathroom, had a shave, when I came out she was gone, she came back to the hotel room after an hour or so, screaming at me to hate her. F*#@ing psycho. We westerners are too nice, these girls can be nasty little things. I'd say to you 'run for your life'
  7. Try Decathlon, they sell really big shoe sizes. You can search on lazada. There's an option to search for shoes that are your size. I often see sizes 46,47,48.
  8. Probably just starting off. Fit looking steroid users don't magically turn from porkers to fit people overnight.
  9. I try not to exercise, it's a risk, very dangerous. Check out this thread.
  10. I wouldn't say the above, probably slimmer than most AN members. But he's is definitely a psycho. Lots of force with that sucker hit, could have killed him.
  11. Yep, lots of crazies around these days. I made a comment yesterday regarding the ATM that got beaten up (smashed to pieces). It's those steroid tourists that have been arriving since borders reopened. These are angry guys.
  12. What do you do? Turn the other cheek? Possibly, he's the FriendlyFarang
  13. It's swings and roundabouts. I'm not against renting but I am pro buying. I bought my first house in Pattaya 2001, still got it. The housing estate runs at around 25k baht per month for a rental similar size. I've spent several million baht on renovations over the years and the property has probably doubled in price (location, location, location) so I'm well ahead. Saved a fortune and have no concerns about landlord evictions etc. I'm happy to hear that you enjoy renting if it's worked well for you.
  14. It's a great news story. Beats the Indian gold chain thefts and guys who love ladyboy stories.
  15. I'm same as above. No need for a freezer just get yourself a second fridge/freezer. I've got mine out the back, I fill with a few beers and the Mrs puts some of her food in it. The freezer is OK size for more frozen stuff. Food is cheap enough in Thailand, I wouldn't buy a freezer just to fill it with food.
  16. I reckon it was one of those newly arrived steroid tourist guys from soi Buakhao...........those guys are angry.
  17. I still prefer my mango lady. Bloody beautiful ???? Beautiful mango lady sm.mp4
  18. I reckon she'd do well selling something down soi Buakaow with those puppies.
  19. She's gone missing a few times now I've read. Thailand is not the place for this woman, I reckon it's time to go back to Germany.
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